
2.The start of the nightmare

When he was thinking he heard a knock on the door. 'thump thump' he went down stairs to check at morning because he had no friends or relative so he thought they were the neighbors walking down stairs he said "coming"as he opened the door knob.

As the door was opening he saw a beauty staring at him. It was Veronica . Veronica said with the calm voice .

" Can I come in " holding something box like.

Rex was surprised at the arrival of her new girlfriend at his home because he didn't give her his address but he thought she had gotten it from someone online because he had some online fans they were quite assertive so he had to chat with them. But he recalled he never gave his address to anyone online so he was perplexed but he**

" Ahem , can I Come in"

She said with troubled look in her face.

"Are you okay"I said with concern.

"Ha yes I am fine" she said again with calm voice.

I then made way for her to enter the house.

Veronica pov:

As I enter his house I can't help but stiffness spread across all my body his scent in the house was to strong. I can't help but get turned on with his scent reaching my nose. His house is good look likes the inside voice can't get outside easily I know that because I stay here very often.also there is basement in his house so that should be good enough I can't wait to pick him up and yahh can't get distracted can we I got a boy to catch oh sorry to make him fall for me.

As we entered his room my nose invaded by his intoxicated scent I sniff his shirt ,pants, underwear but this feeling is just to good I can't wait to pounce on him and ride him.haaaaaah

Normal pov:

As rex and veronica entered rex's room rex gestured his girlfriend to sit while he brought some cookies and tea.they chatted for quite a while when his attention was drawn to her box as he asked about that box Veronica said that it was a surprise gift so he didn't ask about that after that he asked her to eat breakfast with him when he got up to prepare breakfast her girlfriend said

" I think as your new girlfriend I should prepare our breakfast as your future wife"

As she mentioned wife I was kind of surprised because we started dating a day ago and now she come to stuff like marriage but I kept quite because I thought she said joking cuz I saw her blushing heavily.but later did I knew what was her blushing for..

I was thinking about how my new girlfriend knew so much about me sitting in dinning room on chair she was like she knew everything about me so I got confused because she even had my private efformation like my numbers saved on my phone my orphan and my search history as well that I deleted of course so I was slightly terrified at recalling words of that old man but I thought he was babaling nonsense at old age so I calmed down i asked my girlfriend if she needed help but she refused saying she should do it alone so not to make her think I don't trust her so I waited but I don't completely trust her because I don't trust someone easily due to my past so that is for another time but I let her cook because what can cooking do not like she will add sleep drugs in my food because there is no reason to so I asked her

"Are ya' cooking something special or what"

She replied me poking her head out of kitchen

"Nothing special just my family speciality sause I am sure you will like it"

Hearing this I thought I don't raise any flags because she looked like genuinely focusing on cooking .

After the breakfast was made I was very hungry so I started devouring my food I complemented her because the sause she add was very sweet like nector she said "told ya'" and continued staring at me I asked her why she hadn't eaten but she said she don't have appetite to eat now after eating I looked at her she was still staring looking me in the eyes she said enthusiasticly "finally you ate I thought I need to use force but you are quite a good boy aren't you"she said with wide grin that didn't sit right on her face as I proceed her words I don't know what she was talking about but before I ask she brought her box up and started unboxing it as wrap around it was taken of iron like smell spread in dinning room as I looked at box I show that it's inside we're dark red then the realisation downed upon me' it's blood isn't it' I looked at Veronica she had her grin plastered on her face she took out a round object out of that box and through at me as I held it I realized this is my neighbor's head that always come to my home to flirt with me because I know she was but after looking at her bloody red head I was terrified but I quickly composed myself I don't know but with murdere or Gore like things I don't get affected much like normal people but now's the not time for that as I quickly asked Veronica why you killed her she replied surprised.

" you don't seem that affected but likewise that's how my future husband should be now honey sleep well because after that sleep we will be together forever "~~

As she said sleep I recalled that I had raised a flag and it slammed me in my face I thought I deserve it because I didn't even notice that I suddenly feeled drowsy and sleepy I was terrified because I care most about my safety and I was getting chills on my spine from morning as I sleep I looked at Veronica who was walking towards me I thought. 'I AM Freaking FUCKEd by this girlfriend of mine'

(Pardon but mc is a baddy u will know in future chapters)

hello fellow yanderes lovers plz give me ideas how I should write yanderes pov

Thakor_Mukesh_8343creators' thoughts