
This Little Light of Mine, Shine oh Shine

Sometimes being an adult is just too much. It's ok to long for soft hugs and gentle kisses. It's ok to like the fluffy texture of a stuffed animal and the soothing rhythm of a bobbing paci. // Maggie has known on some level how different she was, it just took her two loving girlfriends to help her find her truer self. Being taken care of is easy, but letting it happen is the problem. Giving up your whole self, reverting back to the tender and vulnerable ages is scary for her. // Lena on the other hand has never done anything like this. She just knows when she is comfortable, when she feels safe, she is free to put down her walls and be who she is when she is alone. Kara helps her navigate this new thing, and they fall more in love because of it. // We follow our favourites, Maggie and Lena, as they navigate their newfound selves with their wonderful girlfriends. // This fic is NOT a sexual Age-Play.

Alex_Grey_5388 · Ti vi
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Chapter 24: Blue Sparkles

The blonde Kryptonian eyes blink away the black spots clouding the edge of her vision. Her eyes brows scrunch up in confusion, she doesn't know exactly what's going on, only that she is now floating above the clouds in the middle of the Pacific with no recollection as to how she got there.Kara shakes away the rest of the confusion and thinks carefully on what she is supposed to be doing. Nothing comes to mind so she reaches into her suit's pockets and picks through its contents.To herself, she whispers out loud, "phone, ooo candy, money." She doesn't usually carry cash with her, she never usually carries enough that could feed her if she were to buy something.She looks at the cash and flips it over as if it could give her a clue, on it, its scribbled, apple juice. "Ahh, apple juice, got it."As if nothing happened, she brushes away a bit of random blue dust on her suit, she zooms along to the store and purchases three packs of twelve apple juice boxes and with the change she buys as much candy as she can with what's left."What took you so long, it's been almost forty-five minutes." Sam sets up the bowls of fruit and plates of sandwiches in front of three chairs.Kara opens up the juices and puts one out to each girl, except Alex who is drinking a slightly spiked morning mimosa on the couch. "Oh, uh, I got distracted I guess, was caught up in the clouds."The taller girl smiles, "yea I get it, since I figured I could fly, I can't stop racing the birds through the clouds. Everything up there is quieter than on the ground, as you well know." Sam's face morphs, overcome with nervous energy."Do you- maybe, do you think we might be able to visit Krypton, like, can I come with you? I know technically I wasn't born there, I was made, to- you know." She laughs nervously, "destroy the world or whatever they thought they wanted me to be and do." Sam blows out another nervous breath, "Actually, nevermind, they'll probably hate me for disrupting their peace, just forget I asked it's ok-"To stop her rambling, Kara crushes her into a hug that Sam can definitely feel."Kara, you're crushing me hun." She says a little strained.Kara backs off, but only slightly to look at Sam face to face. A huge grin is plastered on the blonde's mouth, if she wasn't indestructible, Sam is sure her face would break in half. Her eyes even shine with happy tears."Rao, I've been wanting to ask you to come with me for ages, but I didn't want it to seem like I was pressuring you into it for me or something. You actually wanna come with us?""I know it's not really my culture, I didn't grow up there and until recently I didn't know I was from your world. I just- I wanna know what it's like. I've been curious for so long and you talk about it like it's heaven and I wanna experience that. I've never really felt 'home' anywhere, I've made a home with Alex and Maggie, both you and Lena, but I can't help thinking that maybe my 'homeless' feeling is because I'm not technically from here. Does that make sense?""I get it. I couldn't fathom what happened to Krypton when I was younger, obviously, that's a lot to process as a kid. Once I got my bearings, it was still hard to feel at peace. I've made earth my home, but I've always felt this disconnect with it. Krypton gives me something that earth can't, the culture, the food, the language I missed hearing the most, my- no, our culture puts me at peace that not even Alex can simulate.""It's just one of those things you can't get anywhere else but from the source, that's what makes it so special. I would never want to move back to Krypton, I love that place, but the earth has become more my home now, since I've made them my people, I wouldn't give it up, like if everything was in reverse and I had to migrate from Earth to Krypton, I wouldn't give Krypton up for anything. The Krypton trips are to fill that scratch I get, I don't really know how else to explain it."At that, Kara brings her into another hug.The