
THEOURGIA (my pillars are my life)

In the sprawling city of Akyiv, outside Eastern Dunamis' borders, a mysterious preacher unveils the ancient legend shaping their world—a cosmic battle between Demiurge and Chaos. As the preacher captivates the crowd with tales of Primordials and the birth of Ether, a returning hero, Lord Garjel, emerges in the West. His triumphant arrival triggers a joyous celebration, revealing a dark history of the Guarola bloodline. The story unfolds with political intrigue, a hero's return, and the looming presence of an ominous figure in the shadows. Garjel's journey to reunite with his family and confront his past intertwines with the kingdom's fate, setting the stage for a captivating tale of power, redemption, and the mysterious force known as Ether."

BoringWriterX12 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

The king 2

"You fool, don't you read?"

"Well, that's a bit harsh. I do read; I just happen to be reading better ones."

"Tsk," Bolan remarked.

In a hushed tone, Bolan began revealing the shadowed history of the great persecution to the intrigued Eric. The narrative unfolded, painting a grim picture of King Razcef Guarola's tyrannical rule.

"Well, the great persecution," Bolan said calmly and quietly to Eric. "Long ago, before the reign of King Fazar Guarola, the father figure of our current king..."

Eric, struggling to process the revelations, listened intently as Bolan peeled back the layers of history, exposing a dark chapter of madness, bloodshed, and a twisted declaration by King Razcef.

"A declaration? What was it? Tell me, tell me!" Eric eagerly agitated.

"Calm down, you're a Sectum; behave like one," Bolan advised.

Bolan unfolded the tale of a bloodbath triggered by the king's decree, leading to a drastic reduction in the Guarola bloodline and the imposition of strict limitations on the royal guards.

"Oh, so that's why," Eric remarked, amazed.

Bolan continued, narrating how King Razcef's actions plunged the west into poverty, his relentless pursuit of his own bloodline causing terror and chaos.

"King Razcef, till in his 100s, was still hunting down his own bloodline."

"Was he possessed? Why would anyone hunt down his own family?" Eric questioned with a troubling look on his face.

"No one really knew why he did it and for what reason," Bolan explained, delving into the mysteries of King Razcef's motives.

The conversation took a turn as Bolan unveiled the king's Ether abilities, a power that defied comprehension and held the entire kingdom in check. The intricate web of politics and power dynamics unfolded against the backdrop of a rising Central Government and the formidable guild, the 'Maracas.'

As the Guarolas resurfaced, hoping for an end to King Razcef's paranoia, the king himself intervened in the quiet conversation.

"Hahahah, relax, boy," King Geffer said, revealing his own connection to the dark history. He recounted the day he narrowly escaped the persecution, thanks to the bravery of a mysterious boy named Garjel.

"I still get shivers over the mob chasing me. Still remember shouting how much they would gain if they killed me."

The king, speaking almost as a third party, narrated the traumatic experience, revealing Garjel's crucial role in hiding him from the bloodthirsty mob.

The revelation stunned those at the table, their quiet voices ineffective in keeping the conversation discreet.

"I hid myself in a horse shed on a small farm. There I found a boy asking me what was wrong. Hahahah, isn't that right, Garjel?"

The table sat in awe as the king exposed a personal and traumatic moment.

"I can never forget that day I stood in his farm with his family for months until I heard my uncle was the new king, and Razcef was dead."

As the king raised a large mug of beer, the queen gently reminded him of Garjel's long-awaited reunion with his family. The unexpected revelation had cast a spell over the table, leaving them to ponder the intricate tapestry of the kingdom's history and the silent heroes who shaped its fate.

"My king," the queen said, "when are you going to let this man see his wife?"

"Hahahah, I totally forgot, Garjel!!! How old is your son now?"

"Almost 6 years, my lord."

"What!! Go to them right away."

"The look in this man's eyes," the king said excitedly. "He wants to see his family indeed. Thank you, my queen, hahaha, for reminding me." The queen nodded gently with a smile to show her appreciation.

"If I may, my king," Garjel said, "everyone, give this man a standing ovation as he leaves." King Geffer commanded the congregation.

As Garjel started to feel the warmth of the crowd, making him stunned a bit, he left the grand occasion towards the outside of the castle.

As Garjel stood, staring at the moonlight, calmly thinking of what to say to his beautiful wife and son after so long. He stood outside the large courtyard where his royal caravan would take him to his villa. The anticipation of the reunion hung in the air, and the moonlit courtyard served as a serene backdrop to the forthcoming emotional encounter.

damn, writing is damn hard . only I could find someone that could turn this to comics skip the details i suck at

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