
Chapter 3

Minato-sensei looked ,smelled and feel the same. And that's made it all the worst really. He wasn't his sensei, not his father figure that he seeked. He was just a newly Jounin sensei that he got a grieving student.

" Hello Kakashi-kun. My name is Minato Namikaze and I'm your sensei begin today. It's nice to meet you." Minato said wearing the same soft smile he always had. Bright grins were more of Kushina's.

" Ah." His father though him his manners, that doesn't mean he really succeeded. But Kakashi is an adult...was an adult.. at some point.

Kakashi leaves the door open making sign to Minato-sensei to enter. He doesn't really talk, just goes to the same motion his father made every morning for his tea. Behind him Minato-sensei was seated in one of the two chair at the table staring at the pile of puppies in their nest. Kakashi didn't have time to get them in his room.

" I wasn't informed that you own ninken Kakashi-kun. " Minato-sensei says trying to break the painful silence

"Dad showed me how to summon them and take care of. " the painful atmosphere become even more awkward

It was sad really, the second biggest stone in Kakashi existence was looking at him wearing a fixed soft smile while his eyes screamed to get out of there. Was that how Minato-sensei looked at him Before? Or it's this because he changed his actions? Does that mean he just broke the timeline?

" Kakashi-kun?" Naruto eyes that weren't Naruto's looked at him with poorly hidden concern. It seems he stayed quiet to long. Again.

" I apologize. I was lost in though." Kakashi says, in front of him Minato-sensei looked more and more uncomfortable . Maybe it was his comportment? Personality maybe?

" Right. In three days, at 6 a.m. at Training Ground 7. That's when we will meet for training." Looking disturbed even, Minato-sensei take his leave swiftly.

When the door close again numerous sneeze and Pakkun laugh was heard.

" You sure know how to scare a guy boss. " Pakkun said still laughing

" Huh?" Kakashi tilde his head, his hair falling on his eyes.

Shaking his head, snorting Pakkun said " Just finish your meal Pup. There are enough scrolls in Alpha Office to keep your mind busy."

Still confused but determined to not think of Minato-sensei any longer Kakashi swallowed his small pieces of venison that were still on the counter.

Maybe this Minato-sensei doesn't like meat?

The Hatake Clan was a Clan of Farmers. Was actually the only Clan beside the Aburame who didn't engage in fighting, wars or any type of conflicts.

They protected their pups and territory if needed ,teach their own how to work the earth and hunt, how to sew their own clothes, what earth is better than others, little things that are needed. Until arriving in Konoha they never used their chakra in wars, or any type of combat against a human.

The Hatake invented jutsu. Water jutsu if the rain didn't come fast enough, Earth jutsu if the ground was too hard to work or they needed a place to hide, Wind jutsu if a storm was coming, Lighting jutsu, one of their best , for protection, intruders and general hunting. They weren't like the Inuzuka, any type of canine animal was considerate pack, from a fox to wolfs and coyotes to dingoes and jackals to many more.

When they fought in the first War they were know for being vicious shinobi who rises from the ground using their Earth jutsu and their Lighting jutsu completed with Water jutsu bringing storms on the battlefield. At the same time they were know for being almost extinct since before Konoha. It wasn't actually true really, they just liked to travel, some resided in Snow, while others in Iron, but Konoha never talked about this, they were too busy in making sure that all the Elemental Nations know that the Senju and Uchiha finished their bloody drama and begin whatever the fuck was that suppose to be.

They were a number of one hundred in the Land of Fire.

In the second war they remained just 40 shinobi.

Kokoro Hatake was the Clan Head of that time. And the first Hatake that realized that their white chakra could be used for something beside growing crops. Father of one Sakumo Hatake, that later will be recognized as a shinobi on par with the Sannin or even stronger. Famous for fighting almost alone on the battlefield with Suna and his White Chakra Sabre, Sakumo become short of a celebrity in Konoha, similar with the Sannin.

The longer the second war lasted more Hatakes were killed fighting.

In the end Sakumo and his newborn son ,Kakashi were the only members remained, until Konoha itself slayed one of them down.

Late at night, in a bed too big for his size ,bundled in a pile of blankets and his father vest, with his pack around him Kakashi was trying to sleep. Really he was trying. His first interaction of this time with Minato-sensei was a failure. All day he was in his dad Office reading scroll after scrolls finding new things about himself and his Clan, even his Dad. They were so many things he didn't know before, like the fact that he could harden his teeth with chakra or that he could call his ninken with a damn bark. He really wanted to try that one. Or that he has ,had? relatives in Iron.

Now at night when his pack fall asleep with full bellies, Kakashi can't stop his mind from working.

Why did Minato-sensei look at him like that? Why did he look so disturbed by him? Was because of the rumors? No, Minato-sensei never listened to them, being Kushina-san boyfriend and all. Before they meet in his new ,bare apartment while he trained obsessively with a burning with rage towards his father. Now he found him in his family house, at breakfast with his pack close to him. Wasn't that an improvement. At last he wasn't eating rice with soldier pills dust, it happened one time but still.

It couldn't be because of his gross teeth. His mask was covering all. ...was it maybe not the past? Did he enter Kamui by accident and now he is in a different dimension? Does that mean he can escape this nightmare with death people? Or at last control his damn emotion and not cry when seeing a lime or a pink flower or that blasted cup of ramen?

A soft bite to his wrist stopped his tumultuous thinking. Pakkun was awake and wasn't having any of that now.

" I know what you are thinking of and no, it isn't your fault. Whatever excuse you found they are just that ,excuses Pup. " Pakkun said licking his wrist

" Pakkun..I, I don't think I can do it." Whispers Kakashi . A whine from Pakkun makes him continue

" I can't do this one more time. I can't be a student that Minato-sensei wants. Nor I can be a member of Team 7, my team is not even born yet. I can't be the shinobi Sarutobi wants. I can't be indifferent of all this, of Obito attics, Rin gentlest, Guy, God I miss him so much.."

" Then don't." Pakkun interrupts " You don't need to be anything they want. You say it yourself Boss, you can't do this again. But...you don't need to do this again either." Pakkun finish and falls asleep immediately. The perks of being a puppy really.

Pakkun was with Kakashi since he know himself, before he opened his eyes really. He survived without a mother, just Kakashi and in the beginning Sakumo chakra. He saw Kakashi mind break times and times again, he saw his heart closing itself behind the strongest jutsu, he saw him crying, grieving, not talking for almost an year. But he saw him happy as well. Half mooned eyes, humming softly, cuddling with his kids, taking Guy challenges in stride. And that's the best he looked like.

When they arrived here and he saw his Boss all little again he hoped that maybe this is his second change. Seeing him being more Hatake like than before was welcomed. At last now they can enjoy their meals together.

Seeing him looking crushed at Namikaze back when he left, leaving behind a sour scent (Disgusted ) , Pakkun raged. Because how dare he? How dare he be disgusted by his Pup when he was just enjoying his breakfast, ok maybe the red spots on his face, what could be seen of it, and his little hands was unusual, but how fucking dare he be disgusted with his Pup. When he just barely calmed no last.

With his too small body Pakkun can't do much beside talking and even then he can't finish an idea.

In Pakkun mind the best live that Kakashi could have now was outside this village that caused him just sorrow. When his little pups will come along they could think of another plan.

For the meantime though, the best think they could do will be study and train. And really get those guys on their feet, though Pakkun thinking of his packmates.