
Not all new thing are good.

All other problems aside, I need to be able to avoid his attacks and to do that I need an insane amount of speed.

I could get the speed by putting stat points into it, but as of now I don't have any so then there is the second option. I could Use a skill which would speed me up, for example [sprint], or wind attribute magic to push myself forward while running. There are a bunch of other ways I could do it, but none of my abilities or passives could directly speed me up, and for that reason I came up with a way to use the cerberus' huge amount of mana.

Well, it's not really his because he mostly uses mana from the atmosphere, but that doesn't matter to me.

The cerberus started charging three magma balls, one with each head. Luckily, the speed of this spell is bearable, so somehow avoided all of them.

The beast realized that the magma balls aren't enough to hit me so he dashed at me so fast that I couldn't even see him. Analytic thinking was activated, so I had just enough time to feel his presence. Thanks to the amount of mana which has been stolen from him using the manipulators, I was able to create a simple sphere of mana. It was unstable and pure mana can't be used for spells, leading to the sphere's exlosion.

The explosion itself did no damage, but it was strong enough to knock me away. I then ran up to the cerberus and slid between his legs - a move I learned while fighting wyverns.

Because of how large his body is, it will take him over a second to sit down, which is plently of time to get behind him. The cerberus ran to the side and launched a few more magma balls at me, all of which I succsessfully avoided.

While all of that was happening, the manipulators kept doing their work and a total of 398 stacks of [chilling touch] were now applied to the cerberus.

I ran towards the cerberus so that I could win some more time for the manipulators by weaving in between his legs, forgetting about his monstorus reaction speed.

He appeared in front of me again, and this time I didn't have enough time to make a mana sphere which would be large enough to push me away, but I managed a small one, barely saving me in time. I need to be more careful, after all if I would have reacted one millisecond later this attack would have been fatal.

I pulled myself up my grabbing onto a manipulator, but after I let go of it and attempted to run I collapsed on the ground. Why would that be? No, I don't have time, I have to get up right now!

I pulled myself up once more, and looked on the ground this time.

"Eh, wh-what.. no. No. Fuck!" I shouted with fear.

I was standing on my right leg, and the left one.. was gone. The pain, which was numbed down due to the adrenaline rush, finally kicked in. Unable to hold it in anymore, I screamed in pain.

Even if I am gonna die, this is definitely not the way I wanted it to happen.

Hold on, why am I stil alive? Shouldn't the cerverus have finished me off my now?

Oh, I get it. He's one of those creatures that likes watching the suffering of others. I swear, this is the thing that all enemies do in manga - they watch you with this look of *sorry but you lost* as if intentionally giving you time to win.

Haha, well it would be a huge waste not to use an opportunity like this, wouldn't it? I guess I'll give it a go, it's still better than dying right away.


While the cerberus was giving me a condescending look, I grabbed two manipulators, one in each hand, and flew up to the ceiling of the cave, which was very high. The poor guy made a huge mistake by letting me just lay on the ground for 30 seconds, because all of this time the manipulators were applying more and more stacks of [chilling touch].

Even someone as strong as the ceberus is sure to feel some effect when he has 2247 stacks of [chilling touch] on him, and surely enough - his movement speed dropped drastically.

That doesn't help me that much at first glance, since all I can do without a leg is to hang in the air - but there is actually another effect. He won't be able to jump up to me aanymore, because jumping requires a lot of instant momentum, which the cerberus will be unable to have.

"Alrighty then, time to play *bullet hell*." I said, trying not to show how much pain I'm in. Having a severed leg really is a new feeling, though not a good one.

(The term *bullet hell* refers to a sub-genre of shooters whose main gameplay focus is dodging seemingly endless waves of colored bullets. In these games the player controls a small ship or character which flies around the environment, shooting at waves of enemies until eventually reaching a stage boss.)


Each head started charging magma balls, but something about them was different. They were smaller, and the intensity of the fire inside of them was a lot smalle, so I think I can call these ones normal fireballs.

Three, that should be easy to avoid. Six, okay. 9. 12. 15.. the amount of fireballs around the heads started increasing in increments of three, and each new batch took less time to make than the previous one. Alright, so it's a game we're playing. Either he runs out of mana first, or I run out of blood, which still hasn't stopped pouring from my leg.

I made one manipulator, which was previously focused on the cerberus, cut the fireballs.

The cerberus noticed that, of course, and decided to start shooting me right away, otherwise all of the balls would be cut in half before they had time to even be shot at me.

I took a deep breath and fully focused my mind on the wall of projectiles which was heading towards me.

I decided to throw in some real videogame aspects into the novel, as you could have noticed in this and the previous chapters.

Thanks for reading~

Yahazekcreators' thoughts