


Jon Snow grew up in Winterfell the bastard of Eddard Stark Lord of Winterfell. As the family grew most of Jon's half siblings accepted him despite him being a bastard. Sansa treated him badly or ignored him and Catelyn Stark Lord Eddard Stark's lady wife never missed an opportunity to remind him that he is a bastard. At family meals Jon was not allowed to eat with the family at the main table. In private Eddard Stark offered him advice and wise council, he also expressed love to Jon, but it was not the same as it was with his half siblings.

Growing up in Winterfell Jon mostly kept to himself, but always made time for Arya, Bran, and Rickon. Eventually Jon decided to ask Eddard Stark about his mother. He refused to speak about her and when Jon did ask Eddard Stark took on this sad expression and was melancholy for several days. Jon was thirteen when he asked. Seeing the hurt he caused his noble father he never bought it u again.

When Jon turned fifteen he started asking about the Night's Watch when it was clear that Lord Eddard Stark had no intention of legitimizing him. When the King visited Eddard decided to allow Jon to go to the Night's Watch. Eddard rides up to Jon when they reach the King's Road. "The next time I see you… You will be wearing the Black…"

"I will make you proud…"

"There is great honor in serving the Night's Watch… The next time I see you we will have a talk you and I about your mother… I will tell you everything…"

Jon wanted to ask why not now, but he held his peace and rode after his Uncle Benjen. The men with him are his Uncle Benjen Stark, a few men of the Watch who came with Benjen, and to Jon's surprise Tyrion Lannister. Jon rather liked the little man. His words stuck in Jon's heart about not allowing others to use the fact that Jon is a bastard against him. Jon takes a seat next across from Tyrion Lannister.

Then a man by the name of Ferad orders the new recruits to sit, "Your new brothers of the watch… Men given a choice between life on the wall or death… or whatever other form of punishment their crimes called for…"

"What are you reading anyway?" Jon asks eying the book Tyrion is holding.

"Its called friend or foe, and insightful look into the human mind and how to tell if someone is a friend or an enemy… Written by a fellow from Braavos… Insightful people the Braavosi…"

Jon frowns, "Why are you going to the wall anyway?"

"The greatest structure ever built by man… I have heard all the stories… Some say giants built the wall… Others say the old gods built the wall… My favorite tale is of Bran the Builder… They say he used magic to build the wall… and keep out the horrors that live beyond it…"

"Ice Spiders…" Jon says looking at the new recruits listening.

Tyrion looks at Jon, "Have you ever seen an Ice Spider Lord Snow…" He asks making eye signals at the new recruits.

"Of course… You can't call yourself a Northman if you have never come across Ice Spiders…"

"They real Ice Spiders…" A recruit asks.

Jon looks at Benjen who keeps his face turned away from them, "Oh yeah… Some are as small as ants but can grow to be as big as horses…"

"They are just pulling your leg you idiot…" Another recruits says.

Sunrise the next day they break camp and travel until sunset. Just as Tyrion takes a seat he hears a whistling sound. An arrow strikes his guard in the chest. "Bandits!" Benjen screams as several men on horseback attack their small group. Jon helps fight off the bandits, but eventually he is struck in the neck by a dart fired from a blow pipe.

A man rides up and snatches Jon up before he hits the ground, "We have what we came for ride!"

"Sir… they released our horses and took your nephew…"

"Dam… There is a farm two miles from here… We will camp here and head there in the morning for horses…" Sunrise the next day Benjen leads the remaining men on foot to the farm. By high noon they reach the farm. The farmer provides them with a mule drawn wagon and two horses. "Fared you go on with the recruits and Lord Tyrion… Tell the Lord Commander what happened… I am going after those men…"

"Alone that is mad…"

"They took my nephew Lord Tyrion… If it were your nephew what would you do?"

"Go after them… At least take my man Richard…"

Benjen and the Lannister guard ride off while Fared and Tyrion continue on to Castle Black.


The men paid to kidnap Jon lost nine men in the attack. The leader is the man who delivered the message to Jon Connington. "Hold!" He commands, "Rufus…" The man rides up as Olyn removes Jon's sword belt. "Time to split up… Head west…" Olyn gives the sword belt to Rufus and rides off with half the men. Rufus takes the belt and drags it behind his horse and drops it after a mile.


Jon awakens to find his hands and legs bound with chains. He looks around, "So you are awake… Hungry?"

"Where am I? Who are you?" Jon asks.

"My name is Olyn… Take heart my associates and have no intention of harming you…"

"Why have you kidnapped me?"

