
The Youngest CEO

Blair Fields was the opposite of Hunter Grant and yet here they are getting married. Against Hunter's will. Too bad she didn't emancipated when she was 16.

sethmeister96 · LGBT+
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13 Chs

Part 5

The weekend came by rather fast, the engagement party was tonight and Blair was irritated. I had been busy with the new CEO plans that I had not gone with her to go and see her pick her dress. She was not in the best of moods but I knew she would perk up as soon as she saw the necklace I got for her. It was a butterfly diamond necklace with a platinum chain from Tiffany & Co. It wasn't that I bought jewellery, but rather the meaning behind the necklace. 

I got dressed around 6:30 pm and put on some cologne and was walking down the stairs by 6:55 pm. Don't want to be late for my own party right. My mother escorted me to the foyer where I would meet Blair and she was beautiful.

 She had her hair curled, in a powder pink dress that stopped 10 cm above her knees, make-up looked natural and it brought out her eyes. They were vivid green at that moment, if I were more aware of my emotions I would have known that I had fallen in love with the girl, but that was not the case. She scowled when she saw me and crossed her arms over her ample cleavage. I walked towards and pulled on the box from my jacket pocket and without a word I handed it over to her with a small smile. She received it silently and then smiled once she saw what lay inside the box. That's when I knew I was forgiven.

We greeted the guests and after the party was in full swing my father got on the makeshift stage and the music quietened down.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure you are curious as to why we decided to throw such an extravagant party tonight. Tonight marks the beginning of a wonderful partnership between two families. Blair, Hunter come up here for a moment"

We joined my father on the stage and on his left side. 

"Tonight we celebrate the union between Blair Fields and Hunter Grant. They are engaged to be married within three months." 

Loud applause broke through the room and then my father lifted his hand and the room quietened again.

"This union will also bring Fields corporation and Grant incorporated together as one big company run by Hunter within the next few months."

Another huge applause went through the room, people were shocked but they knew that this merger would only bring more business and more jobs. Not that they cared about job creation but more about the money that would be entering their back pockets. 

Once we got off stage I presented Blair with a rose gold diamond ring fit for her to wear and she smiled and blushed. 

"Let's make it official," I said.

"Thank you" she giggled.

We spent the rest of the night receiving congratulations and questions about the merger. It was a good night but one I wished was a few more months down the line. 

I would have to push up the deadline for the CEO apprenticeship.


I woke up early so that I could get to work early and start reviewing the applications for the apprenticeship. My assistant had already rejected the rich kids and I was left with the scholarship kids. I went through their applications and motivations one by one making sure that they were not getting into this for the wrong reason, I don't want someone who is out to make a quick buck. 

I narrowed it down to ten applicants and then gave them to my assistant to call and set up interviews for the next week. I would have to choose two out of the ten.  

I had two meetings that morning to talk about buying some hotels that were going bankrupt and the negotiations were not easy but I got them at a bargain. Now I owned 10 more hotels from today's meeting. Hunter Hotels was growing even more. They needed a lot of remodelling to fit the standards but a little hard work goes a long way. 

I went to the school in my matte black Mercedes to have lunch with Blair now that the news was all over social media, she was revelling in the added attention. I sent her a text that I was outside. I got out of the car and waited for her. I was wearing a red and black waistcoat with a white shirt and black chino pants. She walked out of the school like she was on the red carpet. Head held high, shoulders squared, walk; powerful. She ruled at that moment and I admired her for it. I pulled her in for a hug and noticed a crowd had gathered then I kissed her on the cheek. I opened the car door for her and she got in like a queen. 

"How is school, with all the media attention?" I ask

"Same as when everyone found out I was a model/actress. They just can't get enough of me," she said flipping her hair.

"As long as it doesn't bother you then I guess it is alright."

"What would you do if it did?" she asked with a head tilt

"I would have to remove you from the school, of course, I would not want your schooling to suffer Blair. You could even finish within the year if you wanted to." I said with shrug.

"I see." she said looking down so that I would not see her expression.

We had lunch and just got to learn more about each other again. We had a small argument about who paid but it was easily sorted when I mentioned that I was the one that asked her to lunch so it was my treat, she was not pleased but she conceded for the day. 

I took her back to the school and went back to the office.