
This Little Light of Mine, Shine oh Shine

Sometimes being an adult is just too much. It's ok to long for soft hugs and gentle kisses. It's ok to like the fluffy texture of a stuffed animal and the soothing rhythm of a bobbing paci. // Maggie has known on some level how different she was, it just took her two loving girlfriends to help her find her truer self. Being taken care of is easy, but letting it happen is the problem. Giving up your whole self, reverting back to the tender and vulnerable ages is scary for her. // Lena on the other hand has never done anything like this. She just knows when she is comfortable, when she feels safe, she is free to put down her walls and be who she is when she is alone. Kara helps her navigate this new thing, and they fall more in love because of it. // We follow our favourites, Maggie and Lena, as they navigate their newfound selves with their wonderful girlfriends. // This fic is NOT a sexual Age-Play.

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38 Chs

Chapter 38: A Little Sickness Can't Hurt....? (½)

Overnight, the girls have progressively gotten worse. Runny noses, weakness, and mild headaches. The girls aren't doing too bad though, the colds seem mild enough. After both Maggie and Lena threw up their before breakfast snack, Alex called Brainy to make sure that it wasn't adverse effects of the antidotes."I would say that it is 67% likely that the antidote is having this effect on the girls. Have you seen any residual effects?"Alex quirks her brow, even though Brainiac is not able to see her over the phone. "Meaning....?""Meaning, have you seen any blue sparkles, regression in intellect, memory, personality, and/or mannerisms."Alex knows she can't exactly answer that question because both girls have been in and out of little space but she can't make out if it is due to the serum.She puts the call on hold and goes to Sam, "Hey, have the girls puked up anything sparkly or blu-"There is hacking coming from the couch and then scared shouting. "ALEX, ITS BLUE, WHY IS IT BLUE!" Maggie yells from her spot on the couch.Alex sighs, Sam goes to her baby with a wet washcloth."It seems that the serum is at fault here Brainy. Should we bring them in?" She really doesn't want to have to take the girls away from home, especially if they don't feel good."No director, do not be alarmed. This was expected, it just seems the techs neglected to tell you the side effects of the antidote."Alex sighs, be nice my ass. "So we just treat it like a regular cold?""Yes, director. I will let J'onn know you all will be out of commission for the foreseeable future. I will also contact Ms. Hoang and Detective Sawyers Captain for them also.""Sams got Jess. Thanks so much Brainy.""It was my pleasure. Do tell them to get better soon."The conversation finishes there.Sam looks over Alex while barely catching the bluish goo spilling from her little one's stomach. "So this is the effect of the antidote?"Maggie sits back and closes her eyes with a groan. Sam wipes off the bit of sweat off of her baby's mouth and hands her a water bottle."Yup." Alex pops the 'p'."Lexi" The detective whines, "I don't feel well." Alex settles on the couch with her little ones' legs across her thighs."I know, it's the antidote. The doc didn't warn me about that. I'm sorry bug."Maggie huffs, "I don't like being sick Alex."Alex smiles amusingly, "I don't particularly like you sick either." Maggie squirms in uncomfortableness. The director eyes Sam.Alex takes the reins, "Ok bug, up ya' go. Let's go potty." It makes Maggie blush, but obey's the best she can. "If you continue this, you'll feel worse than you are now, you can catch an infection. Those aren't fun." Alex takes her girl's hand, "You know we could just have you in pull-ups."Maggie looks up to her scandalized. "Alex! Yo- Did Sam talk to you? It was a little accident, I- I told her not to say." She whines at the end."Woah woah, what accident? Sam didn't say anything about an accident." Alex sits her on the toilet and helps the tot support her weight. Maggie's face pinkens a bit when outing herself."Mags?" That just makes the girl grumble under her breath. "Ok fine, we can move past that. Look, I know you're not a baby. You don't have to be my littlest bug to use it. You can be big you, little you, and all the you's in between, I don't really care. You can wear them to be comfortable, to feel comfortable."Maggie stuffs her face in her mama's tummy and says something unintelligible."What was that baby?""It kinda makes me feel safe mama."That makes Alex smile. "I've noticed. Come, let's get cleaned so I can put you in one before your lunch nap, ok?" Maggie nods happily......Maggie gets settled by Alex on the couch with a sippy cup filled with blue Gatorade. Kara ends up coming from her and Lena's room looking worse for wear."Hey blondie, you don't look too hot." Sam makes Alex snicker, still stuck soothing a now sleeping Maggie.Kara shoots Sam an annoyed look, "I'm not even the sick one and I'm so damn tired." Kara flops down onto the only free space on the couch. "Lena never gets sick so this is.... A lot, to say the least. She doesn't want to rest, even though we both know it would help."Kara watches her sister switch from soothing the detective's hair to scratching at her back which makes the little one preen in her sleep, it puts a smile on the Kryptonian's face."Al, do you guys have anything for lungs? I can hear something coming up with Lena, do ya think you could check her out?" Kara knows enough to realise that it isn't that big of a deal but she doesn't want to take any chances, humans are fragile.Alex's brows furrow but quickly takes on a neutral expression. "Yeah sure. You want me to try now?""Uh, n-no. I don't think so, maybe let her rest, she needs it." Alex gives her a reassuring smile......Throughout the day, Kara has mainly been with Lena, checking in on the resting Luthor. The little one has given in and now is taking resting seriously and is fine with being doted on and