
This Is What’s Left

Atlas is alone, and as far as he knows there is no one else left alive on the planet. He's been own his own since 16 when his mother and father were killed by the undead. Atlas has been on his own for 7 years now, he's traveled to many places, but no one is left. He leaves himself with two option, survive or kill himself.

bransonc01 · Kinh dị ma quái
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What Haunts Me The Most

    I'm out of options, I don't know what to do, "they" are inside and outside waiting for me, It won't be long before they get in here. This is it.


    16 years ago I watched my parents die in front of me. It started out as a normal day, I was headed to my high school like any other day. My teacher got a call and with a distressed voice told us all to get home as quickly as possible. No one knew what was about to happen. I rushed home to find my parents packing bags, and yelling at my to pack one too. I asked them what was going on but they ignored the question and told me to pack. That's when I saw the news, the anchorman referred to the attackers as "they". "They" were attacking and eating people on sight. The government had sent in the military to hold them off and get people to safety, too bad they failed in that job. 

    My father quickly turned off the tv, helped me pack and we rushed to the car. We pulled out and headed to the highway, but it was backed up with traffic for miles. We were stuck, with fear in my parents eyes we got out of the car, leaving everything and started walking. Where we were walking to no of us know. 


     We walked for days, we finally had to stop and find something to eat. We ended up in a quiet small town, found a small supermarket and began looking for any food. My parents found a few cans of food that could last us a few days, maybe. We found a small empty house to spend the night in, it fortunately had power still. We turned on the tv to see if we could find any news on a safe place to go, but nothing was on other than the "This Is Not A Drill" screen. We were all in the dark. We all ate, and went to sleep in the same room that night, mom and dad took turns on who would sleep and who would keep lookout for the night, I on the other hand couldn't sleep at all. 

    Around 3am I finally went to sleep. That was the worst decision I could of made. I was awoken by banging and my mother's screams. Her and my father were throwing things at the door to bar it shut, but their strength was too overpowering to stop them. One of them grabbed my fathers arm and bit him. My mother, in complete shock, dropped to my father's side and started crying, that was her mistake, they rushed into the room grabbing my father and ripping him apart. My mother had been tackled to the ground by one of them, she was screaming at me to get out and get as far away as possible. As I jumped through the window the last thing I heard my mother say was I love you, never give in, and live for us. Her screams still haunt me till this day.