
This True Vampire Ancestor is clearly strong but overly cautiou

Edward, who traveled to a different world, became a top vampire hunter. With his strength and charisma, he gains a group of excellent companions and becomes the leader of the hunter's guild. He even kept vampires in captivity, extracting their residual value and sucking their blood. However, there was one thing he didn't notice.......... He was a vampire himself. Or the strongest True Vampire Ancestor in this world.

Gandhi51 · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs

Chapter 20 Resonance

  Edward argues that he now has no power to compete for the position of Archduke, and that rather than be dragged down by this illusory power, he should cut himself off from his original master's old identity at an early date.

  Of course, sending someone to assassinate this account he would keep in his little book, and when he had enough power, he would go and settle the score slowly with this stinking brother.

  Except that the real Prince of Lomuña, just like that, had somehow gotten an older brother, and this cheaper brother had written him a black mark in his little book.

  As the saying goes, people sit at home and pots come from heaven.

  "I will be sure to send someone to convey Lord Kayne's thoughts to that one."

  Ray-Ray said solemnly to Edward.

  Although I don't know why Lord Kayne suddenly changed his mind, but since he's willing to give up his inheritance, it means he doesn't want to get into a head-on conflict with Lord Abel.

  In this way, the position of the Countess and Leirelynn was no longer so awkward, and there was room for meandering about many things.

  This conversation is also considered to be the hosts, Edward "inquired" about the information he wanted, Lei Lei put down a big stone in his heart.

  After some more small talk, Edward got up to take his leave.

  Lei Lei sent him all the way outside, and when he was saying goodbye, Lei Lei suddenly asked:

  "If I may be so abrupt, why did Lord Kayne give up his inheritance?"

  Edward looked into Rayleigh's eyes and said in an unmistakably serious tone, "I'm not interested in the political struggles of a small, isolated country, and I think Constantine is a better fit for me than wasting my time on hooking up, I'm going to make a big splash here and make a career out of it."

  Ray-Ray looked at the incredibly serious Lord True Vampire Ancestor and chewed on the meaning of those words.

  As it turns out, the now-parochial Joy Night Empire is insignificantly small to Lord Kayne.

  Lord Kayne's target is Constantine, and what is Constantine? It's the capitol of the old Jugend Empire!

  I'm afraid that His Excellency never had the current Zhu Yu Empire in his sights from the start, he wanted the old Zhu Yu Empire that had once spanned two continents and created an incomparably bright civilization.

  As a new generation of Blood Race, Lei Lei had not been able to see the former splendor of the Blood Race with his own eyes, and he could only imagine the majesty of that great empire between the mere words of the history books.

  The vermilion moon hangs high, the long night is boundless, wherever the night bats lift their wings, all are the boundaries of the empire, and wherever the moonlight shines, all are blessed by Lilith .....

  This is what Lord Kayne once had, and now vows to take back!

  Lei Lei suddenly felt that his pattern was too small.

  He took a deep breath, then said in a slightly trembling voice, "I understand, Lord Kayne, and I will also contribute my small part to your cause, and Leonardo Alvons Nero would like to spell out everything he has for you to drive him."

  Edward also froze for a moment, why was this kid suddenly about to pledge his allegiance?

  Looking at the teenager's boyish face, he then relented.

  Most kids that age are fanciful and adventurous, and probably already have him brainstormed as a great adventurer in their minds.

  He then smiled and stroked Lei Lei's head, jokingly saying, "Well, then I'll take you as my Follower Number One."

  When he finished speaking, he waved his hand and left.

  Lei Lei, who was watching Lord True Vampire Ancestor leave, suddenly felt a strange dryness in his body.

  His breathing began to become labored and his strength surged.

  "No way . . the power of True Vampire Ancestor's bloodline?"

  Lei Lei realized that Lord Kayne's seemingly random actions just now had established a bloodline resonance between the two.

  He immediately ran back to his room and turned his bed into a coffin into which he lay to digest the power of this boon.

  True Vampire Ancestor's bloodline has allowed Lei Lei's strength to skyrocket, raising him from his original status as a Void Viscount, to a Void Marquis.

  However, the power of rising two Jennings in a row also put a certain burden on the physical strength, and after digesting this power, a wave of tiredness hit him.

  Then sleep, if there really was an intruder, the defensive boundaries that had been set up should last until one woke up.

  I seem to have forgotten something, there seems to be a pink, fleshy hoot ... Hooting .....


  In a dark cave next to the Wandering Inn, several ace assassins and elders of the Assassin's Guild were gathered together, discussing things.

  Everyone was sitting upright, except for Ajna.

  He had to sit on his side or he'd squeeze the wound on his ass.

  "Ajina, you're way off base, where in the world is a man who can't shoot with a knife or a gun?"

  "Are you in a trance from lack of sleep, or have you fallen under an illusion?"

  Agena painfully adjusted her sitting position and grimaced, "I wouldn't say that's entirely out of the question."

  At this time, a small assassin next to him said, "The possibility of an illusion is high. I've already investigated the companions who were sent to assassinate this target before and then died en masse."

  "An investigation? Weren't their bodies taken by the Order to claim credit? How did you investigate?"

  "I went to the cemetery where the Knights dumped their bodies in the middle of the night and dug them all up."

  "It's been a couple days, you .... Vomit ...."

  "Shut up, the bodies are rotting but you can still tell the cause of death. They all died under the blades of their companions."

  "Wouldn't that be infighting? Over the commission money?"

  "If there's infighting, there's always one or two left alive, right? But the assassins we sent out that time are all dead!"


  "My guess is that they were momentarily incapacitated and then killed by their attackers with their weapons, disguised as infighting. The only thing that could have done that would have been an illusion or poison."

  "If there is such a poison, we should get our hands on the formula!"

  "All right!"

  The assassins argued over the deaths of the previous wave of companions, and eventually it was the Elder who spoke up and brought the runaway topic back into order, "What we're going to discuss now is whether or not we should give up on this commission."

  "Give up Elder, we can't kill that monster." Ajina said.

  "But the liquidated damages for this commission are just too high."

  That's when another assassin said, "We don't necessarily need to pay for breach of contract."

  "But it's about the guild's credibility, only when we establish our credibility do we deserve the title 'Assassin', without it we're just a bunch of murderous maniacs!"

  "Take it easy, Elder, that's not what I meant. Who remembers who the client was? What did it look like?"

  That's when the bar girl, who had been silent in the corner, spoke up, "I'm the one who took the commission, and the commissioner seems to be a man in a dark red woman's dress."

  "That's right then, this client, most likely, is dead."

  The assassin then spoke of the news he had poked around from the Knights of Konoha.

  That's the story of the laird's cook turned vampire.