
War Between Empires (Volume 1)

In the Land Of Dawn, the Zodiacs have protected the land in centuries. Keeping the balance and peace in nature. They have blessed the land with huge forests, distant and tall mountains and fresh breeze from the oceans.

At times pass by civilization started to grow within the Land Of Dawn. Harper being a tribute from the Zodiacs, was sent at the Land Of Dawn to know more about the growing civilization. Harper found out, there were two Empires ruled the land, one is the Moniyan Empire and other is the Dark Abyss. After knowing he sent the info to the Zodiacs.

The Zodiacs responded to not take action immediately, until they know more about the current predicament. Harper however took action and joined the Moniyans to protect the land from the Dark Abyss. Tigreal leader of the Knight's Order accepted Harper in joining and lead the Moniyan army. After Leomord knowing the Moniyans have gained a new ally from his many spies. He had made a plan to destroy the Moniyan Empire once and for all.

To be continued....