
The youngest master

Su Ming was soon adopted by a top sect under mysterious circumstances. Odder still, is that he was already at the nascent soul realm. Such circumstances were sure to shook the world. After a few years passed, Su Ming was given the title of core elder. Like all core elders he natrually needs his own disciples. (Author guy here. I do plan on writing this story out. However, I like many authors on this site, am a new writer. Please be patient with me, and if you have anything you want to say, leave a comment or review. Im also posting on the site royal reads, in case you would rather read this story there. I plan to post one chapter per week. That's all, and thanks for reading my first ever light novel.)

DragonGuyTheFly · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

The competition begins!

An hour before sunrise, disciples walked out of the grand sect gates and through the city. Many challengers and their families waited by the gate and started walking with them. They tried to make conversation, yet the only responses were indifferent, annoyed, or condescending looks. The previously nervous challengers were affected by the worsening atmosphere, becoming more nervous.

Far away from the city, between 2 mountains lies a small, closed off valley. Within this valley is a massive arena floor made from white stone. The stones are about 5 meters across from one end to another, with the arena measuring 2 miles across. There are no walls surrounding the arena, nor any stands for spectators. The most striking thing within the arena, is a large tower, that's 5 stories tall, and made with a black stone. The second most striking thing throughout the arena, would be the powerful runes engraved on both the tower and arena floor.

The disciples arrived at this arena at sunrise, and the first step of the ceremony began. Registering for the ceremony. The conditions to sign up are very simple. Condition number 1, be between 11 and 19 years old. Condition number 2, have already completed more then 9 of the 18 total prerequisite cultivation stages.

Signing up is just to make sure that everyone in the ceremony is young and at least somewhat talented. They also make sure that no one is affiliated with any other sects. The final reason, is that having clear knowledge on who is going to be in the ceremony, allows the event to be run smoothly.

To register, people go up to a stand, report personal information, and place their hand on a magic tool. After placing their hand on the magic tool, which is basically just a big stone cube with runes engraved on it, the magic tool will glow if they are qualified. If the rock glows, they will be given a special token that shows they are in the test, and keeps track of them. This way information about how they did can be reviewed easily.

Zhang Xiu got here early with her family, and was one of the first people in line. She and the most talented Zhang family members in her generation, got their tokens and sat down at one of the sides of the arena. They watched the crowd move, as they waited for time to pass.

Since the sunrise, 2 hours passed. Anyone that planned on joining the Moon Palace, has either gotten a token or missed their chance. The stone was taken into the spectating tower's lower floors and anyone that had no token was chased away.

Soon the arena was silent, with the exception of some whispering. The only people around were the challengers and a few sect disciples watching them. Many challengers were so nervous, that they couldn't focus on anything other then the competition. This caused a heavy atmosphere. The sect disciples kept a casual, unbothered attitude and paid minimal attention to the challengers.

Zhang Xiu, with a lot of effort, remained calm. Under an atmosphere so thick you could probably cut it, very few people were able to remain truly calm. This made her an anomaly in the crowd.

After a few minutes of this tense silence a panicked yell caused shook throughout the arena. "The elders are coming!" a shaky voice shouted.

"The elders!?"

"So soon...!"

"Where are they...?"

"Took long enough."

"The core elders?"

A series of questions, exclamations and yelps of surprise quickly left the challengers mouths. The previously quiet and anxiety filled environment became a noise, excitement, and anxiety filled environment.

Numerous people pushed and shoved each other for a chance to see the elders. Some people did it with great respect and excitement in their eyes, much like someone meeting their idol. Other people were anxious, after all the elder's appearance meant the competition would start soon. Two odd people in particular were annoyed that they had to wait so long. They weren't nervous at all, and were just tired of waiting.

As the challengers were trying to catch a glimpse of the elders without leaving the arena, 30 outer court disciples were weaving rapidly through the crowd. In seconds they were out of the arena staring in the direction of Dark Moon City.

A group of over 100 people were rapidly making their way towards the arena. Within just a moment this group arrived in front of the disciples.

Most of this group had dark robes with silver outlines. The robe of the outer court elders. Although they just stood their, the cultivation difference made everyone feel pressure. The elders each carried themselves differently. Some had a scholarly aura, others a cold aura, and some seemed warm and gentle.

Once they landed, the elders made a path and people wearing different robes stepped out. They wore dark robes, with mysterious silver thread weaved throughout. This small group is unmistakably the core elders. Unlike the outer court elders, they hid their aura and power perfectly.

However, as they stated walking everyone was shocked. One of the core elders was… less than 4 feet tall...? With the unmistakable face of a child...?

The disciples, although still shocked, quickly moved out of the way of the core elders. They then dropped to their knees and said, "This disciple pays respect to the high court."

The challengers naturally didn't stand in the way either. A path was quickly opened. At this time whispering sounded through the arena.

"Why is there someone younger than us there...? And 7 people wearing core robes?! Weren't there only 5 core elders and the sect master...?"

"Forget that, why is a child wearing the core robes?"

"I heard there was a new core elder, but I didn't expect them to be younger than us!"

"Shut up! How could he be a core elder? He's younger than us! Even the immortals from legends couldn't reach the nascent soul at such a young age!"

"Then how could he wear a core members robe...?"

Su Ming looked around curiously. This is his first-time seeing people that weren't part of the Moon Palace. He already knew how high the nascent soul realm was, so he wasn't at all shocked by the whispering. After all the only time he really showed his cultivation was in front of no more then 20 inner court disciples. Any rumors made were treated as jokes. The only people who knew he really was at the nascent soul realm were the elders of the sect.

