
This Fucking Novel

"Will you leave? Or will you stay?" -Cover is not mine-

Zelrach_06 · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Stella Class (1)

-poke poke

"Excuse me, are you the new student that will attend the Stella class?"

Perhaps because I'm engrossed in thinking about my childhood, I could now only hear the voice behind me.

Turning around I could see a woman shorter than me with short black hair wearing square glasses.

"You're the new student right? I'm your guide, my name is Myra and I'm here to show you to the academy you'll now be attending, but first we'll need to measure your potential as well as your stats"

"Can that be put up for later? I've been feeling really exhausted after I was teleported here. Can you show me to my room first?"

I vaguely remember my friends mentioning that students that attend this school have their own rooms.

Since I still have hours before the story starts, I might as well think about how I should act considering the character that I inhabit and what I should do as well as list all the spoilers that my friends told me before I forget it.

"Oh so that's why your 6 hours late, first timers usually gets really exhausted after being teleported using delayed teleportation, tsk they should have informed me that"

She shakes her head while saying so. She then looks up to me again.

"I'm sorry, not showing you around is doable however we still need to measure your status"

"I see. then lead the way"

I'm a bit disappointed but I still complied. It was nothing difficult after all and I don't have to tour this humongous school.

Walking alongside her I entered the school gate.

The streets of the school were wide with street lamps that are currently lit up placed beside it. Benches and trees can also be seen alongside the lush green grass.

If it weren't for the streets leading to various buildings and facilities then I'll probably assume this place was a park because of the entrance.

While walking I could feel the gazes of the passersby, presumably students landing on me and I could hear their words as well.

"Isn't that the ruthless king from the slums?"

"No way he's attending this school?"

"Who's that?"

"You don't know him? He's quite famous. Rumours has it that he treats the slums as his territory"

"There's a rumour that he eats children too"

"He's quite handsome though is he really the ruthless king?"

Ruthless king? More like a kidnapped person.

"You're quite famous" Myra commented with a grin on her face to which I shrug, I don't even have a clue of what they're talking about, But I still listen regardless since it might help in establishing my character.

After some time, we've finally arrived at the place where my status will be measured.

It was a wide bright room with its floors being tiles. In the middle of the room was a large floating black sphere aside from that there's nothing else really worth nothing.

"Place your hand on the measurement device and we'll be done" Myra instructed while standing behind the measuring device that's probably where they check the results.

"Let's see, you probably have a 3 star on your stats don't you? People with special abilities at your age are really gifted, and since you're called the ruthless king of the slums it's okay for me to expect that right?."

Smiling wryly at her words,I placed my hand on the sphere and quietly waited.

She'll probably be disappointed.

A bit of time passed until I finnaly heard her voice.


Since she's on the opposite side of the sphere I can't see her expressions but if I had to guess she's most likely shocked.

"You have a 9/10 potential and 5/5 on the special one but..all of your stats are…at 1 star at low stage."

"Wh-why are you so w-weak?"

"Can you show me my room now?"


Myra, still confused, guided me out of the measurement room. We walked around for a few more minutes until we reached two large rectangular five story buildings connected by one small circular building that seemed like the only entrance.

entering the small building we were immediately greeted by a wide lobby room with couches, tables and chairs neatly organized, while chandeliers lit up the lobby.

Inside the lobby room there are two hallways, one that leads to the left and one that leads to the right.

"The left hallway connects to the female dorms while the right hallway connects to the male dorms" Myra explained

"Your room number is number four, and that is where you'll be staying until you become a 2nd year then you'll move to the 2nd floor on the same room number. This building is exclusive only to the Stella Class so you can't bring in anyone that's not in your class do you understand?"


"Good, Here is the keys to your room, Make sure to check the wardrobe in your room as it is contains your school uniforms and things that are needed here in school, you also don't have to worry on whether or not it will fit you as it is enchanted with magic so it will adjust itself to your size, If you have any other questions then please find me here I'll always be at the lobby"

"N-Now if you'll excuse me I still have to attend a meeting you see"

Myra hurriedly left after saying those words.

A meeting at night? She probably just want to get away as fast possible.

Though I gotta hand it to her for still being able to guide me despite being confused about why I'm so weak.


Unlocking the door with the keys I entered my room, it was quite easy to find since all I had to do was to enter the male dorms and find the fourth door.

My room was quite dark even if the curtains of the window were open, most likely because the sun has now set.

Despite that I was still able to make out my room.

The room was quite spacious, not to the point that you'll say "wow it's so big!" But just the right amount of space considering it's only for one person.

Just like any other rooms used for living there was a bed wide enough for 2 people. on the opposite of it was a closet and a Vertical mirror of the same size.

There was also another door inside the room but it probably just leads to the bathroom.

Since I was exhausted and it was already night time I would have loved nothing more than to just hop into the bed and cry myself to sleep but unfortunately there is something else that needs immediate action before I sleep.

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes.

9 years.

I have to stay in this novel world for 9 years.

A lot of things could happen if one were to stay in an unfamiliar place for a long time.

What If I slowly became attached to this world?

Of course I have no intentions of doing so.

I might think of this now but life is full of unpredictable things.

One day you might just find yourself kidnapped and brought to a world different from your own.

And one day you might just slowly find yourself slowly being attached to that world.

I don't want that to happen. I reject even a single thought of it happening.

But I'm not dumb enough to just consider it happening and not take action to at least prevent it from happening.

One thing that could be done is to detach myself from everything from this world and that means to reject my new body.

I am Aiden Roswin from earth and will always be not someone that's called Ruthless king.

Making my way towards the mirror I stopped just right before my face was reflected and


I punched the top part of the mirror that would have most likely shown my face with my left hand.

Is it because my stats were weak? Or because my left isn't my dominant hand? The part of the mirror that I was trying to break was still mostly intact so I punched it again while still being careful to not show my face on the mirror.


And again.


Until the top part finally shattered.

-clink clink

Pieces of glasses fell out of the broken part of the window as well as my left fist.

-Drip drip

It was bleeding and hurt quite a lot but I ignored it, there was still one thing that would show a reflection of my face if I weren't careful.

I close the curtains of the window in my room with my head down so as not to see my reflection.

With that done I lay into my bed finally letting my exhaustion take over.

Listing the spoilers can come tomorrow.


-knock knock

Awakened by the sound of knocking I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the door.

Opening It, Myra was standing in front of the door just looking at the floor.

"Good morning! I just want to remind you that classes will start in about an hour and a half so it would be best if you could get ready and head to the lobby, bye!"

And with that she quickly ran away as if escaping.

is she embarrassed? what the fuck? there's nothing to be embarrassed about though.

An hour and a half…

getting ready for the first day of school wouldn't really take that long since I've been doing it since I was 6.

Entering the bathroom in my room I was surprised that they have modern kinds of toothbrushes, soap and a shower.

I expected that It wouldn't even have those kinds of things since It was set in a medieval period with a bit of modernity. I'm relieved that it isn't what I expected or else living without those things that I have grown with for 9 years in a novel world would be hell.

Anyway I took a bath and all the other basic stuff necessary for proper hygiene.

After that I put on the provided academy's uniform.

It was a black formal shirt with a white tie, Black pants and A White Blazer.

The uniform also has the Stella class insignia engraved on the left shoulder part of the uniform.

After all of that I exited my room and headed to the lobby.

One more chapter coming up later WOOF.

Zelrach_06creators' thoughts