redhead walks in, "what's with all this cuddling?"The raveness takes the last bite of her sandwich and answers with a full mouth. "Sammy's gonna come to Krypton with us, finally.""We're all gonna go, oh this is gonna be freaking amazing! My mother is gonna love you, Alex talks about you and Maggie all the time. Do you think Maggie can finally come too?""Maggie gonna come where?" The shorter girl says, emerging from the bathroom and finishing up her breakfast, and drinking her apple juice.Lena gets up to sit in Kara's lap, she shifts to get comfy and then answers, "Sammy finally wants to go to Krypton with us, now you have to come too."Maggie lets out a breath, one that not all parties catch. She's always made up the excuse of having work, finishing a case, or staying behind with Sam because she doesn't want her to feel alone. The real reason is she doesn't know how to feel about traveling through space, dark, space for hours on end."How long would we be gone?" She tries to level her voice, it works for now."I want us to stay for two weeks instead of one, since it's gonna be Sam's first time, I don't wanna feel rushed with showing her everything. The trip isn't for a couple weeks, so you have time to think about it."Maggie just nods her head, "I'll see." They all accept that answer and breakfast gets finished up.The adults get up to put their dishes away while they let the other girls finish up what's left on their plates. Lena and Maggie pick at their fruit towards the end, they each sneak off another juice box and a pack of Kara's candy. The adults notice but let them think they are sneaky enough to get past two Kryptonians and a Special Agent.The rest of breakfast gets cleaned up by the two Danvers sisters, Alex dries perfectly with one working arm, while Kara washes, Alex has a thing about wet food, Kara spares her the pain of it all.Kara's hip bumps her sister, "I'll finish up here, you need to go and get ready to leave for the DEO so we can see if you qualify for L-Corps regen' Nanos."Alex puts down the now damp drying cloth and speaks, " Also see what the fuck that thing was that came out of my arm, which ah-fucking-parently, neither Kryptonian can see." The agent breathes out an exasperated sigh. "I'm supposed to have weekends off...." she whines."Poor baby, you'll be just fine, love." Sam's phone beeps then, "see, tech boy has the results from mass spec up and posted. Get ready so I can have your lovely arm back, I'll help you shower." Sam says suggestively."I- ok." Alex blushes.A stray piece of bacon flies across the room and hits squarely in Sam's face. "Oh come on Mags, that one had syrup on it.""You should have thought of me hitting you as a possibility before you were eye fucking each other in the kitchen while I'm digesting my food.""Oh, fuck off, I don't remember you having a problem when my tongue-." Another stray piece of bacon hits her, but on the other side of her face."Kara, what the fuck!""Do all of that in the shower, not my kitchen, I don't have time to disinfect everything right now.""I hate all of you." Sam grabs onto Alex's good arm and walks the bright red Agent to the shower.Kara yells after them, "Please activate the lead lining, I do not want to hear you defiling her, again." The last part was more said as a whisper to herself. Kara shakes her head to get rid of the foul memory.Maggie sits herself on the couch playing a game on her phone to pass the time, already prepared for the day. Kara motions to the CEO, "Come baby, let's get ourselves dressed."The lot leaves an hour later and they get to the DEO in two separate cars, half an hour after that.Maggie is the first to talk, she knows the least about what's going on but forgoes asking for the full run down, she's not in the proper mindset to grasp the science jargon at the moment so she's going with the flow."Ok Winnie the Pooh, have you figured out why our resident Kryptonians can't see that...." Maggie's eyes sparkle and glisten, the object is in her view, it reflects off of her glassy eyes. "Beautiful iridescent piece of art." The detective's lips make an upturn, unusually gleeful, from just looking at a weird sparkly and tiny piece of metal, something that could have killed both Kara and her girlfriend."Lena, look, it's so.... pretty." Lena goes to touch the object, put into the same trance Maggie's in, before her fingertips could make it, Winn slaps her hand away and snatches up the petri dish."Do NOT touch this. All I got from the analysis is that it is not from earth. Its carbon date indicates the future, but not earth's future but yes earth's future....? It makes no sense. What we have archived about other planets and solar systems so far, nobody we know has anything like this either. It's not like it's some type of technology, what it's made out of, its, weird, so freaking weird."Winn swivels his chair to his desk and brings up the footage from the news reporter and DEO-managed CCTV cams nearby, leaving the petri dish on the far end of the tables, Lena