
THEOURGIA (my pillars are my life)

In the sprawling city of Akyiv, outside Eastern Dunamis' borders, a mysterious preacher unveils the ancient legend shaping their world—a cosmic battle between Demiurge and Chaos. As the preacher captivates the crowd with tales of Primordials and the birth of Ether, a returning hero, Lord Garjel, emerges in the West. His triumphant arrival triggers a joyous celebration, revealing a dark history of the Guarola bloodline. The story unfolds with political intrigue, a hero's return, and the looming presence of an ominous figure in the shadows. Garjel's journey to reunite with his family and confront his past intertwines with the kingdom's fate, setting the stage for a captivating tale of power, redemption, and the mysterious force known as Ether."

BoringWriterX12 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

The return 2

"Really? So that bastard actually survived?" Zalaam exclaimed, a bold, manly laugh escaping his lips. "Tell my king! My rival is back!"

Joy filled Zalaam's eyes as he continued to laugh, walking down the passage. Suddenly, a momentary pause from Zalaam; he looked back at the guards, his eyes lit up a scarlet red, and the room quaked for a moment. "What are you doing? General Garjel has returned. Let the king know immediately."

"Sorry, my lord, I was just still trying to catch my breath," the guard replied, looking exhausted from his distant run towards the castle. "Zalaam, inform my lord so we can plan a grand feast. The hero has returned," a broad smile lit up the face of the guards. The famous man had arrived, a national hero; it was only customary to celebrate such a return in the west.

Zalaam, clad in golden-ornamented armor, stood outside, a symbol of anticipation and authority.

Inside the castle, King Geffer was presently in a meeting with special guests discussing political matters when a messenger burst in panting.

"My king, my king! King Geffer, the commanding general is back, Zuka!" The messenger exclaimed.

"Garjel??" The king wondered while still seated on the throne. The guests from foreign lands looked at each other in confusion, only the king having a clue.

The guard replied immediately, "Yes, my lord. General Garjel is finally back from his quest. A quest so dangerous and important for the west's advancement into future political affairs. This mission was an expedition to the eastern walls."

The king, with tears down his eyes, whispered, "After so long, I had almost forgotten that such a remarkable general graced my kingdom. Prepare a feast! Let our men return as heroes and feel welcomed. A great man is coming home, and it would be disrespectful not to welcome our greatest asset with open arms."

"Hahahahahah! Garjel is back!! At last, my dreams can finally be realized," said the king. The dream was a deep ambition of the king, and he felt only the man who is returning can make it achievable.

Dusting over the view of a large group of men, a mirage played tricks on the eyes due to the sun's heat burning down on the earth where the group walked.

A sea of men marched behind Lord Garjel, who stood tall and firm on a chariot. As they approached the kingdom, the air was filled with the sounds of music and fireworks, creating a lively atmosphere in the evening light.

"Lord Garjel, turns out they already knew we were coming, hahaha," Eric said, standing on the left-hand side of Lord Garjel's chariot with his own but of lesser grandeur.

"I guess we can't surprise them," Eric added comically, his words taken seriously by another on the other side of Lord Garjel. "Nonsense, Eric. Coming with 2000 men is a pretty dead giveaway of our surprise, don't you think, my lord?" Bolan remarked, positioned on the right side of Lord Garjel with his own chariot of lesser grandeur.

Garjel reflected, "After so many long years, we're finally coming home. The East almost made me forget my home." His eyes set towards the visible kingdom, pushing further after his sight on the kingdom, now glancing up to the sky.

"We march home!" A loud voice called out, prompting Lord Garjel to shout to the 2000 men, creating a large echo of roars that shook the grounds. The feet of men marched down towards home, a place many had been far from for years.

Repeated shouts echoed at the castle walls, a singular phrase resonating loud: "Open the gates!" The guards directed their plea, especially toward those controlling the mechanism to part the massive entrance. As the gates began to separate, a visible crowd had already gathered, cheers and jubilation echoing on each side of the roadway.

"Welcome home! We love you, Sectum! Eric, Sectum Bolan, you guys are heroes!" The Kingdom of the West's crowd dwarfed the returning troops in size, not everyone able to attend to avoid a stampede.

Various items were thrown at the soldiers, from flowers to money and even panties, a testament to the challenges faced on their expedition to the Eastern walls. Returning with 2000 men from a 4000-strong mission was a significant accomplishment.

One of the sectums uttered, "Look, my lord, such an amazing welcome, only for me — I mean, us, haha!" Eric said.

Bolan replied, "Tsk, narcissistic as always I see. Of course, they would praise us; we did complete our mission. It's only natural respect follows."

"Yes, Bolan. The same people we see here could have given us a different outcome if the results weren't good. Always remember that, men. Actions have consequences," Garjel stated, unfazed by the cheers.

Eric, partly covering his mouth while trying to speak to Bolan, questioned, "Why is Lord Garjel so tense? I thought he would be more relaxed after coming back home. He should let loose a little."

Bolan, in his serious and assertive tone, explained, "What do you expect? He is the kingdom's most elite general. He can't afford to be relaxed; his first instinct is to see his king."

In the midst of the cheer, Garjel responded to the two sectums, "And my family too, Bolan."

"Oh right," Bolan and Eric exclaimed, shocked that Lord Garjel could hear them.

A raven, flying over the crowded streets, landed softly in a dark and quiet alleyway where a man in a long hooded robe observed the unfolding ceremony with a sinister smile. His eyes gleamed with malevolence as he soaked in the celebration. "Welcome back, hero," he muttered with a maniacal smile before disappearing into the abyss of the dark emptiness. The raven, witness to the scene, made distressing sounds before flying away in fear.

nothing to see here just chilling..

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