
This isn't High School DxD, damn it!

When I got myself my very own Game system with a world travel function in a bizarre twist of events, it was only natural I would choose to leave my boring life and visit my favorite anime world High School DxD. But as if my luck had run out immediately, I was instead thrown into an Otome game world! I wanted to visit the Oppai heaven. Not a Shoujo game world where 99.99% of the girls are stuck-up bitches and rich Ikamen are the only ones with any power. What a pain! "*Sigh* Whatever, I'll get out of this world ASAP and go to DxD." There was just one little problem. [Notice: Please note that the world travel function has been temporarily closed due to the user not possessing the minimum required amount of World Points. To unlock the function, please collect 1 million World Points.] "Son of a b-!" --- This is a story of a guy who is reluctantly involving himself in the plot of "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games Is Tough for Mobs" to gather World Points so he can visit his favorite anime world and indulge in what any sane Isekai'd OC would do- Making harem, Getting OP and Slapping Villains left and right. But in the process of collecting World Points, he will end up attracting a lot of attraction. (Not that he cares.) Nobody messes with the Gamers because they're OP. --- A/N: I've been interested in fanfiction and ended up writing this story as a pastime. Naturally, I don't claim it to be any good since this is my first written fan fic. A/N 2: This is most likely going to be a Multiversal fic. With a more than likely High School DxD as the next world... unless something changes. You never know how fate works.

The_POZ · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs

Chapter 12: Decent results

I think I did a pretty good job of promoting the park. Most of the black envelopes were given to the members of the High Nobility. Most accepted it. Many were skeptical. But when I told them the prince and the Duke's daughter had accepted the invitations and were (likely) going to come, they all took it willingly.

Oh yeah. I made sure to offer one to the prince. I kinda sorta realized it after giving one to Angelica. If I handed it to all important sons and daughters of nobles and didn't invite the prince, that might cause a shit storm. I barely avoided that.

And surprisingly, Julius seemed quite intrigued by the invitation. Also, he seemed quite amicable to me as well. I wasn't sure why was the prince being nice to me. It was probably due to my ever-growing reputation.

I didn't even have to try hard for it. My reputation, especially with this new project of mine, is growing. Well, there are also some unsavory bunch who are possibly going to be a problem, but I'll deal with them when the time comes.

Nobody has tried to actually mess with me yet. Must be because of my performance in combat training. Seeing someone blast a metallic dummy with bare hands does cause an impact on people.

I still remembered the gaped faces of everyone. That was fun.

"Y-Yes… I was curious. It seemed i-interesting. One of my acquaintances showed me the letter and it had your name on it. So I… I came to ask about it."

Jenna's voice brought me back to the present.

"Right. You came to 'ask' about it. I bet if I hadn't done this you would have demanded a letter and maybe even the ownership of my amusement park."

She shuddered at that and I had a deep desire to facepalm at that.

"Unbelievable. Did you seriously plan to do that?"

"N-NO, no. I…"

"Stop lying, or else…"

Another caressing and groping of her quivering ass were enough to make her understand.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to."

"Yeah, I don't care for your sorry. It's not genuine enough."

"I'm really sorry, brother—I mean, sir. Please forgive me for my ignorance. I'll never dare to act like that."

Okay, at this point, I was starting to have fun with this event. I kinda sorta wanted to keep it going.

I realized that my sadistic and dom side was probably surfacing and whispering to me to devour this vulnerable girl. Make her my personal bitch.

But I shook those dark thoughts away.

I wasn't going to cross a line.

Ah, but caressing and enjoying her jiggly butt was within bounds, mind you.

"Haa… Seriously. Why are all the girls in the family, no, the entire kingdom so idiotic and unnecessarily haughty?"

'What do I do with her? I hardly care for this girl. The only redeeming feature I've found in her so far is her nice ass. But that's that.'

As I was wondering if I should just throw her out, Jenna spoke.

"Also… I had something important to tell you… sir."


I turned to look at the girl who was desperately trying to not look embarrassed and cry.


"There were some people who didn't like the idea of some newly appointed Baron going around flaunting his wealth. Your park is garnering a surprising amount of attention."

Of course, it did. I had to work my ass off to popularize it.

"I already know that. Naturally, there will be jealous fools. Luckily for them, they haven't tried to mess with me yet."

"But they will. I found out from my sources that some of the Nobles are planning to cause problems for you. I don't know what exactly, but they plan to ruin your reputation in the eyes of all the upper nobility and the royal family who are said to be interested in visiting this Amusement Park of yours."

