
This Time I'll Be The King

The world changed. The Myriad of Worlds ate the Earth away, turning reality into the unknown. The familiar land turned into danger and a mysterious system granted powers. Zen survived through hell, only to find death at the hands of betrayal and a powerful enemy. Yet death was not the end as he receives a second chance. First, he must survive through hell again. Will he be able to build a place for himself and the survivors of the Old Earth? Releases: released by volume, no set schedule. Volume I - Timeless First Day, currently available. All main story chapters will always be available here. If you like the story, support the novel with the e-book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JMPMX16

SmilingBlueWolf · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Focus On The Flow

Jiwan and I opened the Path through dangerous, life-or-death situations. The Class Rep opened it in a more common way: realization. The New Qi of the Ipagettafira stimulated her inner potential, bringing forth enlightenment. Above all, the most surprising thing was her trail of choice:

Qi Archer.

A rare and powerful trail, capable of long-range sniping abilities and strong close combat. A trail I would have chosen without a second thought, "Heh. You must be thrilled."

The Class Rep shrugged, "Of course I am!"

"Whoah, you're so dazzling right now..." Jiwan's eyes only saw her at that moment. He looked idiotic.

"Hehe," The Class Rep made a v sign.

"We can try new strategies now." I couldn't stop grinning. I was probably the happiest of the bunch. Our group becoming stronger meant higher chances of survival, and a better start into this freakish world, "Let-"

I immediately stopped without finishing my sentence, raising my hand for them to stop. All traces of joy from my face changed to worry.


"Shit. A Mo'gar party up ahead. They're hunting," I said with a frown.

"I see nothing. How can you tell?" The soldier asked.

"I'm not seeing them. I'm sensing them. Class Rep, do you feel anything?"

The Class Rep closed her eyes. Her trail had the best Qi Sensing capabilities of ours, but she couldn't match my experience. The Path intuitively taught how to use our abilities, but refining them to the utmost was up to each one.

She was struggling to find them, "Focus on the Flow of Qi. Then expand your senses slowly to the west."

She listened to me intently, focusing. It wasn't an effortless task, even intuitively learning it. It took time to get used to it, and training to rise to the highest level. In the past, I have met people who could not only sense Qi but also identify their level, abilities and weakness from it.

"Found them. There's four, one is fully covered in Qi."

"Good, but those are only the ones that advanced the Path. There are actually over thirty of them."

"What?!" Jiwan's eyes almost popped out.

"I can't feel the others..." The Class Rep said with a dejected look.

"Yeah. Their Qi is too shallow, making us unable to distinguish them from the environment. You need to feel the Flow of Qi in the air, around the stronger ones, and keep expanding. Find the spots where the Flow of Qi is slightly disturbed. Eventually you use that to discern even things without strong Qi."


Frustration hit the Class Rep again, but that wasn't a bad thing. She was the stubborn type. They always push themselves to improve, growing into powerful warriors.

"And, the one that is fully covered in Q, that is a second rank Mo'gar."

"Second Rank?"

"Yeah. He advanced into the Path twice, which means he is on a whole new level. And with their innate berserker ability, the one we saw before... he alone can wipe us out easily."

And I said that with no exaggeration. Even if I pulled all the tricks on the Northern Old Earth Army's book, I would still lose without a miracle.

"What? Even with the three of us?!" Jiwan shouted.

"Even if we had proper equipment and prepared beforehand. Our levels are way too different. We can't go that way anymore."

"Will he find our village?" The red furred Fira asked in a worried voice.

"... I'm not sure. They will find it eventually, but, right now, they are probably still some ways off."

Fira breathed a sigh of relief.

"If they hunt that far out, it is also a matter of time before they find the sanctuary too," I frowned, looking at Jiwan and the Class Rep.

"Damn, what do we do?"

"Fira. Since we can't go that way, come with us to the sanctuary. We will get our people and pass by your village on our way. Then you can decide with your Elder what to do."

Fira nodded. There wasn't much he could do. He had neither the power to protect his kin nor certainty he would find his village without their sun to guide them.

"Jiwan. You carry the cart," I said, holding back a grin.

"What????" Jiwan couldn't believe what he heard.

"The. Cart. Carry it, buddy."

"Are you crazy?!" This time he was actually quite angry.

"No. We need to hide our tracks. The cart is too good to abandon. It obviously makes it easier to transport stuff, but it's also too easy to track. Reinforce your body with Qi and carry it. I don't care if you have to use a physical boost. Get it done. Or should I ask the Class Rep to help?" I tried to look imposing while looking away, but it was all to hold my laughter.

"Alright, alright. Dammit, why is it always me? Why don't YOU carry it?!"

"I'm too busy keeping us safe," I shrugged, ignoring his whims, "Soldier, you-"

"On Haru. I don't think I'm a soldier anymore," the lady said with a self-deprecating smile. Her uniform was dirty with blood. She took off her cap, medium-sized black hair balancing in the air.

"Haru, try to hide our tracks as best as you can while following Jiwan. Make it as confusing as possible."

Soldiers had survival training, making her the best candidate for the job, "I'll try my best."

"Fira. If anything happens, just take the Yusisin and run. Remember, you need to make it back to your village and warn them. That's the priority."

"I understand, Warrior Zen."

"Class Rep, come with me. We will lure them away."

"Hey, what are you doing?" Jiwan glared at me.

"What, I can't take your love out for a spin?" I smirked.

"What lover!" Jiwan blushed.

"Oy, do I need your permission?" The Class Rep glared at him.

Jiwan cowered, "No, um… I… don't want you to do anything dangerous…"

"Fool. What part of what we have been doing isn't dangerous?" I facepalmed.

"That's… that's..."

"Don't worry. I need her abilities to lure them. I will do all the running and dangerous stuff."

"Oh. That's alright then." Jiwan changed his mind right away, lifting the cart.

"You bastard, at least pretend to care a little!"

Jiwan shrugged.

"If something happens, don't worry about us. Just make it back to the sanctuary."

"Got it. Be careful."

"Class Rep, let's bait some ugly monsters," I said, not forgetting to grab back the Lopworm spear and a jagged tool from our fallen enemies.

She smiled.

The Class Rep looked the brightest when she felt useful.