
Thorns, Fangs And Ice

I was once a human that died, but reincranted as monster. Honestly I'm annoyed. Annoyed at my self. I died a stupid death and my life was boring.... You know what? Screw this shit! I will live a life the way i want to! I'm monster? So what! I will live as the monster if i need to! I don't care if i eat a human or not! I will do what ever i want to!

Andrzejsaw · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs

Chapter 43 – Winter Forest Leshy.


(What the hell just happened?!) – though the bandit leader.

(That little girl suddenly turned into a monster?!)

(And… Based on the villager reaction, it seems that they didn't knew that this girl was a monster.)

(Shit. What kind of monster is she anyway?)

(She was using ice and plant magic and she has those weird deer horns.)


(I was EX- E rank adventure for fuck's sake, but I never heard of any monsters like that!)

(Still, the strongest monsters in this area doesn't have any monsters usually and the areas near this area that do have monsters only have F+ strongest monsters.)

(So at worst case scenario that thing is an E rank monster.)

(But. I used to hunting E rank monsters as well as fighting other E rank adventures, so there is no way this monster isn't something we can handle!)

"You all! Attack it from all different direction! Don't be scared by it look! The most powerful monster we may encounter is F+ or E rank if they are evolved!"

"There is no way we will be fighting something above E rank in here! So just get it!" – shouted the bandit leader.

The bandits began charging at the monster before swinging their weapons, but when the attacks landed the hit, they did barely any damage to the monsters arms and legs.


"Are you done?" – said the monster with deep voice.


The monster lifted on of it foots high before stomping on top of one of the bandits, killing the man instantly.

One of the bandits who saw the sudden and brutal death of his comrade tried to run away in fear, but he was grabbed by the monster before having his entire head bit off.

Then the monster kicked another bandit with its leg, sending bandit flying.

Afterworlds the monster began swiping with its claws around, slashing and cutting the bandits left and right, killing some of them in process.

However, while on its rampage, a ball of fire flew at monster and hit in the head.

"Ha! Burn you fuking…. Plant?" – said the mage bandit.


"Why is not burning?!" – said the shocked and confused bandit mage.

"I'm made out of freaking ice beside being plant you bloody idiot. I also wield a power of ice. Do you really think that this level of fire power will do anything to me?" – said the monster.

The monster created a spear of ice in its heads before then throwing it at the mage, hitting the mage right in the chest and instantly killing him.

The bandits faces who had confided look and cheeky look where new filled in fear as they realized, they did literally did nothing to the monster and it just killed few of them with barely any effort.

However, while the bandits were looking scared at the monster, the bandit leader tried launching a surprise attack on the monster once again.

"[Straight Jab]!"


The man hand was grabbed by the monster hand.

"Another sneak attack?" - asked the monster.

The monster lifted the bandit leader high into the air before the slamming it like a ragdoll on the ground.

The bandit coached with blood, but the monster didn't showed any mercy and stomped on the man head, crushing it.

The bandits stared speechless as their leader was suddenly killed with ease.

However, the monster didn't stopped and began killing the bandits left and right with its fangs and claws.

Some of the bandits snapped out of it and tried to ran away, but they were either shot down with icy made projectiles or were catched by either roots sprouted from the ground or vines that were launched from the monster palm.

One by one the bandits were getting killed and nobody was able to escape.

However, the villager who were observing the massacre were shivering in fear and one of the villagers tried to quickly sneak away.

"Hey." – said the monster.

"I told you if you want to survive, you better not move away from that spot."

"Or do you want me to make me angry?" – said the monster while looking towards villagers.


The villager that tried ran away returned back to the group while the monster continued its rampage.

The screamed and cries of the bandits could be heard all across the village and before long, the last remaining bandit was killed by the monster.

The villagers who were observing the entire situation unfold in front of them were staring at the monster with fear.

The bandits were now gone, but…. Are we safe? Is it our turn now? – villagers through.


"Hey. I know I'm monster and all, but at least you should be happy that these bastards are dead now." – said monster.