"I cannot tell you that… Our benefactor wishes to speak with you in person…"

Jon takes the food and eats in silence. He looks up at the stars and figures out where he is. When the sun comes up Olyn places a black bag over Jon's head. Then they all ride off towards the southeast. Even with the bag on his head Jon can tell they are heading towards White Harbor and by now word of his abduction has spread across the North in theory.

After three weeks of travel Jon is placed in a rowboat and taken to a ship off shore a few miles south of White Harbor. Once aboard he is taken to a Cabin, "If I allow you free access of the ship you won't do anything foolish like jumping over the side. Escape is impossible…"

"Where are we going?"

"You will when we get there…"


Benjen Stark, Richard, and Ghost stop where the kidnapping party split up, "Looks like they split up here…" Richard says.


"Begging your pardon my lord… But if your nephew is a bastard… why would they kidnap him?"

"I don't know… My brother never spoke about his mother… Maybe she is behind this… It's the only logical explanation…"

"They split up… Your wolf wants to go West…"

"Then we should probably go east… Ghost!" The Dire Wolf whimpers and reluctantly follows Benjen.


Jon walks along the deck of the ship. So far his captors haven't treated him badly in any way. To pass time Jon helps out with chores aboard the ship. He cuts potatoes, help with the rigging and even takes a few turns in the crow's nest. After a month and some days at sea the city of Braavos comes into view. When they dock Jon must stay aboard and a week passes before Olyn returns to the ship. "I am sorry our orders are to remain here until we receive new orders.

Jon sighs, "Can I at least stretch my legs and take a walk…"

"Fine… Jun… Carter… Hade form a guard and accompany Lord Snow…"

Jon is glad to be off the ship, but sad about his family. He misses Robb, Arya, Rickon, and Theon. He wasn't very close to Sansa, but respected her despite her naïve look on life. He did not miss Lady Catelyn either. When he was a boy he would often wish she was his mother, now he was glad to be away from the Red Shrew. Jon explored much of the city, visiting the smaller islands by boat. Always his guards slash captors watching.

Jon killed time by practicing the sword with Olyn who was actually very good. Sometimes he would win and others Olyn. When he wasn't practicing his sword skills Jon was exploring Braavos and even paid a visit to the House of Black and White even though he was not allowed entrance. "I have news…" Olyn says to Jon one day.


"Your brother the one called Bran is awake from his deep sleep…"

Jon smiles taking a seat on a barrel of whale oil, "Thank you…" It is the second day of the next month when word arrives. "What is happening?"

"We are heading for Qarth…"

After a few weeks at sea Qarth comes into sight and Jon is in the crow's nest. Fear grips his heart when he sees the Targaryen sigil draped over the sea gate. On one of Jon's adventures through Braavos he heard men talking about how King Robert had been assassinated in a whore house. "Why kidnap me?" Jon whispers to himself. He slides down the rope to the deck below.

Olyn leads Jon and ten men down the gang plank where a guard of fifty Unsullied wait with a Knight dressed in the ceremonial armor of the King's Guard. "Olyn you old sea dog…"

"Sir Cade always a pleasure…"

"Is this him…"

"Jon Snow as promised…"

Cade signals some men and they bring forth a chest of gold, "The balance of what is owed…" Then he looks at Jon, "Jon Snow I am Sir Cade Lord Commander of the King's Guard to King Aegon Targaryen… Have you been mistreated in any way…"

"Aside from being kidnapped no…" Jon replies angrily.

"Apologies about that… Come with me Jon…" He looks Olyn, "Olyn there is food, wine, and women awaiting you and your men at the palace of a thousand thrones… A gift from the King…"

Jon is impressed by the Unsullied who fall in line and escort them to the aforementioned palace. When they reach the palace Jon is taken to a large room and left alone. No sooner than he was left alone when he hears strange noises coming from the balcony. He walks toward the balcony and gasps at the sight of three Dragons feasting on a burnt animal. All three raise their heads and look at Jon. The large black Dragon and the green one return to their meal, but the gold one locks eyes with Jon and starts crawling towards him.

There is a part of Jon that wishes to leave, but something holds him in place. The Dragon sniffs the air and then nudges his hand. "He likes you…" Jon turns around to find a woman and man both with White Hair and purple eyes behind him. "His name is Viserion if you are wondering… I am Aegon Targaryen Forth of his name and King of Qarth… This is my sister Queen Regent Daenarys Targaryen…" Jon drops to one knee.

"You don't have to bow to us Jon… Arise and come sit let us talk…"

"He's more handsome than I imagined Daenarys says…"

"Did anyone mistreat you in your journey here?"

