
The Zodiac King

After a meteorite crashes into earth causing everything to mutate humans evolved to have powers in the form of animals that shapeshift into weapons. Beasts and plants are common foes They conquer the solar system but physics deny them any further, until… Youd get back in line after riding it once Note: This is my first novel, i dont have a masters in english Not to say i dont have flaws as you might have noticed perhaps some sentence structure or the wrong use of ending sentence structures falter. GIVE ME POWER STONES MORE POWER STONES=MORE VIEWS MORE VIEWS=MORE TRAFFIC MORE TRAFFIC=MORE GREAT IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCES

PeachKing · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Day One Of Training

Phillip walked out of his room the next morning. Jonas told them to get up early because they were going to train all day. He met up with him as he was walking past his bedroom door.

'Yawwn' Jonas let out a morning stretch roar. "Did you sleep good last night?" Jonas aksed as the two of them headed to the bathroom to brush their teeth.

Phillip still had his eyes half closed and was walking begrudgingly behind Jonas. "Nah bro i feel like shit."

Jonas perked his eyes as he was suprised of how nonchalant this kid was at cursing. Hed be a great trash talker thought Jonas as he was rubbing his hands together greedily.

"Yea me too, couldnt sleep til 12 last night," he sighed as he walked into the bathroom.

Jonas and Phillip then met up with all the others after brushing their teeth. Phillip secretly liked to think of them as the 4 Jalepenos because all their names started with a J. They ate breakfast and Jonas told them the training regime for the day. Jewel was standing with them.

"Okay James and Jordan ," he stepped in front of them. "You both have a body increase of strength and speed. Itll be up to you to see what the limit is and if you can grow stronger with heavier workouts. But you have more strength compared to speed James, vs Jordan as he is vice versa." He shook his gaze back and forth between the two of them.

"James i want you to start lifting weights, Jordan you do squats and do some laps around this place." He pointed around the training ground area, a little far away in the woods behind the house.

"Try and form your weapons today, spirit weapons can make you stronger and at times take less energy to condense than beams shooting around the place."

"Jewel," he looked over to her. She was sitting in the back and had her hair down. She had a baseball cap on and furry boots with white cotton. A black jacket that had faux black fur inside where the hood was accentuated her black hair, which had red tips.

"You go help them with that, also spar with them to get them aclimated with fighting. Work on teamwork." He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the two boys.

James and Jordan both sported the gray sweatpants and hoody look. Jordans shoes was still looking ever so fresh. They grunted in agreement as they did a salute.

"Now Phillip," he looked his way over to where he was standing. Phillip had the attire he bought yesterday with the cargo pants, boots, and black velcro vest, with fasteners on his left bicep. His hat turned backwards. His posture straightened when he was under the subject for instruction.

"Work on a fighting stance, mma moves, and try and get familiar with a weapon. We're going to be working on stances today but you still wont be able to use it on them anything alive. Not until you can catch some rabbits."

Jonas tossed Phillip the knife that he had bought yesterday. James and Jordan went off with Jewel to try to begin forming a weapon with their power.

"Youre going to have to decide what kind of techniques you want to use." Jonas pulled out a tablet that had scrollable books you could choose from. In them contained martial arts and fighting moves. "Most moves are known by the public since the internet has them for free, but its the ones that people create themselves that are really special."

"For instace im a grappler, i like to try to get right in your face, and over power you by throwing you around," Jonas looked giddy in his huge burly figure. He had on blue jeans and a red plaid overshirt that was buttoned up.

Phillip glanced away nervously when he heard Jonas talk about wanting to throw someone around. Phillip looked through the catalog. There was many fighting styles. Kung fu, karate, and the like. But after glancing through some of them Phillip already had his mind set up.

His form would be that of an american boxing one with the back and forth jumping of the feet. He would learn Jiu Jitsu because he had a smaller frame. Jiu Jitsu allows a person whos smaller to use their body size, weight, and leverage in a fight to overcome their opponents. Similar to what happened to that pudgy kid that threw rocks with Jones.

He would add in some muay thai which would feature devastating blows with the elbow and knees, and krav magra which simply would not care for the well being of the person he was fighting. He was ambitious indeed.

Phillip started to listen to the instructional videos and after mimicking them over and over, hed ask to spar with Jonas. Time and time he would get thrown back. Then he would practice the moves again and fight Jonas again. He wasnt even trying to rest in between sets which showed the tenacity that he put himself in.

About the 6th or 7th time of Phillip asking to spar with Jonas he saw an opening! Jonas was careless and had his elbow folded to close together as he went and tried to grab Phillip. Jonas couldnt even grapple him he was too shifted out of reach. Phillip grabbed Jonas arm with both of his and swung his body forwards.