The young adventures who were also kidnapped had took stolen some of the bandit weapons and were ready for combat.


The monster began walking towards the villagers before finally getting near them.

"Hey. Do you really think you can even put a scratch on me when they beat you while going easy on you?" – said the monster to party leader.


"Well, anyway- "

A smoke began being emitted from monster mouth before moments later in unleashed a wave low temperature breath that ended up freezing some of the villagers and the party members, immobilizing them.


"Sorry. But I cannot leave you alive any longer, now that you seen me in action, so no hard feelings."

"But thanks for teaching me about this world and all. In return, I will make sure you will not suffer."


The villagers tried to run away, but as soon as they tried to, a wall of ice and vines surrounded them, stopping them from leaving.

"Ah, it won't work. While I was still pretending, I installed this in case you tried to escape."

"Anyway, its better if you don't resist."


Now the ones who were screaming were the villagers. They begged the girl they knew to stop it, but the monster was not bothered.

And before long, the villagers and the young adventures were no more.

The only one standing alive was just the monster.




"Man. I really fuking liked that village."

(But, if I didn't killed them, they would report me to the authorities.)

(And this stupid bastards, if they just planned to sell us slaves!)

(If they just went with "Kill them all" option, I could have just pretended to died and waited until they leave.)

(For fuck's sake.)


10 months ago, I had conquered the dungeon of the ice elementals as the deerwolf and evolved into a monster called [Winter Forest Leshy].

Honestly, the power that was surging through me after evolving…. It was unbelievable!

No wonder that these special evolution needed to be tricky to be made accessible, but a power of two of these evolutions? POWER!

Not only that, I could also now wield a power of ice beside my plant magic.

However, this wasn't the end.

After evolving I went further into the dungeon, out of curiosity and all, but I wasn't to expect some things I encounter there.

The first thing was that thing, the dungeon core.

It was on sphere like object that was attached to a weird stone pedestal.

And the other thing was those.

Treasure chest.

That one… Confused me…. Like a lot.

What is it? RPG dungeon?! Why the hell there is a treasure chest in here?! WTF!?


Anyway, there were 3 chests inside the dungeon.

In the first chest, there like a ring while in the other one, was this special magical one handed axe. And in the last chest there was that weird gem medallion thing.

I didn't knew at the time what those things were doing, but I took them.

Fortunately, it seems I can hide stuff inside my chest, but not many.

Anyway, after I was done taking the treasure from the dungeon, I ate the dungeon core.

It was…. Hard to swallow, since it was bit big. Good thing that I could somewhat change shape of my neck now.

But… I didn't gained any skills after eating that dungeon core or anything.

Huh. Shame. I thought I would have unlocked something like a skill that would let me create dungeons or something, but nope.

Anyway, I then tried leaving the dungeon, but I ended up running into elves.

Oh well, I was hungry anyway and wanted to test out my new body, so I kind of killed them all and ate them.

After I destroyed the elves as well as made the dungeon lose its core, I ran away.

I was still new to my new body and I still did not knew my new poetical yet.

So, yea. Fighting them right now is very stupid.

Not only that, how do I know I won't get still killed, even with my new form?

There is also the fact that I looked nothing like to my previous appearance, meaning that I lost the elves.

But if I were to fight them again, they will see the new me and I don't want that.

So, yea. Run away ;P

Anyway, after I ran away, far away to the point I almost exited the forest, I made a small stop in order to finally inspect myself.

And holy shit. The number of skills I got increases by shit tons.

Not only that, a lot of skills either leveled up or straight up evolved.

However, one of the most important skills I got is a special skill called [Form Change].

I have zero fuking idea what the hell is special skill is, but the [Form Change] is a skill that allows me to change forms.

Yeb. My current evolution has two different forms.

The first form is my monster form and my other form is my human form.


I would have never expected to gain something like that!

I thought I had to give up on having a human form, since my [New Evolution] may have messed up my appearance and all, but fuck it! I got it!

I excitedly used the form changed from get go AND!

I turned into a literally small brat.



Not only that, my human appearance did not looked anything like my appearance from my previous life or when I looked younger.