'Hmm, I see. But I was already prepared for that.'

That was exactly the reason my park has some hardcore security and surveillance measures.

In fact, the entire island is recorded and surveyed constantly to ensure that something doesn't go wrong. And Eris's subsystems are frighteningly good at it.

She wasn't just the best warship AI for nothing.

Honestly, her potential was way above what even I could utilize. But since there's no war… yet… she hasn't been pushed to her limits.

Anyway, for my ex-sister to tell me this information. Did she actually have a semblance of care after all?


"Well, I knew it was bound to happen. But don't worry. I think I can handle whatever the kids here have in store for me."

'I'll need to call back Eris and ask her to do some surveillance in the Academy. She's still busy with the finishing touches in the park, but I think I can call her back soon.'

"Regardless, thank you for letting me know. I'm surprised you actually cared for me even this much. Even if we're no longer family and thus related.

Anyway, since you were, for the first time, sensible and mature(it only took 10 rough spanks), I'll let you go this time."

"A-Ah, yes. Thank you. Can you please let go then?"

She hurriedly spoke, not waiting a second in case I change my mind.

That made me think of something. She really hated this position, no doubt. And from how hard I had hit her ass, the marks were going to make her unable to stand or walk, let alone sit properly for a day or two.

"You know, I am actually kinda feeling good right now. I had a lot of accumulated stress and this 'bonding' time we had relieved some of it. So, I'll give you something nice."

I caressed her rear, eliciting shudders and groans.

"If you say please and promise to act like a proper woman, I will heal your ass. Trust me when I say this, these burning aches you're feeling right now won't go away for a day or so. How will you go around your business if you can't even walk properly?"

She looked back at me or at least tried to, and I saw her teary and flushed face.

Oh, that expression suited her very much. Seeing the always arrogant and haughty girl bent down on my lap and looking afraid and embarrassed. There was a barely hidden rage too, but she tried not to show it.

I smiled cheekily, causing her rage and embarrassment to swirl.

"W-What do you want from me?"

She finally muttered.

"Like I said. Say please and promise to act like a proper woman. You don't have to act like an ass (heh) all the time. Especially not to me. I don't tolerate such shit."

"P-Please. Let me go. I won't do it again."

She quickly muttered.

"Nah-uh. Say it properly and loudly. I couldn't hear you."


Her face turned redder, but this was her rage taking over.

A single light spank on her rear got her anger issues in control, though.

"P-P-Please, sir."

"What do you want me to do, Jenna? Say it properly."

"I-I want y-you to heal me."

"Heal you where?"

"You know where."

"I don't. Say it properly."

She whimpered.

"My back."

"No. Say the right word."

"M-My rear."

"Not good enough. But you're close."


At this point, she really looked like she would start crying again.

"Ugh, my… my ass. I want you to heal my ass… sir."


"Well done, Jenna. I knew you could do it. Here's your reward for being a good girl."

I gave her a delighted smile.

Hovering my left hand over her reddened rear, I cast one of the spells that had been incredibly useful to me in my travels.

'<Minor Heal>'

Healing magic was so useful. And in this world, where it was incredibly rare, it was no wonder Olivia became the Saintess once they found out about her Healing Magic.

Mine was a variant of the said Healing Magic that I got from the Game after completing a certain quest in the game that would not be accessible to the player normally.

Had to cheat. Don't regret it one bit. Hehe.

With a white glow that swirled and then caressed the focal point of my magic, Jenna's ass, it quickly worked its… well, magic.

Within seconds, the red marks were gone and her rear was back to its healthy state. Ready for another round of fun, if need be.

"Alright, all done. Does it hurt still?"

I asked, looking at the agape Jenna.

"W-Wha… That… was that actual healing magic?!"

She exclaimed.

"Nope. It was just a minor healing charm. Don't worry your pretty little head about it."

Now that that was done, I gave her ass a final squeeze to ensure there was no pain. It was for research purposes, I swear. Not because I quite liked their feel.

I finally let her go and she stumbled to be on her foot. Without a word, she quickly pulled on her light blue underwear and her frock and adjusted her dress.

And then she looked at me with a strange expression.

There were a lot of emotions going through her head right now.

Great Embarrassment, Inferiority, Fuming Rage, Shame, Fear, Mild Arousal, Humiliation— Wait, Mild Arousal?

