
There is only me, never we

Human, the very definition is still questioned several millennia after they had been found yet, we know what it means to be human. We are biased, We are cruel, we are free. Bound to nothing and no one. But we are also alone, I am alone. They were no we during the purge neither will they be we now. I shall do my part with great devotion, see to it you do yours. Author's Comment : Either I release 2 chapters per week or 2 chapter per month. At least 1k words per chapter.

56Neutralists · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

Alina had read about the Oath Academy, a prestigious place that collected and took care of orphans or lost children.

They took care of them and prepared them for the outside world, it was one of the few place caring for the young of our race.

Particularly those affected by situations out of their control, but papa said that this was only a face for them.

Like every other organization or Academy, they didn't do this out of the goodwill in their hearts but rather because it benefitted them.

These kids were trained to become killers, more specialized than general. They were sold after achieving the rank of Oath Chained in the Academy then promptly forgotten about.

Most of them would be thrown into war destined to die there and be forgotten, they usually accept their deaths believing it to be a necessary part of their Oaths.

They were mostly loyal and would die as per their Oath, now she had nine of them under her command.

She had awoken a few minutes earlier but chose not to get up from the bed, she had notices them simply standing and waiting.

Their face covered along with their body, a dark cloak presented itself in place of their human features.

She had wondered how long they had stayed there and if they were getting tired, that armour they wore. Wouldn't it be heavy and cumbersome for them.

Do they have any other Wish apart from fulfilling their Oaths, where they even given a choice in all this....like her.

She did not know and she did not ask, right now she didn't want to get up....she simply wanted to close her eyes and then open them.

They would be gone and in their place would be her Papa and Mama's waiting there with a smile on their faces. She wanted it to be a dream....so she closed her eyes tightly.

It was so tight that she believed her eyeballs would bust and then she wished strongly. Her eyes opened slowly as she looked around, a smile blossomed on her face as it seemed it was true.

She could see now she was simply dreaming...but reality if often dissapointing. They were still there, standing like nothing ever changed. She got up and looked around her room.

It seemed colorless to her, she felt scared as she glanced up and saw each other them turn to her nearly in sync with the other.

They had no eyes nor mouth, only a helmet. They seemed like towering monsters whom had usually caused her nightmares before.

Fear, she felt fear as tears began dripping down her face. She wanted to scream and cry and beg, she didn't want to go away. She wanted to stay and play with her family, eat with then too.

Yet the words couldn't come out, she was alone with them. No one would help as it would be a sign of weakness, it was hurting.....it was hurting badly.

The sounds of steps and movement quickly reached Alina's ears however, as she looked up and saw each of those black monsters kneel before her.

Their swords were removed along with it's scabbard and laid before her, their helmets off their face as their human features revealed itself.

The one in front of her directly smiled at her, it was warm....it didn't feel so scary anymore. Then they bowed their heads and began saying words to her.

"The life that is our own is forsaken before our grand duty, thus by swearing an oath; we are chained to a purpose. The past and relations are put behind. Let it only be our duty we are subjected to."

" Mistress do you accept our Oath and life as your own. "

She composed herself and responded like she had learned in the books.

" I Alina Roseworth hereby accept your Oaths, you are mine now as my life is yours."

She said like in the books, she had gotten up from her bed and did the required courtesy as she said the words.

" Can I.....can I hug you just briefly "

The word came out of her mouth, she didn't know why but it just did. Her head was lowered as she asked the question, a bit of embarrassment flushed over her.

Then she felt the arms of someone going over her, the cold state of the armour clashing against her own body yet it felt oddly warm.

" We won't leave you.....Alina "

The man said as he now began patting her head, Alina felt....happy and hopeful. Maybe she would survive, maybe she won't be alone afterall.

They were hers nows, till the end....they would be her new family. So she hugged him back tightly, her hands couldn't even fully go around him.

She buried her face unto his chest and smiled, she would survive no matter what. She would train harder with the sword, they would teach her. She would kill and survive before she would then return home, to her family.

To her Papa and Mama's but for now. This people would be her family, she could trust them.

The days would soon pass by quickly as the time for Alina's departure quickly approached. The air around the Roseworth household was gloomy and dark.

Yet the little girl departed with a smile as nine knights clad in black armour and cloak stayed by her side, her maid Melissa stayed close to her with her luggage in hand.

A carriage took them away, to the real world of War and cruelty. Alina could no longer consider herself a child, she had to be strong for her family....to uphold the name Roseworth and to return to her family.