I had a freaking cute appearance, unlike my gloomy look from before. Well, no surprise there. Why would I look the same way as I looked before in my previous life. But still, why I have this appearance? Is it random or something?

But why the fuck I'm a child? Is it because I didn't lived for long? But I only lived for few months! So, wouldn't that make me instead a straight up babe? Or maybe I grow up way faster or something?

Or maybe my current form is based on my current evolution form? So, does that mean that my human form will grow up each time I evolve like this: kid -> teenage -> adult?

Well, either way, it's nothing like I can right now. I'm stuck in this form. Maybe it is a form that will grow up faster based on how much time passed, so maybe in few mounts I will grow up or something.

Anyway, it will take some time to get use to my first and second form as well as understanding my new skill, researching new skills, researching combos, researching magic and all other stuff.

So, yea… For 2 mouths I was experimenting and hunting, trying to understand my body.

And I got to say, my monster body is extremely handy.

Not only that, but I can use a power of ice and plant in order to heal myself. It uses magic and bigger wounds requires more magic, but its fine.

Not only that, my normal regeneration is much better. It takes a minute to see a small effect, but I can see it. Probably a small wounds can all close on their own in 1-3 hours.

By the way, I also researched a bit about my axe and that ring.

When I slashed that orc or should I say pigman, I didn't know that these things were not orcs yet but pigmans, but anyway, when I slashed them with the axe, the axe was much more powerful than weapons that the elves were using AND it was causing an ice damage to the enemy.

This axe is pretty good weapon! Not only that, I could even enchant the axe with my own power of ice and make the axe stronger.

It does use a bit of mana and all, but this axe is quite special. No fuking wonder elves wanted to raid that dungeon or something.

As for the ring… Yea… I don't know.

I tried various stuff like getting hit or something, but no reaction what so ever.

Then I maybe though, that this thing also works with ice or something.

So, I tried various stuff related to ice and ice magic and after many tries, I finally managed to use that ring.

But again, nothing. What the hell is this thing?!

Well, maybe I will find the ring hidden power or something later on?

Anyway, the last thing I had was this thing. This weird medallion gem thing.

It seems the medallion posse's ability to create a shield of ice.

But the problem was… I was able to make a shield of ice like that as well and more durable…. So, yea… This thing its straight up useless for me. I tried other various stuff, but nope. Nothing.

This thing only needs mana to be activated, so you don't even need to be able to use ice magic or anything.

So, I have a 1 very good item, but I can only use it in my human form. 1 item that I don't know what the heck they do. And 1 item that is completely useless for me.

That was…. A bit disappointing if I'm being honest.

Anyway, the other important thing that I need to mention that the [Form Change] isn't my only special skill.

I also have those things.

[ [Create Monster] ]

That is… I was something not expecting at all.

Simply put, I can create monsters!

But…... Well…. They are H rank monsters at the best.

Not only that, it does use mana or/and stamina, be it either the ice or plant monster.


I can see this thing poetical.

I can tell that I suck ass right now, but I can see a lot of different possibles.

And, my parent is the one who made me probably didn't expected me to turn into this thing.

In other worlds, I can maybe create something terrifying!

Not only that, but my experience as the game designer in charge of creating monsters is boiling! I'm excited like hell!

However, this wasn't the only thing special.


Like a talk for real! With both my human and monster form.

Not only that, I also have skill called [Speech Understanding].

Simple put, this skill allows me slightly faster learn a language.

However, it doesn't work like I can read things from get go. It only helps me learn language faster. So, it's not like auto translate skill or anything like that.

So, yea…. Fuck.

Well, at least I have some help with this skill, so it's all good.

Anyway, this was my opportunity.

With my human form and my skill, I could finally gather information about this world.

At first, I thought about kidnap some people, but that plan didn't worked.

They were too scared and they didn't know what I wanted.

So, I moved to plan B.

I found a rather peaceful village that literally had no monster near it or anything.

I beaten myself up and also made wound on my head.

Afterworlds, I lied on the ground as if I was abandoned or something.

