
There's No Way My Dad Is A Legendary Cultivator

Jiang Ping transmigrated to a world of the cultivation and became the chief of a deteriorating cultivation family. Most importantly, he had three cute and playful daughters. Because the world of cultivation out there is too dangerous and his daughters are too young, Jiang ping chose to hide their identities and live in a small town of ordinary people. He kept warning his daughters that the world out there is too dangerous, so don’t make any trouble. “Daughters, you must remember that there are tons of bad people out there! Their favorite thing to do is to kidnap little girls like you and use you for evil cultivation methods.” “In this world of cultivation, the most important moral to follow is to stay low-key and hide. As long as we don’t cause any trouble, we’ll never be in any danger. Until one day, when a supreme divine cultivator came to seek revenge, Jiang Ping smacked him down on the ground and completely crushed him over and over again... His daughters asked, “Daddy, was that person you just beat up a Divine Cultivator?” Jiang Ping said, “Nop, that was just a bad person who was trying to disturb our happy life. Daughters, the world outside is too scary, we didn’t even go out and danger came knocking on our door!” His daughters asked, “Daddy, do you think that we’re all idiots?” The servants he hired all said, “So the family chief is the real supreme cultivator?”

Eternal Dream · Huyền huyễn
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210 Chs

The Power of the Yin-Yang Eight Trigrams Disk

Dịch giả: Nyoi-Bo Studio Biên tập viên: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Liu Fang's eyes were still staring at the Yin-Yang Eight Trigrams Disk as if he had discovered something. His expression began to show some joy as he said to Jiang Ping.

"It seems that the immortal weapon in your hand is somewhat different from the immortal weapon I know."

"Even the quasi-immortal weapon just now has a trace of spiritual intelligence."

"But that eight trigrams disk in your hand, although it's a middle-grade spiritual artifact, it doesn't have a trace of life."

Jiang Ping looked at the eight trigrams disk in his hand. Liu Fang was right because the weapons produced by the system wouldn't have any spiritual intelligence.

Without spiritual intelligence, it meant that the weapon couldn't fight on its own.

After all, it was produced by the system. Although it didn't have spiritual intelligence, its power wasn't inferior to the weapons in this world, and it was even more powerful.