The core members soon walked into the tower. Every challenger reigned in their curiosity and got serious. After all, that child being a core elder is merely a poorly made theory, and there is no use freaking out over it. Besides, the first test will soon begin.

In an instant an overwhelming pressure was felt. Some challengers directly fell to their knees. Like flies, one challenger after another fell to the floor. Within seconds over half the challengers collapsed. After a total of ten seconds the pressure disappeared.

The sect master, the source of the pressure, said sternly, "The first test has been completed. Those that couldn't withstand it, leave the valley. Those that passed, rest. The second test will start in an hour. Elders take care of those that lost consciousness," using qi to make sure everyone heard him. The elders nodded before rushing towards the dozen that collapsed and brought them into the tower. They do the same test every ceremony, so there are beds in the tower for people that faint.

Seeing that the other elders looked at this scene as though it were normal, Su Ming asked in confusion, "Sect master, what's the point of this test? Why were some people knocked unconscious, yet others were hardly effected?"

The sect master smiled and said, "There are devices that can test a person's body's physical affinity. However, some complicated techniques, like those from the Moon Palace, have very particular requirements for the soul. The easiest way for us to tell whether or not someone meets these requirements, is to force aura into their body and watch their reaction. Those that don't meet the requirements of the soul, will quickly be unable to stand, and may even fall unconscious."

After a moment Su Ming slowly nodded and turned back towards the arena.

Those that failed walked away dejectedly. They were tired out from the pressure, and didn't want to move at all. However they didn't want to get on the Moon Palace's bad side. Unfortunately, for some the price of failing was worse than the terror of the sect.

"No way…this…this isn't fair!"

"I…I can't fail…"

"This can't be…how can they succeed where I couldn't?! This is rigged! You moon bastards cheated!"

"…No…no way. I…I deserve another chance!"

Out of the over 500 that failed about 40 stayed. They begged for another chance and complained it wasn't fair. A few brave/stupid people even insulted the sect.

Eight members of the Zhang family failed. Three of them were among this group. They got up with a jump, and making similar demands. The other members of the Zhang family tried to stop them, but it was too late.

The disciples of the Moon Palace quickly jumped on anyone that insulted their sect. The people tried to fight back, but it made no difference. Before a minute passed, anyone that dared to insult the sect was beaten bloody, with numerous broken bones. Under this terrifying scene anyone that passed went to outskirts of the arena. Those that didn't pass also tried to go to the outer edge, but the rest of the outer court disciples stopped them.

Those that wanted another chance, or just couldn't accept reality were terrified. Once they felt it was enough the disciples stopped beating the insulant. They picked up their limp bodies, and tossed them out of the arena. One of the disciples stood in the center of the arena with bloodstained robes and asked, "Do you want another chance?"

The group in question, was sacred. Yet, after a few seconds, someone still nodded her head. Everyone soon followed suit, along with the shouts of, "I want a second chance!" and "I'll do anything!"

The disciple slowly nodded his head. "My name is Chen Xian. I'm at the first level of foundation building. If you want a second chance, then all you must do is beat me. You can come, in groups of 30 or less. Don't regret your words now."

After a minute passed 4 people walked to the side of the arena. "We have our 30!" announced one of the members of this group.

The disciple simply nodded and said, "Come."

At that the 30 people quickly rushed towards him. The disciple was unconcerned. When they were about a meter in front of him, he moved his hand. With that a wall of wind moved out, separating the group.

He rushed to one side, and as the group tried to fight him, he dodged easily and kept moving.

At this moment, the wind he sent out dissipated and the other half could join the battle. But, before they could even rush over, there was a change.

Once he was in between this half of the group, he let out a grunt. In a moment light left his feet and traveled through the ground. In the next moment half the group collapsed, with sparks around them.

"You want another chance with skills like these? If you want to win, even through the shook, you must follow through with your attack. Well, before losing consciousness." He casually belittled the other party, before turning to the other half. Before the group could recover from their shook, Chen Xian rushed towards them

Six members decisively ran at him. In the first exchange, two punches flew toward him. He easily dodged it with his superior speed, and sent out a kick that sent three of them over a meter away.

As the rest of the group tried to close in on him, he would keep dodging. Nothing they did could touch him. Yet, every one of his strikes found their mark. With no more then three punches, they would be unable to get back up. In front of this overwhelming foe, they didn't even last a minute.

After he finished, he said with a hint of mockery, "If you're done messing around, you could rest for five minutes. After that, leave. If you're still unconvinced, you may try again." He paused, as a murderous glint passed through his eyes. He continued slowly, "But you should keep this in mind. There will be no third challenge."

He then walked to the edge of the arena and sat down. He closed his eyes as though nothing happened, leaving the spectators all the more shocked. Any fighting spirt the losers still had was instantly replaced by a horrible sense of dread and fear.

"How can this be fair? You're an entire realm above us!" some of the defeated still couldn't give up, and shouted desperately.

Chen Xian didn't even bother opening his eyes, and just lazily replied, "How can any of this be fair? Most of the test is based on talent you were born with. Even the reason why anyone made it here today was due to talent you were born with. That's just how cultivation is. How far you go depends on your backers, and natural born talent. To shout something like unfairness… you really are out of touch with the world."

After this comment filled with contempt, the losers could only hang their heads in shame. They're aware that should insist on another chance, losing a few limbs is a certainty. Even then the results of their impulsiveness won't end here. The rumors are more than credible enough for them to know, that staying in any Moon Palace protected city, is going to be impossible after today.

Through this entire process, Xin Jiang kindly explained why this happened to Su Ming. Today, Su Ming learned just how much the sect loves their reputation, how much disciples love the sect, and how desperate people can be in a crisis.