

A hurricane had approached him with a green blur.


It stopped in front of him and he had seen Might Guy in front of him.

And then he had felt an earth quake. As the very ground around him started to shake.

"It Is Fine Now. Why? Because I Am Here!" All might had landed before him. His entire muscular figure before him. Both Might Guy and All Might were giving him and each other a thumbs up. He was pretty sure that their teeth were not supposed to glint like that.

What type of hell had he signed up for now.


And so Alex's training had begun. It was fortunate that there was food present.

But what was not fortunate was the fact that Guy sensei and All Might had made a meal plan for him. Guy sensei had made his eat hot curry and All Might had supplemented the meal plans with his own brand of food.

Both of them had gotten along famously, bragging about their own students.

"I was so happy to see Lee's flames of youth. I also have a grand student now as well."

"Young Midoriya had become a new Symbol of Hope. But I don't know who my grand student would be." All Might had skulked at that.

All the while, Alex had weight seals attached all over his body and was carrying rocks from a quarry.

"Well, my youthful friend. It seems that Fate has given us another student."

They both had glanced at Alex, who was pulling a large stone with ropes attached to his body.

"That it has." All might smiled. It felt as if he was back in his prime, before he had been injured by all for one.

"So, Should we change the settings a little bit." Guy sensei had asked.

"Let's kick it up a notch. Ten times earth gravity." All Might had snapped his finger and had seen Alex fall to his knees. But still he had gotten up and kept preserving.


Through months of training, Alex had felt his body getting stronger. While, it would not have been obvious to him in normal circumstances. As the difficulty of the training around him increased as he got stronger. But, it was through one for all that he knew he was getting stronger.

Where before, he only got a few sparks when he utilized it before the quirk shut itself off to protect his body from damage. Now, he could use twenty percent of its power without any harm to his body.

A part of him wondered why Midoriya was not able to achieve the same level as his but then he remembered that he did not have the same training as he did. He was training in a place where the gravity could be changed as well as under the tutelage of one of the greatest Trainer alive i.e Guy Sensei. There was also the fact that while training Midoriya, All Might was already injured and was not able to train him to his full potential. Afterwards, when he joined the Hero Academia, the amount of training he could do was once again limited.

For him, he had to do three things, eat, train and sleep. His own amazonian heritage may also have played a part as well. And he was getting bored as well of just training.

"Sensei, while I understand that the Basics are important. I think we should move to more advanced stuff now."

Guy sensei had taken a moment to look down as he was pondering. Then he had answered.

"I agree. But there is a condition for that." Guy had answered.

All Might had nodded at that.

"You must wear this." He had taken out a suit that looked the same as All Might's suit but with a green cape and the blue parts of the suit replaced with the green.

Alex was not sure about his sense of tastes anymore after he had started to think that Guy sensei was cool. He had to close his eyes as he felt a scene of a sun rising when Might Guy and All might were holding both of their thumbs up and smiling at him.

Before he could protest in any way. He was already wearing the suit.

"Now, we need to think about a catch phrase. Marketing is important." All might had gotten into a thinking pose and said.

"YOUTH!!!!" Guy sensei had fire burning in his eyes as he yelled.

And so the nature of his lessons evolved. All Might thought his how to deal with the media and market himself as a hero. He had spoken from his own experience about how important it was to make sure that people felt safe with his presence.

Guy sensei was a ninja and he thought him the more subtler arts. About how to read people and catch people lying. He also thought him about politics and how that may effect him along with how to identify the more darker organizations and their traps.

All of this had continued on as he proceeded to practice both of their styles. Guy sensei had thought him the strong fist style.

Soon, Alex could utilize about 40 percent of one for all's power without any damage to his body. If he wanted to go beyond that, he would have to ask the system to remove the restriction placed on him.

It was during that time that Guy Sensei had summoned him.

"Alex, I am now going you how to use the forbidden 8 gates technique." Might Guy was in a rare moment very serious.

"The Eight Gates are eight specific tenketsu along the chakra pathway system." Gai sensei had begun explaining. "It takes great will power and heart to unlock any of the gates...."

And so he had continued explaining while they had both sat cross legged.

Soon, Alex had managed to open the first gate and he felt stronger then ever and yet the pain was real as well. It had elevated his own power to a new level but his body could not take the strain of one for all and the first gate at the same time.

All might had been present during that moment as he had nodded. "Just as I though, the combination of one for All and the eight gates is too much for his body to handle for the moment."

"But, we still have three months. So, it is time to up the training,"

Alex fell down as he felt the gravity increase several times over.

"PLUS ULTRA!!!!!!!"


And so true hell began for Alex as he barely could stand up. And so his training began anew.

Each time he got a little comfortable, the gravity was increased once more. He did sit ups, push ups. Endurance training, and so just like that a year had passed.

All Might and Guy sensei were present with him as they had handed a few more of the same costumes.

They both were crying as they were bidding farewell to Alex. No words needed to be exchanges as Alex was also crying a little bit.

"Remember, eat well, sleep well and train well. And there would be no enemy you can't face. The only rival you have is you. Be stronger then you were a moment before and you will never stop growing. YOUTH!!!!!!!!!" Guy was hugging him.

"Follow the path your heart tells you to. It will never lead you astray and be the best person you can be. PLUS ULTRA!!!!!"

Soon, a white light descended and Alex was out of there and found himself inside the shop while facing alot of guards with their weapon drawn. All the while Alex was wiping his tears..