
Things get (Wild)er

When things go so wrong that it makes Asher a crying mess, how much drama can she take before she is pushed to her limits? She is not ready for the drama, but the better question, are you?

Bro_the_turtle_jr · Thanh xuân
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
19 Chs


She stomps her foot and said, "But Mr. Woods!"

He held up a hand for he to stop. He said, "Your seat is right there."

He points to the desk all the way in the back. She nods and sits down. She takes out her phone and began to type something. Mr. Woods rolls his eyes and said, "Please tell me you are not going to cause this much trouble the entire time?"

I said, "I make no promises. But I should be your best student if that helps."

He laughed and said, "I guess."

The girl stands up and said, "I need to find my boyfriend."

I watch as she walks out. I said, "Could have gone without the explanation on who it is."

He nods and said, "Agreed. I do not care about her personal life."

I nod in agreement. He said, "I got a random question for you."

I look at him and said, "Fire away."

He said, "What is the most random thing your guardians made you do?"

I bit my lip in thought. I said, "Probably not telling me that they found out I was a girl."

He looked confused and said, "How does that work exactly?"

I said, "When they adopted me, they got my gender mixed up. My parents died in a fire and my hair got burnt short. So I kinda looked like a boy. And they put me down as a boy. And they found of after they trained me to the breaking point. I think it was sometime after that they found out."

He laughed and said, "Wow, that is so bad."

I laughed as well. I said, "Yeah. I do not think most people have that problem."

He said in between laughs, "I do not think so either."

She came back while we were dying from laughter. A boy was with her. Most likely her boyfriend. He whined and said, "Why do I have to be early?"

She sighed and said, "Because I told you to."

I shot out, "Probably because you do not want to in here with me."

She death glares me. She said, "Did I fucking ask you to put your input?"

I said, "You are talking out loud. It is a free for all."

She glares at me as the boyfriend laughs. I turn to her. I said, "Might wanna try better insults next time."

She said, "I can not wait to beat you to a pulp after school."

I said, "Just a single question."

She rolls her eyes and said, "Now what?"

I said, "Weapons?"

Mr. Woods eye widen. He said, "That is not safe."

She smirked and said, "No guns only hand weapons."

I laugh sadistically and said, "I will try to restrain from killing then."

She rolls her eyes and said, "If I die then I will sue you."

I hold up a finger and go into my backpack. I have had this backpack since Alexander and Alina allowed me into the business. I remove the padding and pull out a contract. I hold it up and said, "Not on my watch."

She went white. She said, "Where exactly did you get that?"

I said, "I always have contracts. And we sign in blood. It is a lot harder to manipulate than writing."

She gulped and said, "Fine."

She allows me to prick her finger and she places it against the contract. She signs her name and I do the same. I said, "Thank you."

Mr. Woods said, "I have a bad feeling about this. And why exactly do you carry contracts around."

I said, "Always be prepared for business."

The rest of the day went by quickly. I was just excited for the fight. We had 30 minutes to prepare for our fight. I make it to my room with 25 minutes to spare. I slip into my black body suit. I pull down my hair and braid it. I change out my clips to black ones. I take a few knives and walk out. Bellamy sees me and said, "Heard there is going to be a fight."

I nodded and said, "I am aware of that yes."

He said, "Wonder who is going to be fighting."

I looked at him and said, "Maybe you should watch. Just in case you have any doubts that it will be boring."

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Maybe. But I heard it is just some chick fight."

I laugh chaotically and said, "Oh far from it. There are weapons involved."

His eyes widen slightly. He said, "Oh?"

I nodded and said, "Oh yes. You should come watch. If you have any doubts."

I pat his head and walk out. I walk out and see a group of people already huddling together. I get in and start to push through. Someone shoved me away and said, "No shoving you little bitch."

I said, "Say that again and there will be more than one fight that is going to happen."

He looks at me and said, "And why exactly should I let you past me?"

I said, "Because I am going to beat the girl up."

He laughs and said, "You are going to beat up Starlight?"

I nodded. He seemed familiar. It then connected. This was her boyfriend. I said, "Yes I am. Now out of my way."

I make it through finally and see her. She had on a sports bra and some tight athletic shorts. I make a face and said, "Gross dude."

She scoffed and said, "Said the one in a full body suit."

I looked at myself and said, "I trained in body suits. I am going to fight in body suits."

She rolled her eyes and said, "I also am having some of my friends help me out."

I shrug and said, "Fine with me."

She laughs and motions a few people forward. They were towers man. Heavily muscular and good looking. But had to be no older than me. I said, "Cute. Okie. Shall we start now?"