this existed back in the day
I walked out from the elevator and into the room. Straight away, it looked different from the corridors, which were all the ground level had.
This was a cave, a pretty wide one at that. Orange crystals, which were attached to the walls like torches, were lighting up the cave.
I slowly walked forwards, following the only path this cave has.
And then I heard it.
It was a roar. It came from around the corner and I took a peak to see what kind of monsters I'm gonna be fighting with.
"Ahaha. The hell?" I whispered, doing my best not to give away my location.
My legs started to shake and I did my best to calm myself down, because this think looked like a dog. A gigantic three headed dog, knows as the Cerberus.
I heard that dogs can sense fear and that's why I needed to keep calm but it looks like it's already too late.
It slowly walked in my direction, so having no other choice I jumped out into the open and summoned my manipulators.
Let's see if I can beat him.
The Cerberus instantly jumped back and opened the left head's mouth, and a fireball flew in my direction, though I think it's safe to call it a magma ball, considering the amount of mana in it.
It's an instant kill if I get hit by one, but I expected as much.
By dashing to the left I avoided the magma ball and sent out the manipulators to attack.
[chilling touch]
I activated the ability, and all four daggers started emitting particles of ice, showing that the skill is definitely working. Good.
In a matter of seconds, the amount of sucsessfull hits is 15, and the numbers keep rising. Thanks to the huge manapool of the cerberus and the manipulator's aability to give me any excess mana they have I'm able to constatntly keep chilling touch turned on.
Despite having over 30 stacks of [chilling touch] applied, the cerberus keeps moving with his normal pace, which is oddly low. Something seems very suspicious about it, because I can't imagine a beast of his level being this slow.
I attempted to sense the mana in the air, to figure out if the cerberus is doing something without my notice - and surely enough, mana from the immidiate area around him was being sucked into his mouth.
by the looks of thing this is a channel ability, and since the mana is being sucked into himself it was probably a buff. That would explain why he was moving so slowly as well, because when you are chanelling any ability you movement becomes very restricted until the spell is cast.
I kept stacking up more and more attacks with the manipulators while dodging his relatively slow attacks, but I need a way to prevent him from finishing the spell.
"So I just have to stun him, it can't be too hard." I don't mean to surprise him, but rather the *stun* from a videogame.
A stun disables your target from doing any action for an amount of time, and depending on the strength, the duration varies - but here's when logic comes into play.
To cancel a channel ability, all you need to do is stun the target, and it doesn't matter how long it lasts - even if it's just a split second.
A strong bash in the head would be perfect, but I don't have anything heavy with me so I need to improvise.
I grouped up the four manipulators in the air and made them turn around, so that te part which is attacking the cerberus is the handle and not the blade. I lowered my hand, and the daggers, which now acted like a single hammer, slammed down at the cerberus' head.
I didn't actually need to gesture my hand to make the daggers move, but damn that felt good. It's the kind of attack some evil guy from a generic manga would do, and I always thought that it would be absolutely awesome to do that as well, and boy was I right.
Anyways, I don't have much time to play about so I raised the imrpovised hammer head into the air once more and slammed it into his ear. It's a trick I learned from movies - discombobulation. Let's see if it works in this world.
"Ha! Nice." I was watching the cerberus very closely while doing the attack, and luckily it worked. I saw him completely stop moving for a fraction of a second, but that's all it took to cancel a long chanelling spell.
I'm glad that monsters are dumber than humans, because a human would have understood my intentions of cancelling the channel spell right away.. I think.
"Welp, now's the hard part." I said with a sigh.
Since the cerberus' movement is no longer going to be restricted, he will be fighting with hus full strength. But still, if I didn't cancel the spell he would have given himself a ridiculously strong buff and would have had no chance, so it was definitely the right choice.
I made two manipulators retreat, so that they could block some of his attacks, while the other two started slicing the guy. 245 stacks of [chilling touch] is what I managed while he was in his *weak form* but I didn't notice even the slightest change. I guess I'll have to hit him several thousand times to have any effect on him at all, so this is bound to be an exhausting battle - if I survive it that is.
I'm starting to regret this actually, but I don't have much of a choice now, do I? Plus, I really need to drink something, because dying from dehydration inside a dungeon just sounds retarted to me.
Stuff's happening, and River is in a bit of a pickle. At the same time the princess is confused as to where River could have gone, but more on than later.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.