Phillip went around in a half circle swinging on Jonas' arm, he then let his grip go. He landed with a sharp thud with both his knees on Jonas' shoudler blades. Jonas instinctively shuddered as he wasnt ready for the suddeness of Phillips attack.

Phillip was estatic. He thought he got Jonas! Alas Jonas was prepared for what happened next" as he reached upside down behind his back to grab Phillips ankles. Phillip was unprepared and he lost his footing. Jonas twisted his arms around sharply as it affected the way Phillip was thrown behind Jonas' back. Phillip flew in a clockwise rotation as he landed in the bushes around him. Leaves falling out of his hair as he was trying took get out of them.

"Oh this is going to be a long day," thought Phillip.

Meanwhile James, Jordan and Jewel was a few meters away as Jewel was instructing the other two.

"Come on you call that strong? Ive seen stronger," Jewel said to James as he was nearby lifting weights. His face was red by straining. He was power lifting 150! For his 130 pound weight it was not bad. Jewel sat by James in a lawn chair with an umbrella which covered the Sun light. She was filling her nails.

Jordan ran buy, "Pussy run faster!" She cupped her hands around her mouth as she shouted it whenever he would run by. Jordan clenched his fists.

'I am not a Pussy' he was determined to beat his previous lap time. He put on his game face as Jordan began to run a little bit faster. James paused between sets and this time he was putting in 5 more pounds in each side!

Jonas looked around and saw the progress that was happening around him. Phillip even started to train with his brass knuckles. Jonas shivered, no one likes to be hit with brass knuckles. "All of you can take a break now its time for lunch." All three boys collapsed as they were gasping for air. Jonas brought them some water and they ate their lunch.

The third designated person on our squad will be coming by in a few minutes, it will be a good time to meet him. Hes kinda weird but hes kinda cool too so its okay. His name is Daniel." Jonas said as he checked his phone as they were finishing eating.

"Hes a gun collector, not only that, a formidable crazy one. Within his arsenal is tons of explosives and both electrical and mechanical guns. And he has the power to clone himself, where he usually lets his clones all have different guns."

Jonas pondered as he put his finger on his lips. "I asked him how he did that but he wouldnt tell me so i didnt take any more attention towards it. With that he knows all kinds of combat tactical moves, and his 7 current clones at the moment can form into a cohesive combating unit with him at the helm!"

"Cool," Phillip and the other two boys smiled with their eyes as they heard that. Jewel rolled her eyes. At that moment Daniel was walking behind Jonas and went to go greet them.

He had a tall lanky body, about 5'11 or so, and he had pale white skin with brown hair. He was wearing some black jeans with a blue sportsjacket on.

"Whats upp?" Daniel said with a elongated questioning tone, scratching the back of his head in the process. He over heard them talking about him. He was a little nervous.

Jordan and Phillip ran up to him excitingly.

"We heard that you have a lot of guns can we see them?" Jordan asked as Phillip said "Yeah" with an agreeing nod. Daniel quickly took a step back and threw his hands in the air.

"Sorry little dudes i didnt bring any across the city limits with me," he defended himself. He was only 16 that year.

Jordan and Phillip walked back to stand back with James all sulking like, Jonas laughed and Daniel laughed nervously too.

They continued their day of training with Daniel teaching Phillip, James, and Jordan about more nuances of Fighting. Before they knew it, it was already getting late. The three boys would have to come back home.

Daniel said his goodbyes to the boys and Jewel said her goodbyes to Phillip before she left with her mom who was picking her up. Mrs. Johnson saw Phillip though the opening door and waved at him and smiled. Phillip returned the gesture.

The three boys got in behind Jonas' truck and the three of them and Jonas talked on the ride back to their homes. The trucks middle window opened allowing them too.

Jordans stop was off first as he lived more in city in a well kept up apartment building. James stop was next as his house was a little out in the suburbs. Then it was just Jonas and Phillip in the front of Jonas' truck.

"How much further do i have to go?" questioned Jonas. "Just here is fine," Phillip replied."Here?" questioned Jonas again. They were out in the countryside a little bit and there were pretty shabby city apartment buildings that surrounded by a bunch of land. Most of the inhabitants moved in beast city long ago. It looked like some buildings werent being tooken care of.

Phillip nodded his head adamantly and asked him to stop here. Phillip said his goodbyes and started walking off in a direction.

Weird, thought Jonas as he was driving the opposite way. He was looking in his mirror and only saw Phillip continuously walking forward, without changing directions or entering any of the buildings. Then he was lost from view.

When Phillip got home he was met with Gertrudes nagging about asking a homeless man to be a nanny. Phillip was texting her earlier about it and her case was that you couldnt let strange men around kids. Phillip rolled his eyes and asked her to atleast meet the guy and they wouldn't even have to pay him.