Did that arouse her?

I raised an eyebrow at her. She didn't speak a word and only stayed there looking at me.

Finally, I had to speak.



[Jenna's POV]

"… Nothing. I'll leave now."

She turned to quickly leave this room where she had been sullied and shamed like never before.


The voice of her younger brother, now ex-younger brother, caused her to freeze.

What now? Was he not satisfied with this? He had just now humiliated her like no one ever had.

Oh, the shame! She felt like dying right now.

How the hell did she let her ex-younger brother dominate her so easily?

Why couldn't she free herself from his grip?

How was he so strong?

Why the hell did she even come here?

If she knew it would turn into… into a round of her getting spanked while she struggled and failed and then gave up and finally submitted, then she wouldn't have come here.

This boy, no, this man was not the brother she knew.

He had changed.

She had come here today to meet her idiotic brother and teach him some manners. The bastard had the gall to do something outrageous and not even show some decency and invite his own family.

She had come here, with plans to show him his place, but instead, she was shown her place.

Damn it.

Damn it!


It wasn't supposed to go like this.

She was supposed to get one of those fancy black envelopes and keep him in his damn place. And maybe, just maybe, let the fool know that his actions were causing some minor storms.

The fool was no longer part of her family, but she was still going to be generous and show him some kindness. And then he was going to be grateful to her and show her the well-deserved appreciation.

And maybe also share some of the wealth he had been lucky enough to stumble upon.

At least, that was the plan.

And yet, now she stood silently, cursing him inside but not daring to speak anything. She couldn't win in a physical confrontation. The bastard ex-brother of hers was too strong. How?!


She cautiously asked.

She so wanted to leave this humiliation behind and plan to get revenge.

"I didn't say you can leave yet. This is my dorm and you, Jenna, are in my territory. You didn't think I would let you leave without showing proper courtesy, did you?"

"Wha? That…"

What the hell was he talking about now?

Argh, that arrogant and cheeky smile of his.

She really wanted to sucker punch his face.

"Haha, I'm just kidding. You look like a dear caught in a headlight."

This bitch!

"Here. If you promise to act properly from now on, I'll give you this."

He pulled out a paper from… somewhere?

"It's the ticket to my Amusement Park. Not the VIP ticket coz that's only for the High Nobility and Royalty. This is just a normal ticket. It'll be usable from the second day of the opening of the park. You can take up to 6 members. I want you to take your family and have some fun. Maybe lose some of that haughtiness in the Onsens. That's all. You can leave now."

She carefully walked to take the ticket.

She winched slightly as she felt fantom stings on her rear.

Ugh, even though he said he was healed, for some reason, there were still tickles and occasional stings.

So embarrassing.

No one had ever spanked her in her entire life. Not even her parents.

If this information got out, her reputation would be as good as gone.

No one will marry her.

Speaking of, why didn't she already have a marriage partner yet?!

Keeping the ticket carefully in her skirt's hidden pocket, she pulled back and left the room. This time she wasn't stopped.

'Grr… The damn Leon… I will remember this humiliation. I swear on my name Jenna Fou Bartfort. Ack!'

Her hands subconsciously moved to her rear, caressing it.

She wouldn't be able to forget this humiliating incident for a long time.


Well, at least she got a ticket. It wasn't exactly what she wanted, but there wasn't much she could do about it. She won't say it out loud but she was also quite intrigued about this whole Amusement Park thing. It was the talk of all students nowadays. A few had received tickets and others were interested in it too. There would be people who will want to get it. Nobles were greedy and vain. They would always be interested in new and fancy attractions.

Somehow, her idiotic brother, ex-brother, had done something crazy again.


A/N: Okay, I’ll admit that the scene with Jenna kinda got out of hand. Not sure what happened there. I was probably horny or some shit while writing it, lol. But there you have it. The bitchy sister has been taken down a peg. MC can sometimes lose his marbles and do such things apparently. Let’s hope he doesn’t cross the line and do something inappropriate. Hahaha… wait, will he? Is this going in that direction? Oh, fuck. What am I doing right now?!

Welp, for now, this will be a one-time thing. I wasn’t planning to do anything with Jenna but somehow ended up writing a 3k+ words long scene. My brain is weird sometimes.

Anyway, please tell me this chapter(and the previous one) wasn’t too horrible. If it’s too bad, I might consider changing it or toning it down a little.

That’s all.

Until next time~

The_POZcreators' thoughts