
Thor God Of Thunder

A guy named Jake is reincarnated as Thor Odinson in the MCU. Join in the journey as he tackles the variables thrown to him. Don't give this fan-fic any reviews please. Upload Detail : ERROR...ERROR...ERROR...

luminous1_vanqu10 · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Following his return to Asgard from Midgard, Thor immersed himself in the routine duties expected of a responsible king.

These duties encompassed a wide range of tasks essential for the smooth governance and prosperity of Asgard and the nine realms.

In addition to that Thor looked at the report of the soldiers that have been sent to various planets where battles and chaos are frequent to hone their battle experience and sharpen their abilities.

Thor also instructed the architecture department of Asgard to reinforce the watch towers around the realms and add more barrack space and artillery to defend Asgard.

After a long day of meeting and site inspections Thor took the time to rest in his chamber. It was not that he was physically exhausted it was mainly due to mental stress.

Having attended to these essential duties, Thor summoned Heimdall to his throne room.

He inquired about the progress of the recruitment of individuals with magical talents.

"How is the selection process for the candidates for my special force going,Heimdall?" Thor asked.

As the guardian of the Bifrost and the one with the ability to see across the realms, Heimdall was tasked with identifying potential candidates with magical abilities.

"Yes my King I have taken the necessary time and selected these individuals whose characteristics are suitable for your endeavours." Heimdall presented Thor with a list containing the names of 200 individuals who showed promising signs of magical talent.

"Hmm looks like there are a few....."

Thor carefully reviewed the list, considering each candidate's potential and the contributions they could make to Asgard's defense and his special missions.

'hmm I should make a small group at first and train them to their maximum potential.' Thor thought to himself.

After thorough consideration, Thor selected the top 10 candidates from the list to form a special unit dedicated to honing their magical abilities and serving him and completing his personal tasks.

After writing down the names of the individuals he selected he returned the original sheet of paper to Heimdall.

"Keep this to yourself Heimdall and keep an eye on the candidates that I have selected." Thor commanded.

After discussing other matters happening in the nine realms Heimdall was excused to leave the throne room.

Thor remained seated on his throne.

After waiting for a while Thor got up and informed the attendant that he is leaving for Nidavellir.

Thor decided to visit Nidavellir alone.

Thor used the Bifrost to reach Nidavellir.

Thor was shocked to see it. It was his first time seeing it.

Nidavellir, the neutron star home to the Dwarves and one of the Nine Realms, is a celestial wonder like no other. Protected by the Asgardians, Nidavellir exists as a beacon of craftsmanship and ingenuity amidst the vast expanse of the cosmos. At its heart, the neutron star pulses with immense energy, casting its radiant glow across the surrounding space. It's from the energy of this star they create the weapons and Armor.

As Thor reached was reaching his destination he saw many big ring-like structure that was so different from the movies the whole place was as large as Asgard.

And unlike the movie it was gold and white in colour. He saw many flying objects and he assumed it was some sort of transportation method.

He finally reached the center of the colossal structure and saw there were dwarfs waiting for him.

"Thor son of Odin, king of Asgard" the leading dwarf addressed him.

He nodded.

"I'm the current master craftsman Jinhri and I welcome you my Liege to Nidavellir." He said while bowing and the other dwarf bowed too.

"It is quite a marvelous structure you have here sir Jinhri I can't take my eyes from it." Thor said knowing that dwarfs love when someone praises their creations.

Jinhri was pleased to hear Thor's comment on their planet.

He smiled and enquired about his visit to Nidavellir. "May I know why the King of Asgard has come to visit our humble planet.

Thor took a serious expression and said "The times are changing and enemies of Asgard have started to crawl out of their holes. I want Nidavellir to produce a new set of Armor and weapon for me and I prefer if you could create it master craftsman Jinhri."

Jinhri was surprised to hear the request but agreed soon "It will be a great honour for me to make a weapon for you my Liege."

"Here is a design of the weapon and Armor that I need feel free to improvise a little. Just remember that it must be a weapon that competes with Mjölnir and the Armor is for the king of Asgard to wear it." Saying that Thor gave a sketch of a weapon and Armor design he drew.

Thor spent some more time visiting the area where the dwarfs live. He also was invited for a banquet and he accepted the invitation and joined the dwarfs celebration.

After the banquet Thor left Nidavellir and arrived at Asgard.

"I believe your journey towards Nidavellir was successful my King?" Heimdall asked.

"I know that you were watching Heimdall, don't waste my time with these useless questions." Saying that Thor used his Mjölnir to fly towards the palace.

Thor reached the palace and landed on his chambers balcony.

He continued his walk towards his throne room.

As he got seated on his throne he gave order to summon the Warriors Three – Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg – along with Lady Sif, to discuss an urgent matter.

"Warriors Three, Lady Sif," Thor began, his voice resonating with authority as he addressed his subordinates. "I bring news of great importance. Soon, we will be receiving new individuals to our realm from various planets throughout the nine realms, and it is important that they be trained to their maximum potential to safeguard Asgard."

Fandral nodded in agreement and said "Yes my King, we will prepare them to tackle any threats that could arise." he declared, his eyes gleaming with determination.

Hogun offered a silent nod of acceptance.

Volstagg boomed with enthusiasm. "It will be an honor to train these newcomers and instill in them the valor and strength of Asgard!"

' it's been so long I'm in Thor's body but still I feel weird hearing a person talking like this.' Thor said to himself in his mind.

Lady Sif, her gaze unwavering as she pledged her support. "We shall not fail in our duty, Thor,"

She looked straight at Thor while saying this in return Thor gave her a smile of acknowledgement.

Sif also smiled back at Thor.

But this was not noticed by the warriors three because they were in a bowing posture.

Hey guys I hope everybody enjoyed the chapter...😁