
Theory Collection

Don't read my theories if you don't want to read nonsense.

RolerCoaster · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Subconscious (gut feeling) Vs Conscious

 I've been struggling with this problem for a few hours, either subconscious is better or conscious thinking. On one hand, we subconsciously calculate how we walk, and so on, which is hard to do consciously, but at the same time, animals do that as well, so does that mean conscious thinking is better? Well, I wasn't 100% sure until I just Googled it, and it said that Subconsciousness is a million times better than consciousness. Well, dang, what now?

 I wanted to try out if subconscious thinking would actually work, so I did an experiment. Before the experiment, you need to know a couple of things:

 1. I was listening to music. (a kind I've listened to over a thousand times)

 2. I drank 2 glasses of water and ate food.

 3. I was trying not to use conscious thinking. (Minimalize my thoughts) (It's like when you think of something smart, but you're not able to put it into words and it comes out stupid. I tried reaching that point)

 The experiment went as follows:

I had to do 20 math problems, they were y=kx+b type of problems. I tried going in blank and just answering the questions. I've noticed that if you just follow step by step, you're guaranteed to reach the correct answer. Just like Sudoku. I've tested the theory by asking the teacher for the answers, turns out I had 19 correct, and 1 wrong due to me misreading the question. These 20 questions took at most 30 minutes to do, which is quite fast, I'm estimating that it would take me around an hour if I tried the standard way.

 What I think I found from the experiment:

It's not necessary to fully think of solutions for the questions consciously, since your brain is doing all the calculations subconsciously anyway, translating it would just take time. However, you will still need to be thinking consciously to know what you're writing or reading.

 Extra hypothesis:

Subconscious thinking may have a limit though, it's mostly useful because of experience, it's nothing without conscious thinking. Plus, subconscious thinking can be useless when you reach a certain limit, for example, you learn everything about math and you have to make new theories.

Everything I've said up until now is what I think is correct, make sure to fact-check it.