Then I waited and after some time passed, the villagers found me.

They treated my wounds and realized I didn't understood.

But even though they didn't know me, they helped me… They took me in and teached me… They are the reason why I can even speak properly now.

I literally spend 8 months with them. Lived with them…. Was like their family….



"Fuck. Before I even realized I began crying…. I guess I did had some humanity left in me."

"I didn't even knew I can cry in this form."



I began crying…. Fuck… I cried a lot…. I think I really did still have some traces of my humanity left…

It took me some time, but I finally stopped crying and got my act together.

I began taking any valuable stuff from the villagers as well as bandits, like the money and food that can last for long time, before then setting the village and bodies on fire.


(With that, nobody will know what will really happened. I spread enough oil and other flammable stuff around, so the body will be hard to recognize.)


(Fuck. Why I'm regretting killing them now?)

(I would have to sooner or later leave that village and they would definitely stop me, since I'm a kid.)

(Not only that, my form didn't changed even after 10 months passed after my evolution. So, I either now grow up like a normal person or when I evolve. If it was the second option, people would question why I suddenly grew up and all.)

(Well…. What should I go now?)

(I cannot go to the neighboring villages or towns near them, since there is a chance that I maybe recognized by some people that visited our village.)

(Not only that, there are no hunting ground that fits current me.)

From the stuff I found out, I'm current in the kingdom called Greydown.

In the past, the kingdom used to be party of a large empire, however because of the internal struggle, many of the powerfully figures decided to use this moment and break off from empire and form their own kingdoms.

This massive hit ended up forcing other people to take actions and break off from the empire, even if they didn't want to and also form their own kingdom.

In the end, the empire ended losing all of its strength and it was reduced to the size of a large kingdom.

The boar village is located in small territory belong to a small noble who rules this area. Its not very powerful territory and its located right next to the elven settlement, but it's very peaceful.

The settlement right next to it however belongs to the noble of a very influencer family.

His territory is often revealed as "Young adventurer territory", since its apparently its one of the best location for the adventures to start their adventure and training as adventurer to the point it called one of the best spots in the kingdom.

However, that spot is no longer good for me.

I learned a lot from these adventures.

Based on the stuff I got from the adventure party, I found out some details about what ranks I should be based on my forms I had before as well as my current form.

So, I think I was like this.

Mouth Plant – H rank (Bottom).

Walking Plant – H rank.

Plant Animal – H+ rank

Plant Beast (Savage) – G rank.

Plant Deerwolf – G+(Upper).

Plant Great Deerwolf – F+ rank.

And my current rank as [Winter Forest Leshy] is probably D rank. I straight up skipped E and E+. Well, to be honest, apparently the difference in power between ranks G to E+ isn't that big. But the difference between D and E+ is apparently bit and from now each difference in power between ranks will get much bigger and bigger as the ranks gets higher.

So maybe with my new evolution I may probably end up becoming D+ rank.

However, I have few problems.

The first problem is with my leveling up speed. Holy shit its slow.

I think there are 2 reason for that.

The first is probably the two evolution paths I took alongside the variant forms, making the evolution

And, I probably have lost my mouth plant special characteristic (Quick grow and adaptive evolution).

I wouldn't be surprised at all if that was the case, since I literally became extremely powerful with single evolution.

However, I can became stronger.

I can train and develop myself, making myself much stronger than my current self. Maybe I could reach D+ rank before I evolve.

And there is also another thing.

If I get another two new evolution that are extremely powerfully, I maybe able to skip 1 rank again or something.

Anyway, for now, I should think about my next destination.

(I managed to get some maps from the adventures and the bandits.)


(Hm… Where should I go….)



(This place. That archer guy said that the next best destination for the adventures to go after they done training and developing themselves would be Greyway city.)

(Hm… Should I pretend to be a human and become an adventurer? Even if I wouldn't be able to become one, I can just stay hidden and eat monsters without anybody noticing. I can also imagine the date rate there being much higher, so nobody would pay much attention if I ate one or two humans here and there.)

"Okay. Its decided. My next destination is Greyway city."