
Update! 11/10/21

Oml Where do I even begin?

Okay, I have to admit, I kinda did- kinda didn't- abandoned making a plot for this book...

It's just- I was taught that being a perfectionist was the best, and the only thing that would be accepted , which probably isn't good when I'm trying to write a story for fun. I would find myself writing a sentence, only to focus on it for the next 20 or 30 minutes, wondering if it sounded okay or not- If it would be enough- to pass into the final draft of that chapter, and it was frustrating.

So instead of actually making a plot, I made little scenes here and there- be it from inspirations, or something I thought of and elaborated into something more- of my two precious babies in this book, and all the people that know them or are related to them somehow. And the thing is, I actually made a little stories and backgrounds of each and every one of them, which I'm proud of. I went full Mama mode on them, and gave them birthdays, ages, favorite attributes, habits, etc. I know each and every one of them by heart 😂.

And yet, I cannot find satisfaction in a chapter I'd make with them because then I'll say to myself, 'No, that's not how they act, they act more like this-' and it just gets jumbled and scrambled from there continuously- to where Ill just play video games or read and give up.

But the thing is I want to write. I want to create worlds and just have fun. I want to make stories without having to be frustrated all the time doing so.

So I was just sitting in my bed, trying not to die inside from the questionable videos on YouTube shorts, when I found I needed a new playlist (a video popped up recommending one). The mere thought of seeing another exaggerated reaction and having my ears get bled was enough to get me moving to my computer.

I open it, and as I'm browsing for new -depressing- songs like the normal dweeb I am, Twilight pops up.

Yeah, well I'm not proud of that- *ahem*- Simply to say, I make a scene with two new characters- who were not stalkerish or creepy *looks at that edwy boy*, and the whole world that involved them. I created a backstory about the plot that was happening, and in that small creative instant- I was just hit with so many ideas of how to evolve and form that story into, well, a story- and a unique one at that. I'm prideful of my work, thank you very much hehe.

So while trying not to cry by Roslyn and a Thousand Years, I jot down what my mind was telling me, and just like that, without any hesitation or frustration, I had made a book, or an idea of a book so to say, with so much fun. I had forgotten what it was like to just write with a creative mind, and with lots of passion. I'd forgotten that that was why I loved writing so much.

So while I do not have a full idea of how to make this new book- or make it make sense, I have decided to make it just for the heck of it. I want my creativity to be expressed with no barriers, and no 'perfection'. I want to see typos, and just cringe at my work a few months after I write that one or two questionable chapters down. I want to write stupid shit, sad shit, cool shit- just something without having to feel like I need to write like I'm some sort of depressed ass professional writer that's 30 year old and is already balding 👁️👄👁️...

Anyways, I am hoping to release it no later than Christmas, and I'm seeing if I can do Thanksgiving. And about THIS Book- I have never forgotten about this book. I literally draw my characters everyday on my sketchbook, and come up with different concepts of what can and can't happen

At some point near the mid June of 2022- hopefully not the end- I want to release the book just as creatively as this one being released soon would be.

So, if you are reading this, I want to give such a big thanks cuz holy cow have you been sticking around. Didn't I make this book like around 2019-2018? I think it was 2018, but thank you. You kind of readers deserve much recognition. Although I don't really deserve it, the thought that you still stick around waiting to see if I released any books or news- anything really- gives me motivation and confidence, which are both things that I lack almost all of the time. Heck, doesn't everyone?

Be on the look out for anything new!

Bless chu <3

I'll see you soon loves :3

trying to finish math to get writing
