

On february 12, 2027. In Center for Disease and Pandemic District Hospital Washington, DC. So many staffs are busy working in there; And each of them as it's own position. Some of them are: Luis George, Jane Raymond, John, Fred and Margaret. It was past 8am, when Luis George that works mostly on blood samples came to drop a package that contains a zombie's blood on the desk of Mrs. Jane Raymond, who happens to be the director of the District hospital. Luis told Mrs. Jane that, an anonymous person came to deliver a package and it read thus; "A community is full of zombies search for it!" And later on, Luis betrayed Mrs. Jane. Margret and Fred argument leads to the blow off of the DC. After the DC was destroyed, those that survives gets to meet a lot of different people on their way while looking for shelter. One of those they met was named Michael. The world turns into hell when everybody started turning into zombies; then a fight began between the remaining survivors, Zombies, and Aliens. Vaccine that was created was later distributed among the other survivors they later met. Unfortunately, the vaccine expired which leads to another tragedy and that makes Michael the last man standing........

ajiboye_loveth · Thành thị
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Zombie ii

Fever and she just called me now and I need to go see her." Joseph said after clearing his throat. And sounded nervous, then Mrs. Jane look at him "Why don't you tell me before?" Mrs. Jane sounded upset.

"I'm sorry!" He replies.

"Then who will follow me now?" she asked with an unhappy expression on her face.

"Why not Luis?" Joseph suggested. Jane looked at Luis.

"Are you ready for this?" She asked.

"He told me about his wife so I would go with you". Luis replied while staring at Joseph.

"Why don't you help him take care of his wife?" Jane asked Luis with a straight face.

"It's my wife we're talking about here and not his! So please!!!" Joseph moved closer to Jane and said angrily.

"Okay fine let go".

Jane and Luis went straight to where the DC private Jet was parked and both of them got in. While Jane was putting on a parachute… Luis looked at Gomez, and their eyes contacted with an eye signal ongoing between them.

The jet engine turned on and they took off.

Jane and Luis held a telescope to look at the zombies from up when they got to the community. Jane holds her telescope and looks down as she was so scared looking at Luis.

"The information was real" she acknowledged.

All of a sudden, Luis pushes Jane out from the helicopter, then he tells Gomez to fly out from that place immediately. Jane was screaming and pulled out her parachute while falling from the sky.

She landed on top of a parked van that was used to block the entrance of the zone. She was so surprised and said to herself that it was like someone had visited this place. Then she saw almost one hundred zombies running towards her in craves.

She was so scared and didn't know what to do. Then she put her hand inside her pocket and brought out the syringe she wanted to use to inject herself earlier. When those zombies got closer to her trying to drag her down she used her leg to smash one of those zombies hands and broke it.

She took it and got blood out of it with the syringe in her hand.

*At DC*

Fred was so worried. It was almost four hours and no signal from Jane who is not yet back.

Fred told Stone that he's going to look for Jane and Luis. Stone replied that he's coming with him and they both left.


When Luis and Gomez got to Luis's house.

Then he introduced Gomez to his wife and his daughter and showed Gomez the picture of his two sons. One called Mark and the other Joel.

Mrs. Anabl George is thirty-five years old. She is Luis George's wife.


Grace George is fifteen years old. And she is Luis George first and only daughter.

*A month earlier*

Luis's sons were on break at school. Luis took his sons Mark and Joel to visit his parents at Tacoma. Mark George is eight years old. While Joel George is six years old. Mark and Joel said they would stay with their grandparent.

Then Luis said he would pick them up in one week's time. After one week. Luis woke up from his bed. In a sitting position, he looked very happy because he's picking up Mark and Joel. His wife Mrs. Anable George has already woken up and prepared breakfast.

Grace was wearing a white short gown sitting on the dining table chair eating bread and egg. Mrs. Anable George was standing close to the dining table, using a white piece of cloth to clean the plate she was holding.

Luis stood up from the bed and walked into the living room and went straight to where Grace was sitting he pecked her from the back. He moved closer to his wife and both of them hugged and pecked each other lovingly.

Luis sits down on the dining table chair and picks up one slice of bread and a mug filled with tea then tells his wife that he would be picking up Mark and Joel today. "Please take care". Mrs Anabel said to Luis.

He ate the bread and drank the tea while Grace was telling her mother that she wants both of them to go shopping. Luis got up from the chair and went straight to the bathroom… took his bath and dressed up.

He picked up his car key on the shelf in his room and went straight to where his car was parked. He got in and drove off heading to Tacoma. He was so close to Tacoma but then he heard a strange echoed sound coming from Tacoma.

Everywhere was silent except the noise.Then he saw a man driving out from Tacoma. Luis stopped him and then stretched his hand towards him, "I'm Luis." The man replied: "Leo"

"What is going on, where is everyone"? Luis asked,

"Everyone has turned into monster!" He replies.

Luis "How, I don't get it?"

"It just happened, I don't understand also, but I was able to block some road so that others won't be infected." Luis pleads with him to go back. Leo said he was scared because he only watched it on TV and he doesn't know that it exists.

Luis said he got family close by. Leo told him to go back because everyone in that zone has turned into monsters. Luis insisted and begged him. Then Luis gets into his car and keeps on driving towards Tacoma.

Leo also got into his car and drove behind Luis George. They got back to the zone. Where everyone in the zone has turned to flesh-eating monsters. Luis pointed at his parent's house and said "I hope those in that house are saved?"

Then Leo laughed, and said; "No one survived"

That zone had a fence with barbed wire and so many houses were built inside it that people lived in...

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