pampered.The DEO director ended up checking the girl's lungs right before another nap and Alex reassured Kara that right now there is nothing to worry about. All the blonde needs to do is keep an eye on the girl to make sure the lungs are not being blocked. Alex had prescribed the CEO with a nebulizer treatment to take twice a day until her lungs clear up.The girls had a bit of soup to drink and all the adults were happy when nobody threw up blue this go round. It's almost nine and everyone is in bed. Kara has some articles to catch up on but is in bed asleep by ten, only waking for a supergirl emergency once.In the throuples room, the lot tries to settle for bed but they have been stuck in this dreamless restless state. Maggie is a bit overheated but not too much so it's irritating the girl. Both women can sense the offness of their girl. Maggie can't seem to get comfortable enough to rest easily and it's frustrating for all parties because it is past all of their bedtimes.Alex being the human who needs the rest is frustrated because good sleep is rare and far inbetween. She makes sure not to take it out on anyone though because she knows it is not her baby girl's fault that she is unwell."Maggie, sweetheart, I know you aren't feeling well, is there something you need so you can rest better?" Alex knows it is fleeting to ask her questions in this state. By the end of lunch, the girl had woken up and refused to speak. They know she feels bad but maybe the overwhelming thoughts have caused this mental shift in the girl. She still managed to smile but her joy was subdued.All Maggie does in response is tuck herself into her mama's arms as deep as she can while dragging her mommy's body to fit snugly behind her.Sam is trying her best to stay awake but it seems the task is harder than she expected. Sam hasn't been resting easy and it's taking its toll. The red sun band glows on her wrist putting her in a human position and she debates on taking it off to take care of Maggie and give Alex the rest she needs.She goes to take it off and is met with piercing eyes eyeing her to keep on that wristband. Since Sam had been Reign, she has suffered greatly with anxiety and overstimulation when it comes to her powers. Much like Kara struggled with when she first arrived on earth. It's taken the blonde years to slowly acclimate to everything around her and she still has her moments. For Sam, she didn't have the privilege as of yet and she suffers greatly from anxiety. Having to listen in on things like shouting, murder attempts, little girls contemplating suicide and their next-door neighbour's sexual proclivities. It's overwhelming for the CFO. And once she had finally broken down to her best friend Lena, she was able to hurriedly make the red sun bands to bring Sam back to her human self. Both Sam and Kara were grateful for this and on their days off they can't wait to put them on and relax.Alex has expressed on many occasions that she doesn't expect anything from Sam when it comes to her Kryptonian powers. If Sam wants to be human for the rest of her life, the redhead would be by her side. Sam sometimes feels guilty for wanting this time to herself and having no powers. She knows and grows anxious sometimes when she feels like she's missing something. But Alex does her best to reassure her. It will take time, but Sam hopes that one day she will be comfortable enough in both her old and new self.Sam leaves the bracelet on and cuddles back into Maggie's warmer-than-normal back.An idea strikes Alex. She slowly extracts herself and shushes the little ones whining. She strips herself of her shirt and sports bra and gets back under the sheets. Maggie hurriedly attaches herself to her mama's body and exhales lovingly.She knows that this skin contact won't exalty put her little one to sleep but she waits to be proven wrong.No more than five minutes later her girl groans anxiously and stirs to reconfigure her position.Alex thinks back to their time on the Waverider. During Maggie's sleepless nights when nightmares stormed her mind, what continuously got her baby to sleep was being soothed. Either Sam or herself would have their little one tugging at their shirt to be opened and for their breasts to be taken.Since Maggie has gotten to their regular-bodied self, both Bigs have skirted around the idea but were unsure if Maggie was ready to explore it more in-depth.Right now she is dressed in a shirt with overnight protection. Alex decides at this moment that she needs to take charge and to be the actual adult in this situation so they can all get enough sleep for the night."Come Mags, you're not gonna get to sleep. Maybe I can help." The tiny detective's eyes fluttered open, she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.The tip of her nose has been caressing the underside of her mama's breast for all of those five minutes. Realization snaps her like a rubber band."Mama?" is whispered through the air. Next to her Sam's breath has evened out, they are the only continuous ones left in the house."Go on love, it's ok, I don't mind." Alex expected Maggie to put up more of a front but she is pleasantly surprised when a mouth clammers onto her teat.The detective immediately softens once the nipple makes it into her mouth. With her free hand, she traces and outlines her mama until she can no longer keep her eyes open. Her arm falls limp on Alex's chest and her mouth is slack. She tries every other minute or so to latch back on but is too tired to suck.Alex resorts to patting her clothed butt every so often but she is on the edge of sleep herself.The detective and Director both fall into dreamland at the same moment.Sam wakes up the next morning with a clear head, sound mind, and a wide smile on her face when she sees her two loved ones resting peacefully beside her. 

Note: how was it? we have the second part coming up next week. it will go uphill then downhill and then the rollercoaster restarts. :)) 

~ lex

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