
The Zodiac King

After a meteorite crashes into earth causing everything to mutate humans evolved to have powers in the form of animals that shapeshift into weapons. Beasts and plants are common foes They conquer the solar system but physics deny them any further, until… Youd get back in line after riding it once Note: This is my first novel, i dont have a masters in english Not to say i dont have flaws as you might have noticed perhaps some sentence structure or the wrong use of ending sentence structures falter. GIVE ME POWER STONES MORE POWER STONES=MORE VIEWS MORE VIEWS=MORE TRAFFIC MORE TRAFFIC=MORE GREAT IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCES

PeachKing · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Whats this?

The refracting colors of light danced with the omnidirectional moving pieces of flakes where it seemed as if it was ethereal flames of different color. But the ball in his hand stayed gray as that was where the majority of the mist congregated, diluting the effect of the ethereal mist. But the ball particles of mist look as if it was tangibly solid.

Phillip and the Professor looked at the ball, and Phillip was going to test its effectiveness against solid objects but a slight whooshing sound made the both of them attentive to the direction it was coming from. It was the two balls of blue light still in the half of the mist that was still left in the room. The mist started to move around it, and about half the available mist left in the room, or about one fourth the total projection of power Phillip was inducing, was beginning to take shape.

The blue lights kept getting closer until ears started to form shape. Cat ears? No they were to large to be cat ears. And seemed if it had a tangible long gray coat of fur with a bluer lighter undertone. The tail started to take shape. Then the legs and the body until the head was about to take shape. A trail of mist following behind it, it was almost to Phillip now.

It was an appearance of a wolf. And not a grown one either it looked as if it was still a pup. It trodded and the ethereal form began to wear off, and the bright trace of blue light dissapeared only left with the blue eyes on a full wolf pup. It was making its way and carefully looked around. It then sniffed around.

It made its way toward Phillip who had a stupefied expression while Professor Xavier had one of a smiling expression with his hands clamped together with his fingerprints sitting back in his chair. The wolf pup looked up placed its right paw up as if to reach up to Phillip. Phillip destabilized the power in his hand and pressed it against onto that of the pups.

Suddenly the mist that was once dissipated suddenly started to congregate again. It had flown across the traces of his hand in a light veil and it all moved rapidly towards an upward direction across the traces of his fingerprints. It formed the claws of a wolf, the viel on top of his fingertips was much smaller and sharper than the rest of the energy flowing to them. The ethereal mist again moved opposite the direction of the condensed mist. Phillip was shook at the moment so he hadn't said anything as he was watching formation of the wolf.

"Whats this?" He said with slight out of breath question.The man laughed "Haha that is your power! Dont you remember during the lecture i said it was a form of your conscience. It is somewhat of an embodiment of you! You know you should really pay attention more. You mustve missed it at the assembly." He said that last part as he didnt see the beginning of the commotion from yesterday, only the latter part. "N-no i remember," the boy stammered his words.

"Look here," Philip turned his gaze, the man made the form of the parrot again yet this time he took the flames off. The bird seemed lively as it had bright orange colored feathers with a red and blue undertone. 'Bwack' "Look here" the bird said in varying forms of pitches. "Whoa, you can do that?" Phillip asked as he kept turning his gaze from the bird and the wolf.

"Yes you can, like i said at the assembly there are various forms that a person manifests their concious , or their powers, into. It could be an animal, or a weapon, or even varying amounts of tools. I didnt say that the conscience of your power only had to be of one form earlier in the assembly. Watch this!" Professor Xavier let the bird that was perched on his shoulder skimmy down to his hand when it glowed again.

The form of the parrot began to melt as if was magma leaking out of his hand in two directions. Before it could hit the floor it started to form in the shape of a schmitar. It had a fiery orange luster to it. "You can change the will of your conscience to help you either fight by your side, or help you get stronger instead. You try."

Phillip looked toward the wolf pup again, he patted his lap as if to say to it was okay for it to come up there. The wolf pup tilted its head to the side. It looked really cute. Then it made a almost howling barking sound, it moved its tail side to side as it was getting ready to jump and had a happy expression on its adorable little face. When it did it made itself comfortable in his lap as it sat down.

It looked around at the boy and the man with a baseless panting expression. Then it licked its lips and then Phillips hand. The pup started to glow a bright blue gray light and made the formation of gray rings around Phillips fingers, 8 in total. Both the man and the boy were staring attentively again.

