
Chapter 4

Kakashi didn't get up the day after Minato-sensei meet him. His pack just dragged small pieces of meat to him. He should buy them some toys, practical ones, but still toys.

He would have remained there for the second day as well if Pakkun with the rest of his pack dragged a scroll from his dad Office. It was a team effort. The scroll was more of a journal of one Michiko Hatake, who invented an Earth jutsu for finding hidden rodents in her garden. After a little tweaking with Kakashi awaken mind the jutsu that was making small tunnels will transport him under earth in a chain of tunnels. It was basically the best escape jutsu for to travel hidden.

His chakra reserve was still small, bigger than an average 6 years old but not enough to perform his new jutsu more than a single time. On a short distance. At last now he doesn't need to hear all the insults, rumors from civilian and shinobi alike. Suddenly the idea of shopping sounded more pleasant with this jutsu.

At 5 a.m. Kakashi was on Training Ground Seven doing stretches. Last time around Minato-sensei give the Bell Test, just that the bell was hidden in his clothes and the time was for 6 hours not three.

Kakashi wake up feeling better than before, he eat breakfast with his pack, feed Biscuit his milk, the others were already with solids and even used his new jutsu, Tsuchi o horu, Digging Jutsu, to travel through the entire civilian section. His mood was relatively good, how good could it be meeting his death sensei?, and knowing his pack was taking their nap in their nest and not seeing him falling on his ass trying to complete one of his family kata.

When Minato-sensei arrived he found Kakashi standing upside down on a branch with his eyes closed.

'' Good morning, Kakashi-kun.'' Minato-sensei voice makes him to go down. This time he didn't look disturbed nor was he having his soft fixed smile. '' I see you are eager. '' Minato sounds pleasant, even more so at Kakashi eager nod.

'' Today you need to give me three clean hits and both of us can put a handicap at each other for ourselves. What do you think, Kakashi-kun?''

'' It sounds good.'' it really didn't '' I will not use the Academy technics learned.'' Kakashi says confidently, even if his chakra level wasn't the same, his mind was still there even though sometimes his brain just stops working it was there. And if Minato-sensei is still the same..

'' Then I will not use my Hiraishin or any similar form of it.'' he always believed that without those he will be less of a shinobi, Kakashi can't judge really, even if he wants

'' Huh..'' Minato said staring at the new destroyed ground. It looked like the earth was broken and risen in multiple places, trees fallen and a lot of dust. Like Tsunade got crazy for one minute here. '' I..I,,Where did you even learn this Kakashi-kun?'' Minato shifted his stare to Kakashi, azure eyes staring at him in fascination

'' ..my dad.'' Kakashi said panicking. He couldn't exactly say that he learned an old jutsu to discover rats and now he has this. In his defense Kakashi didn't know that this would happen on long distances.

'' ... ''

Glancing at Minato-sensei who begin to look uncomfortable once more Kakashi though that maybe this Minato-sensei didn't like his dad one bit. There were not a lot of people who did, beside the Sannin but Minato-sensei never expressed like this about Sakumo.

'' Minato-sensei, I apologize for destroying the training ground and our training session.'' Kakashi said bowing stuffily. He really was sorry, if he wasn't that excited from his new jutsu then this wouldn't happen from the first five minutes of fighting.

'' Ah, that alright Kakashi-kun..um how about going to the lake and meditated there? I want to see how long can you concentrate.'' Doubtful Kakashi followed Minato sensei.

The lake was actually a connection to the onsen, the water was pretty deep and truthfully Kakashi never learned how to swim. Ah sure there was a jutsu for that, copied in..Before, Kakashi just hoped he wouldn't slip.

'' You can begin Kakashi-kun.'' Minato-sensei said showing him towards the water. With sure steps Kakashi walked on water and staying in there in his Clan stance. Feet shoulder width apart ,elbows tucked in, hands up and chin tucked, power hand and foot at back, never flat footed. This was the traditional Hatake stance that was made when the Hatakes were called for war in the First Shinobi War. It was named the Art of 8 Limbs. With time and deaths the Hatake took, like all shinobi clans, the Konoha fighting style more than their own when it comes to training.

It was an obligation for children of all clans to learn the Konoha stance before their own Clans. It doesn't mean that it was the best of all students. If you where an Inuzuka you couldn't have your ninken before you leaned Konoha style, if you were an Aburame you couldn't use your insects, companions, in a fight, the same with Ino-Shika-Cho. The only exception were the Hyugas who made themselves clear that if they don't lean their Clan style first then they can just leave for Kumo.

A clap of hands wakes up Kakashi, the sky was a combination of pink, orange and blue. In front of him Minato-sensei was was looking quite pleasant, smiling even, finally Kakashi made him smile, doesn't matter that he felt quite dizzy.

Before Minato-sensei could say anything, a loud voice interrupted them.

'' Finally, I though night will catch up with us!'' a white haired man, dressed in red and dark green clothes, hair catch in a tail yelled at them.

On his shoulder was a purple toad.

'' Sensei?'' exclaimed Minato-sensei surprised. Beside him Kakashi was surprised as well, he doesn't remember meeting Jiraiya until he was 9, since he meet Minato-sensei. He does remember him being a constant in his house when his Dad was alive though, the same with Orochimaru and rarely Tsunade as well.

'' Sensei, I though you had a mission?'' Minato asked

'' I did, I finished and I heard that my student took one of his own as well.'' even if the the wording was praising Jiraiya expression was closed. Faster than Kakashi could blink he was suddenly in a pair of strong arms, smell of ink in his nose, his dizziness worse than before. Really he just needed a walk.

'' Minato, you should have a talk about limits and four years old body's.'' Jiraiya said already leaving

'' I'm 6.'' Kakashi said weakly.

A snort and a pat on his head later he was out cold.