
Act 1 - My Death (1)

My name used to be Jean Daniellio. I was born in a rich town living in a huge mansion with 9 garages and two of those are mine. I had a Bugatti Veyron and an Aston Martin One-77 but of course my favorite would be the Bugatti.

Its not only that, I used to love MMORPG so I bought a $500,000 Gaming PC that just look good in my room.

And since I loved to travel I got my own private jet and would travel the world with my trusty pilots, Dave and Will.

One day on my visit to Japan I saw the most spectacular martial arts, Kendo. Because of my love for MMORPG, I trained for 3 years and I mastered Kendo.

One day I was back at home and decided to visit my high school reunion party in my Bugatti. When I was there I felt like somebody was talking behind my back and turns out someone did.

I shouted at them, telling to just shut the hell up. They taunted me saying that I used "daddy's money" "spolied brat" "rich kid".

Since I knew Kendo, I grabbed one of my friend's umbrella and had a fight. 1 v 5. My other friends started to try to stop me but I told them if they get anywhere closer I'd beat the hell out of them. After a few minutes five of them are downed passed out and the umbrella broke. So I dropped a hundred dollar on the floor next to the umbrella and left.

Who's umbrella was that you may asked? My long best friend from kindergarden, $!?&@:1815175, and my one and only crush.

I got on my Bugatti and drove away. On the way she called me.

"Jean, I'm sorry that Jake did that to you, but you didn't have to do that," she said over the phone.

"I don't understand why your HUSBAND insults me. I spent my good time just to meet up with our old friends and unfortunately your HUSBAND is one of them," I said.

"Jean, this is not you that I met since kindergarden. What happened to you?"

I started to cry.

"Listen, you- I- I wish that time when I had the chance, I took your arms and held you close and say "I'm here for you",".

"What do you mean, Jean?"

"$!?&@:1815175, I have lo-"

And before I finished, a truck hits the back of my car and my Bugatti spun until it was thrown out of the road and hits a tree on the side where I sat on and I died because of a head concussion.