"No my Lord…"

"Call me Aegon…"

"Would you like some wine?" Daenarys asks.

"Yes please…" Jon takes a sip, "Why am I here?"

The two Targaryens smile, "Why indeed, tell me Jon what do you know of your mother?"

Jon frowns remembering how his father said that they would talk about her the next time they saw each other. "Nothing… My father never spoke of her… He did promise me that he would talk to about her next time we saw each other…"

"And the Starks how did they treat you?" Daenarys asks.

"Fine… my half siblings accepted me… Most of them… Sansa Stark and I were never close. Lady Catelyn always reminded me that I was bastard… Why all these questions why am I here?" Jon asked suspiciously.

"Jon family is very important to me… We lost everything in Robert's rebellion and Dany here will never know her mother or brother… My brother Rhaegar and I were very close… He was like a father to me. What I am about to tell you isn't known by many. My brother was going to overthrow our father and take his place on the throne… The Tourney at Harrenhal by House Whent was held at Rhaegar's request… He went there to recruit Houses to his cause…

As you know he won the tourney and gave Lyanna Stark the winter roses… Some say my brother kidnapped Lyanna and raped her… Not so… Lyanna and Rhaegar were in love, but she was promised to that man whore Robert Baratheon… So Lyanna and Rhaegar ran off together and married in secret…"

Jon is breathing heavy, "He already had a wife…" He says interrupting with a suspicion as to where this story was going.

"Yes and he loved my aunt Elia and the children she gave him. But he loved Lyanna more… He took her to the tower of joy in Dorne after they married and in that brief time they were together she conceived a child… Eddard Stark arrived at the Tower just as she gave birth…" Jon stands up and walks toward the mantel with tears running down his face. "… I can only guess at this point, but I am sure she asked her brother to care for her son… Robert Baratheon's hatred for all people bearing the name and blood Targaryen is well known…

Eddard Stark took that child and named him Jon claiming him as his bastard… But you are no bastard Jon… You are the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna… You are family… When I learned of this I sent men to bring you here to us…"

Jon turns to face them, "How… I mean how do you know it is true… Someone may have lied to you… I mean my hair all Targaryens are White of hair…"

"I know in my heart…"

Dany stands up, and walks up to Jon, "So do I…" She says hugging him.

Jon bursts into tears thinking on all he had gone through growing up and how Eddard Stark was going to send him to the wall. "I can only imagine what you are feeling right now…"

"Please I need to be alone…"

"Of course… Our servants are yours to command… If you need to talk just send for me…" Aegon pulls a rope and a young woman enters, "This is Reida… Reida this is Prince Jon, serve him well and show him to his quarters."

"This way my Prince…"

"He took that well…" Aegon says.

"What if he wishes to return to Westeros?" Dany asks.

"He is not a prisoner Dany I just wanted to meet him…"

"And Viserion?"

"Is his if he wishes it…"

"Well I suppose I should leave for Vaes Dothrak…"

"Leave on tomorrow we can all have dinner together…"


"Do you need anything else my Prince?"

"No I am fine thank you…" Jon drops into a chair. His entire life was a lie. Eddard Stark owed him an explanation. Catelyn and Sansa Stark owed him a long apology. Later Reida returns to draw Jon a bath and give him fresh clothes.

"Their graces the King and Queen would like you to dine with them this evening…"

"Thank you… Reida…" Jon takes a slow bath sitting in the water. He starts to cry for a few minutes then he starts bathing himself. He dresses and summons Reida who leads him to one of the many dining halls in the palace. The table is loaded with all types of food.

"Did you find your quarters addiquete?" Aegon asks breaking the silence.

"Yes your Grace thank you…"

He smiles at Jon, "I told you Jon call me Aegon in private…"


Jon's mind is whirling with questions and thoughts about hisfamily the Starks. "If you have a question ask it Jon…"

He sighs, "Um… When I was in Astapor I heard men talking about the King Robert's assassination… So my question or questions are… What are your intentions… Have you any news on my family the Starks?"

He watches as Aegon wipes his mouth. "I won't lie to you Jon… there are things I can tell you and things I cannot… I ordered the assassination on Robert Baratheon… I intend to sail across the narrow sea and take back what rightfully belongs to House Targaryen… As we speak the west is at war… The Baratheons and Lannisters will tear each other apart… If the Tyrells are smart they will stay out of this conflict… So will House Stark… But I foresee the Tyrells in a power grab siding with one side or another… Balon Greyjoy will not stay out of it either… Robert did humble him and kill his sons… One os left…"

"Theon…" Jon says speaking up.