and Maggie unconsciously stare at its sparkles."I looked back at the footage from the fight, the blue thing was a projection."Alex, Sam, and Kara all scrunched up in confusion, the blonde speaks, "Can't be, I touched it, we fought it.""I know, what I mean is you guys came into contact with a tangible projection. In the video I studied it frame by frame, you can see glitches just every few frames. I checked the cameras to see if it was our messed up tech doing it, but nada, nothing else glitched but the big blue guy."Winn pulls up a news article, co-written by Nia, Dreamer was out of town for the commotion but back in the morning to co-write an article about the events."The person who shot you with the Kryptonite infused arrow, the media has dubbed them "Killer Arrow '', Ms. Grant is really running out of steam. Anyways, they were projecting the monster. You see it vanishes when they do."Alex buts in, "was the Killer Arrow a projection too, could they just be two projections? And how was it even projected, don't you need some type of tool or some shit." Alex is grasping at straws right now."No, they were real, she didn't come up for long on camera but from what I've gathered, she didn't glitch like the monster did, so I'm pretty positive they are flesh and blood, or whatever they really are. And I can't tell you how it was projected, I can't come up with an explanation as to how it happened, I just know it did."The agent pitches the bridge of her nose in frustration, "Rao, you've got to be fucking with me right now. Ok, about that metal thing- Len-Maggie?!"While the rest of the group were talking, the two girls have walked off with the petri dish, awing at the colours and the sparkles. They get the bright idea to touch it, holding it with their hands at the same time, wanting to be close to the pretty blue object.At the fright of Alex's yelling, both girls yelp in surprise, the object cuts both of their fingers and they drop it as they see their blood mixing together on the now red metal."Ma-Lexiiii, why'd ya do that?"Before Alex can rant, Sam does, "Maggie! You know better, you can't just-" She sees Maggie's eyes fill with tears, which strikes them all as odd. Winn, never seeing Maggie emotional, especially over a superficial injury, but the other three know that something isn't right. Maggie isn't one to get emotional in public like this, especially at work and around people not in the 'little' group. Sam then turns to Lena, her tears are already spilling over, the little CEO holds her bleeding finger firmly to her chest.Winn, in his confusion, "what is-" Alex shuts him up with one look.The blonde Kryptonian ushers both bleeding girls into Alex's office. The other two follow behind them, still shocked and confused as to what just went down.Boy genius shouts after Alex, "You qualify for Lena's healing thingy, I'll bring the bots to you in a bit, I'll make sure to knock."They shut the door and neither girl can hold in their sobs, they both burst into tears and they each seek comfort from their Mommies. Lena lunges for Kara, sobbing into her neck, Kara guides them both to sit down, lowering Lena to be fully cradled into her lap. Maggie is taken by Sam even though Alex is the closest, but with Alex's still injured shoulder, its best Sam takes over her emotional little.Alex is absolutely baffled. The door knocks thrice, Winslow's annoying signature. "Just inject into your arm and then-" Alex rolls her eyes and closes the door before he can get another word, but he continues talking from the outside."It should be repaired in under thirty minutes, just rest from there, you're welcome!"While Alex injects herself, each Kryptonian rocks their respective girl. No one speaks, just murmurs nonsense into their little one's ears. They don't try to sit them up until the crying has died down into sniffles."Little star? What-" She doesn't get the rest of her words out, she's overcome by the unusual urge to sneeze, so she sneezes but of course tries to cover it up without jostling her baby, but it's a little too late. Her sneeze coats the entire room with blue sparkles, much like the sparkles of the metal object.Each little girl feels a tingle on their cut finger, the sparkles all attach themselves onto the blood, it gets soaked up and their injuries reverse themselves, they are both good as new, like nothing happened. Everyone is confused by this new development. But that's not the only thing that happens to the Little CEO and Detective.They both poof into a dark blue cloud of smoke. All parties blink away the smoke from their eyes. In Kara and Sams's laps, their little girls are now truly their little girls, looking no older than three, and both Maggie and Lena swim in their adult versions of clothes.Alex is again the first to speak, "you've got to be fucking kidding me, am I really losing my shit!" And with that announcement, each girl bursts into ear-piercing sobs. Sam looks at Alex, death glaring her way, unimpressed."Good job Alex, freaking great...."