"Rings? Peculiar," The professor said with a frown. As he said that they started to bubble and grew larger as condensed forms of squares appeared on the rings. "Brass knuckles?" the professor exclaimed with a tilted eyebrow up. As he said that the rings of gray brass knuckles started to bubble again. It was now a small bar across Phillips knuckles instead and hadsmall spikes no bigger than half the size of fingers tracing along them. When he balled his fist they pointed outward.

"Spiked fists?" Professor Xavier asked again but it was mumbled as he had his fingers in front of his mouth with a contemplating expression. They then bubbled again and took the form of the rings. I should keep it this way since it doesnt consume much power and isnt as flashy as the spikes or the pup. Ill also have them readily available if need to be so, Phillip too had a thoughtful expression.

He looked toward the man again with a fervent gaze expecting more. "Okay okay i get it," the Professor laughed lightly heartedly. "Form the energy into the ball again. We're gonna see what that bad boy can do." Phillip nodded and made the formation of the ball of mist energy with etheral gray flames this time, as the clouds moved once more, blocking out the sun.

They didnt move in one direction, but sporadically forming the shape of the ball. Professor Xavier took out a piece of plywood from underneath his desk. He pointed it to Phillip with his face pointing to the side as if to get out of the way of plywood and Phillip slowly put it up to the plywood. "Scrhnng" a sound was made as the energy made a sound cutting into the board, making saw dust everywhere.

Phillip and Professor Xavier looked at each other again through the hole on the board as Phillip moved his hand away. Then the professor moved his hands apart with the board still in hand.He blew away some of the sawdust on the desk. They broke apart like a cookie, and the professor had two pieces in each hand now. "Noot baadd" he said with both a elongated tone and expression.

Phillip couldnt hold onto his excitement any longer as he threw up his hands in the air in a victorious manner. When he did that the mist energy ball that was in his hand suddenly flew out, hitting the ceiling above him. It eased its way above the metal caged and plywood enforced ceiling.

A hole a bit bigger than the size of the ball appeared in the ceiling, with large spider viened cracks appearing around the hole. When they looked up, they saw the fully metal air duct had a similar hole but smaller. The metal around it bent toward the inside of the air duct, and had smaller spider veined cracks. But it didnt go through both sides of the duct.

They both looked up dumbfounded by the accidental use of power. "Sorry" Phillip said with a sharp breath of tsk with his tongue. The professor sighed and put his head in his face. He was facepalming. "Its okay i can report it and get someone to fix that later. Lets continue theres still a bit of class left. How far out can you make the mist travel?"

"I dont know i hadn't really thought about it. How do i do that?"

Professor Xavier said, "Easy, just imagine the space around you again." Phillip concentrated. He thought of a ball again and the mist started to organize. It now encumbered the spherical circumference of the room that was 120 square feet, or 38 feet, 40 give or take. It had a radius or length in a 3 dimension of about 20 feet in every direction around him.

It was much calmer this way, as it was all spread out. When the large spherical space of mist hit the floor or ceiling, it dissipated softly across the flat surfaces. Some seeped into the hole his mist energy ball created earlier. "Huh so i can only move it around me this much then huh," Phillip said with a frown.

The Professor had his mouth agape, he was already most impressed with the boy as he did in one study session with him then what most kids would have to have taken atleast a few to get the basics of their powers down. He had atleast a ranged attack, a few short ranged attacks with the knuckles, claws, and the aforementioned mist energy ball attack.

He was about to berate him but the last bell of the day rung out. "Sweet thats over with now, i can't wait to show my friends," he jumped up excitingly out his chair but wobbled and stumbled a little before he could get very away. He felt a sudden tiredness all of a sudden. "Remember not to use your powers willy nilly, it can be dangerous."

Phillip nodded his head with a smile and a clear blue gaze. He was tired but he could walk fine, he could even still keep the mist around him and the rings on his finger! He turned around to walk through the mist, and as he was doing so, he put his hood up.

There was a slight trace of blue light that followed the direction of Phillips gaze as he turned to walk through the mist towards the door. He was soon lost to naked visibility with the eyes in the mist as his hoody was gray. The energy dissipated with the disappearance of him walking and closing the door behind him.

The Professor stood up and looked at the direction of the door. Nothing still explains why he could absorb some of my energy though, he thought. When i touched him, i noticed that he couldnt. But when my fire energy reacted to his mist energy it didnt happen. But during the assembly he noticed it. Another power perhaps?

As Phillip was walking out of the administrators office he started to think many things. He still needed to find a job. He would do that after school. He also thought about his power and affinity for magic earlier. Though when he found out that magic is basically just a bunch of physics and chemistry he got bummed out a little after that.