
Chapter Sixteen


There is a live band today and am very interested to watch their performance in preparation for my own presentation. I told you I was gonna try this stuff for the sake of money to cater for my expenses right? Focus has officially begun. Am standing at the far end with Lyn beside me. All attention is on the stage. I told Lyn about trying and she was over the moon cheering and applauding the idea it almost sounded like I was Whitney Houston and she my number one fan. Well I need such false claps to make me money after all.


The band was amazing. It was a duet and I was so focused on everything and I ended up cheering the loudest, you know to the extent of gaining attention. But well who cares, I was just giving credit where its due. My turn is coming soon and am thinking of drinking lots of lemon water to smoothen my voice. Funny right? I wonder if I loved music in my past life. Am gonna find out soon enough. Which reminds me, I didn't take Lee's number.

"Hey Alexa, I have been waiting for you to take my card and you disappeared mysteriously," Lee taps my shoulder.

Hmm talk of the devil and he certainly appears. Heavens were generous to me today huh... (Somebody should shout Amen here)

"I was just thinking about you now, looks like we are getting addicted," I replied. "How did you even find me in this crowd don't tell me you sniffed around," I teased

"To be honest I was watching your every move since I got here," he replies

"So you are a stalker now?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Well, don't call it stalking, it sounds illegal, I can't find a name to call it though." He says

"Well, let's call it stalking until you find the name you are looking for. Is that okay with you? Yes it definately is. Now sir kindly share your card," I conclude

"That's unfair I didn't say its okay to call it stalking. You jumped to conclusion on your own," Lee complains with a fake sad face then he hands me his card.

"Thank you sir. Have a good night," I took to my heels while he stands there hands in his pocket and his signature smile plastered in his cute face.

"I would have wished you a nice sleep but am not sure if you sleep at night with all these drunkards around," he shouts enough for me to hear.

"I don't," I shout back as I enter the counter.


I went home early to plan myself. I need songs to sing and I think most clubs love rhumba. So am going for those. Most are Congolese but am eager to just learn the lyrics, meaning will come later. Les wanyika, mose fanfan, fally ipupa and few catches my attention and I sing along while I download them.

Am standing in front of the mirror trying to learn moves and facial expressions suitable for the songs I chose and I can't help but laugh at myself. I sure need dancing skills. I feel heavier than I look. Maybe I should hit the gym for exercises sake.

My list of things to do is getting longer each day. I need to do something. I seem lazy but honestly perfect time has not yet presented itself and I can't talk of priorities because all of them are my priorities.

Am thinking of having perfect clothing for my soon to be presentation. Am thinking something sexy and seductive because I will be in the limelight. Do I really have a suitable dress in my closet? I wonder as I move to check.

All this time my playlist is on full blast and am seriously tweaking in my imagination. I know in reality I definately have two left feet.

I have talked of going to the gym to make myself lighter. I don't want to break my spine before I accomplish my mission. By now all my clothes are on the bed and I haven't found a suitable one yet. I may need to go to the mall to purchase one specifically for this exciting event. Yes I said exciting because the thought of it makes me so excited. Bad thing is, I had already budgeted my money and I don't want to disrupt my budget. No compromise so am thinking of borrowing from Hazel's kitty once again. Am sure Hazel won't notice and if she does she won't mind coz I will repay.

I go back to looking at myself in the mirror, I will need to do make-up for the first time in my memory, I mean I don't know if I used it in my other life, you see makeup has away of making people think they are more beautiful than being natural. Right now I will allow myself to think that way too even though I believe am naturally beautiful. That's how much positivity am putting up. Honestly I need to look good, I need all those tycoons to keep their eyes on me, isn't that a way of earning extra? So for what its worth, am focusing on making myself look good and give my best shots on stage.

I booked an appointment in the gym yesterday. I need to make myself ready soonest possible. I have stocked lemon and water at home that's how serious I am with this thing.

So immediately after leaving work I head home to change. Most people prefer gym in the evenings but since my working schedule starts in the evening, I will do mine during the day. Am planning to spend probably two hours trying to keep fit then go back home to freshen up and rest before my shift begins. Am armed with gym clothes I just registered and am damn eager to see the results.

"Hello you must be Alexa. Am Jim, your gym instructor. Welcome to our fitness centre," a deep beautiful voice said from behind me.

I turned to look at the source.

Holy mother! Who the hell is this!

A handsome well built guy standing right in front of me. When I say handsome, I mean every fucking definition. He is standing shirtless and I began drooling right there and then. His well built broad chest shining and so tempting to touch, well built biceps,a layer of packs, and his face, well trimmed moustache, side burns, cutest face, he has afro-decent hairstyle trimmed at the edges, he looks like a small god. Its getting hot in here somebody should hand me a fan to keep my sanity cool.

"I suppose you like what you see ma'am," his voice brings me back from my illegal drooling.

"Well, you can't blame me, your body is something to kill for," I manned up and replied.

"I will take that as a compliment," he says that with a killer smile am awed.

"Heavens, are you trying to lead me to sin?" I thought

"What? You want to sin with me already?" Jim raises his brows

"Oh no! Did I say that out loud?" My hands fly to my mouth in embarrassment. He laughs at me for a second.

"Let's go before you start thinking of sinning right here," Jim says as he leads me to a large room with gym stuff.

I decided to do my best in avoiding long stares at my new gym instructor but not without hardship. I had to tell him to pinch me to keep me in check when I lose focus. I feared being pinched though so I kept myself in check. Am sure by tomorrow this drooling won't be there.

"So Alexa, by the look of things you already have a killer body so what do you want to achieve?" Jim asks.

I want to be fit as in I feel heavy yet am not fat. And most of all I want to be able to dance all sorts of moves without breaking a sweat," I reply.

"Okay, we will start with the thread mill to prepare you for more. Running has a way of making people lighter but it doesn't come without a struggle. So what you do is start with walking fast then jogging before finally we add the speed you can manage," Jim says as he helps me hang my towel in a rack then guides me to mount the thread mill.

Here we go guys! Am finally in my step one to keeping fit. I start with walking as instructed and by the time I finish jogging I can feel sweat trickling down my forehead and everywhere else. So this is the much that people go through to lose weight huh...am never getting fat.

At the end of the two hours am damn exhausted. I shed lots of sweat and my body is at its limits. I need to go and have a nice bath and rest well otherwise I won't make it to work which is a bad idea.

Jim had been a huge help and so patient with me. With him around am sure I will achieve my target soon. By the way I hugged him a goodbye and trust me his arms felt like home.I have just made one more friend in him. This friend-recruiting spree is really fun. I called a cab and was home in minutes exhausted and I undressed an hurriedly took a shower before I lay in bed stack naked as sleep took over completely.

I was woken up at exactly five by my alarm and I took another cold shower before getting ready for work. Since I was too tired to cook I had ordered chips and chicken for Hazel and I.