"Yes Theon Greyjoy and a daughter Yara… Balon will probably declare himself King of the Iron Isles… Then whoever wins between Renly, Stannis, and the Lannisters will invade the Iron Isles to put them down… While they destroy one another we grow stronger here in the East… I intend to march across Slaver's Bay… My sister and I find slavery intolerable… Once we have conquered all the cities in the bay we will sail West… As for the Starks I only wish peace with them and their allies… out of respect for the Love my brother had for Lyanna and because of you…"

"And me?"

"I hope you stay and get to know Dany and I… we are not plagued with the same madness our father was… So far… But if you wish to return to Westeros and the Starks I will make the arrangements… I will even go so far as to allow the North its independence from the crown, but if they support my enemies against me I will not take kindly to that and will unleash the fire of the seven hells…"

Jon sips from his goblet, "You have given me a lot to think about…"

"Well it is our hope and wish you stay…" Dany says speaking up.

Jon continues eating and as he does he remembers the old tales about the Targaryens and he looks at Aegon and Daenarys. "May I ask a question without either of you becoming offended…"

"Ask I will try not to be offended…"

Dany smiles, "Are the two of you married or lovers…"

Aegon smiles as well, "I love my sister and I would be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to her… But she is the last child my mother had. I held her as a baby and watched over her from infancy to the Woman she is now… No we are not lovers or man and wife… I see her and you as my only equals so I gave her the title of Queen Regent… Until I find a bride worthy of me…"

After dinner Jon goes to bed in the most comfortable bed he has ever slept in. The next day he finds Viserion on the bed. "Where did you come from?" When the Dragon looks at the balcony Jon frowns. Did the Dragon actually understand what he just asked. Jon walks through the halls of the palace with two Unsullied guards at his back. Soon he comes to the training grounds where Aegon is sparring with a few Unsullied.

"I wanted to say goodbye before I left…"

Jon turns to find Daenarys at his back, "Where are you going?"

"Vaes Dothrak… My brother believes I can bring the Dothraki to my side…"


"I am sorry I do not wish to discuss it…"

"Are you going alone?"

"No some of my guards will come with me… About a hundred Unsullied…"

"Well I wish you luck…"

Dany walks up to Jon and kisses him on the cheek, "I hope you are still here when I get back…"

Jon joins Aegon in the courtyard, "So grab a sword let me see what you got…"

Jon is handed a practice sword, then he and Aegon face off. With a resounding clang they strike at the same time. Jon is a traditional fighter in the Westerosi style of chivalry. He is also good at improvisation and adapting. Aegon is agile and switches from one technique to the other and switches sword hands to throw Jon off. Eventually Jon is disarmed and Aegon places the blade to his throat.

Both are breathing heavy and stare at each other, "You are a knowledgeable swordsman…" Jon says breaking the silence.

"So are you… I learned a few moves from you… I think you would have beaten me if I had not kept switching sword hands…"


Aegon laughs, "Oh no once is enough if I keep sparring with you I will have two show my true skill with two swords…"

"Who taught you?"

"A Braavosi sword master my brother hired to teach me before he was killed on the battlefield…"

Jon follows Aegon to a stake where a man is chained to the pole, "Who is that?"

"A Mage who took my sister and our Dragons… He is or was a part of the House of the Undying… I was saving this one for you…"

"What do you mean?'


Jon watches as Aegon nods and a few Unsullied grab him and tie him to the pole. "What are you doing?"

"Waking the Dragon my friend… The only way to do that is by blood and fire…" Aegon takes a dagger and cuts the palm of his hand then he flicks the blood on Jon. That is when the Dragons Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion land around the stake. " Dracaerys!" Aegon orders and all three Dragons unleash their fire burning the mage and Jon. Jon screams on instinct, but soon realizes that while his clothes are on fire his skin is not burning. The Mage is screaming at the top of his lungs. His hair turns white and his eyes turn color as well from grey to purple. When the fire dies out he is still alive.

He walks out of the ashes looking at his ash covered skin in amazement. He pulls a strand of hair and gasps as it is now as white as Aegon's. "How do you feel?"

He punches Aegon and when the Unsullied point their spears he raises his hand, "I deserved that…"

"How did know I would not die…"

"The Targaryens of old were fire seers… Dragon Riders… Mages… warriors… men of science and the arts… The Doom of Valyria wiped out most of our knowledge… and our blood, but Aegon the Conqueror and sister wives saw the doom and prepared… You Jon are the blood of the Dragon… But you must choose… So are you Jon Snow or are you Jon Targaryen son of Rhaegar and Lyanna…"