
The Young Miss Yan is a Big Boss

Everything started because the fortune-teller said, "This daughter will jinx her mother!" When Xu Lan was born, she was sent to the countryside. Despite that, her birth mother still could not avoid the gates of hell. After that, her father had remarried and left her behind. It was only until she reached adulthood that she was connected to her family with marriage, and her stepsister remembered her. On the day she returned home, she met a handsome man on the train who was being chased. He was threatened and had no choice but to act as her boyfriend. Later, they met again. He was the young master of Feng City's Yan family, and she was the bride that the Xu family was about to marry off. When the two families met, her stepsister suddenly changed her mind and accused her of stealing her role as Yan Si's fiancée. In the face of such an awkward situation, Xu Lan remained calm and collected as she watched her stepsister surrender to the weak. What could she do? She had just arrived and was said to be raised outside the Xu family. She was not a member of the Xu family. Xu Lan smiled instead of getting angry. Since they did not acknowledge her, it was fine. In front of everyone, she strode out of this place that did not belong to her. The next day, a corporation opposite the Yan Corporation suddenly rose. In an instant, all the capitalists in the city were watching to see how long the person who dared to go against Yan Corporation could last. Little did they know that this person was Xu Lan from the countryside. Later, the two conglomerates suddenly announced that they would merge. Just as everyone was making wild guesses, the resolute and decisive Yan Si wanted the whole world to know that his wife was Xu Lan, who had just turned 20 years old.

Gu Jin · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
40 Chs

Clear the Boundary

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

Xu Lan pushed him away with all her might. After tidying her clothes, she picked up the hat that had fallen to the ground and left quickly.

"Starting tomorrow, we're going on dates."

His voice was loud but she chose to ignore it.

As if he suddenly thought of something, he ran out of the building and happened to see a man opening the door for Xu Lan.

The car was still the same red sports car he had seen last time. In an instant, he felt as if someone had stolen his thing.

The next day, Xu Lan was woken up by a call. "Sister Lan, we've got the project."

Xu Lan sat up abruptly in disbelief. "What did you say?"

"It's the case at the amusement park. The Special Assistant from Yan Corporation sent it over personally."

On the other end, he thought that she did not hear him clearly and deliberately repeated himself.

Xu Lan calmed down and thought about how she had been kissed by that man in the corner yesterday. Her cheeks burned at the mere thought.

"Alright, I understand."

After hanging up, she was no longer sleepy.

She got down from the upper bunk and went to the bathroom to wash up.

During her stay at school, she got along quite well with her classmates. Everyone was not too curious about her, and she did not deliberately keep a distance from others. She planned to pass the final year of high school naturally.

"Xu Lan, it's the weekend today. Why are you up so early?"

When she came back, one of the girls woke up and asked her in a daze.

Xu Lan smiled. "I can't sleep."

She had just sat down to apply her skincare products when her phone vibrated.

She picked it up and realized that it was an unknown number. She picked up the call tentatively and heard a deep and magnetic male voice. "Morning, little beauty."

Xu Lan frowned. She dug out some skincare cream with her fingers and casually tapped it on her cheek a few times before heading outside.

The call was from Yan Si, but Xu Lan returned within two minutes. She looked at herself in the mirror, changed her clothes, and went out with her bag.

Li City First High School was a key high school, but it was a place where commoners' children studied. Therefore, as soon as Xu Lan arrived at the school gate, she saw a luxury car parked not far away, attracting the attention of many people.

Awkwardly, she dialed Yan Si number again as she headed for the boulevard.

The man in the car saw her figure and hurriedly started the car.

In September, Li City was washed in golden sunlight.

Xu Lan stepped on the fallen leaves and had just gathered her coat when Yan Si's car caught up with her. The car window rolled down, revealing a handsome face.

"Get in."

He pulled the car to a stop and urged.

Xu Lan looked around and tried to open the door to the backseat, but she could not.

"Sit beside me."

He stuck his head out with a faint and evil smile on his face.

Xu Lan compromised and got into the passenger seat.

He looked her up and down, seemingly very satisfied.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"Where do you want to go?" he asked in return.

Xu Lan glanced at him. She sat upright and looked straight ahead.

"The property sales center."

With that, Yan Si glanced at her, stepped on the accelerator, and went to the nearest building.

Xu Lan felt that it was not convenient to stay in the dormitory and felt that it was more convenient to have her own house.

Yan Si followed behind her all the way. He was slightly puzzled by her decisiveness from choosing the house to paying the deposit.

Father Xu had said that she was not a part of the Xu Family, but she was only 18 years old, how could she have so much money?

After leaving the sales office, he could not help but ask curiously, "Where did you get so much money to buy a house?"

"None of your business!"

Xu Lan did not want to talk about it, nor did she bother to.

But these words agitated Yan Si, and when they returned to the car, he could not help but touch her again.

Xu Lan pushed him away angrily. She wanted to get out of the car but he had already locked it.

"Since you've agreed to a date, you have to honor your words."

He pulled the car into the underground parking lot and started to take off his jacket.

His action stunned Xu Lan.

She was not afraid of him, but she was angered that he kept pestering her and kissing her every now and then.

"I'm very grateful for the amusement park project. I'll return your gun to you. I hope we'll draw the line later."

Xu Lan did not look at him and looked straight ahead calmly.

However, the man beside her was no longer calm. He suddenly got up from the driver's seat and pressed down on her. He straddled her legs and casually adjusted the car seat.

Xu Lan was caught off guard and fell backward. She instinctively grabbed his clothes.

This pleased Yan Si. So she had something to fear.

"Little girl, are you sure you want to draw the line between us? We've been intimate before. Are you so heartless to get rid of me?"

He raised his eyebrows, a playful look in his eyes.

Xu Lan glared at him. She wanted to get up but was suppressed by him.

From the outside, it was simply indescribable.

However, a photo of this scene was secretly taken from the front windshield.

"Don't worry. I won't break that membrane until we're married."

He bent down and whispered in her ear.

The hot air blew against her ears, making her feel numb. Her hands that were resisting him fell unconsciously.

When Yan Si saw his chance, he lowered his head and kissed her on the lips. At the same time, his hands began to roam her body dishonestly.

This time, Xu Lan did not resist, nor did she deliberately go along with him. However, this gave him more encouragement.

Yan Si was wearing a white shirt, his tie having long been pulled to the side, and a few buttons having been undone at the collar, revealing his muscular abs. His suit pants had already been pulled down to form a small tent.