
Third-wheeling my life

My life never felt like it belongs to me and maybe it doesn't, but deep down I know that's not right but there's nothing I can do to change it. Sometimes I wonder what will happen if I take a stand for myself and I hope someday I find out.

Leva_Wills · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs

No One Defines You.

"I got the answer wrong, so why did you get it right? Did you do this on purpose? Are you trying to make me look bad?" Valerie seethed upon seeing the test results, and I could only stand there. Her followers encircled us, and even though others were around, no one would intervene because I'm... "Hey, I'm speaking to you! Do you think you can just ignore me now that you've got the highest score in the class?" I tried to explain what happened... "That's not how it happened. I realized the answer was wrong just a minute before we had to hand in our tests; it was impossible for me to cheat." I don't think she understood; right after, she pushed me to the ground. "You know this is my dream. It wouldn't have been hard to get a question wrong, would it? Did you really want to surpass me that much after all I've done for you?"

At that moment, relief washed over me; she harboured no intentions of making amends. I was just a pawn in her scheme, and though it may seem naïve, I had been conscious of it the entire time. I required someone's presence beside me until I gathered my own strength, even if it entailed being used by them. Thankfully, those days are behind me because I've finally found my freedom. Yet, I must keep this revelation under wraps, for my journey is nowhere near its conclusion.

"I'm sorry, it was really foolish of me. Can you forgive me? You mean everything to me. I promise to speak well of you." She bursts into laughter, the kind that evokes images of wicked stepmothers. "You promise to speak well of ME? That's not how it works. Just admit you can't do it; it's that simple. Then, as the second-best, I would naturally be chosen." I struggled to keep my emotions in check. Who does she think she is? She's less reasonable than a dog; at least a dog listens to warnings. She's the type who would step into a mess even if you pointed it out to her.

"Well, if you're so confident, then try to outdo me. If I was resilient enough to withstand your bullying all these years, I'm sure I can surpass you, no matter how long it takes," I declared. At this, she erupted into laughter, her friends joining in with a hint of discomfort. "Do you actually believe you can be better than me? How so? I have more wealth, and as long as that's the case, nothing else matters. You might as well give up on your dreams," she sneered. It was my turn to chuckle. "You say that, but your eyes betray you. If wealth is truly what you value most, why bother trying to discourage me? Feel free to reach my level with your so-called wealth. I don't mind because I know we're different. I'd be curious to see what you'd do. Goodbye, and with all due love," I said, walking away, leaving her flustered as her entourage simmered with annoyance.