
The Young Devil, The Dark Mother, And The First Woman

She asked the dark mother; 'Must I kill the little girl for me to change?' The dark mother replied; 'No, you must protect and cherish her. Love her unconditionally as children deserve.' And so she did, and the little girl became the first woman.

PoisonLily · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Arc 0 - Chapter 7

Nathan and Theresa were absent for a week.

"There are only two weeks until the birthday banquet," Satan munched on a cookie dough Maria made. "It will be best if you complete the quest before you go back home. Who knows? When you'll get back to your parent's house they can mend their relationship."

Maria nodded her head and put the cookies in the oven. "He'll come back soon," She wiped her hands on her apron. "If you work yourself to death just to distract your mind, the minute you'll want to rest, you'll find your thoughts flooded with the same thing you tried so desperately to suppress."

Just as Maria predicted, Nathan came back after two days.

Maria thought she already saw his worst, but now he truly looked like a walking corpse.

Not only the tiredness and exhaustion that was written all over him but also many bruises filled his body and face. Seems like this time he took part in the criminal aspect as well.

Maria gasped and sat him down on the couch, running to get the near first-aid kit.

Nathan was too tired to reject her, he let her clean and put ointment on his face and also took his shirt off and let her handle the bruises on his upper body.

Maria was impressed yet not surprised by his muscles, he always wore clothing that was a bit too tight on him to show off his stature.

Nathan relaxed so much that he fell asleep. The last thought in his mind was that life was truly the best with such a woman by his side.

He forgot she wasn't even his woman.

Nathan blinked his blue eyes, the sun rays shining on them and showing their strong and deep royal blue.

He smelled something cooking, it smelled a bit herbal but still good.

Maria came with a tray near Nathan who just woke up on the couch, she wore simple jeans and a shirt that was covered by an apron. Her long hair in a ponytail with some baby hair shaped her face. It was such a simple yet beautiful sight.

"Good morning, how do you feel?" Her smile held worry in it.

She put the tray before Nathan and gestured for him to eat.

Nathan inspected the breakfast before him: simple congee, herbal soup, juice, and a small chicken salad.

A perfect breakfast for the sick and injured.

Nathan was a bit stunned, but his stomach urged him to hurry up and dive in.

Only after he took the last bite, did he notice the blanket that covered him and the pillow that was beneath his head for the night. His face and parts of his chest were bandaged.

Not only that, his apartment had a slight change.

The bare windows had an airy curtain, and some of the pale lights were changed to a yellow one- giving a more sunny feeling, on some of the sofas were comfortable pillows and plants were scattered throughout the rooms- they were well taken care of and gave a lively aura.

Scented candles, air refresher, a photo of a beautiful landscape, some wall decorations, a brown rag, and a vase that was filled with pink flowers he didn't care to know the names of.

But those flowers were beautiful.

All of a sudden, this cold and lifeless place got a life of its own, like a baby.

"You did this?" Nathan asked Maria.

Maria blushed and nodded. "I was bored and asked the housekeeper if she could ask you if it was okay to add a bit of furniture," Maria's face and ears were flushed. "I promise I didn't touch the private rooms!"

Natha remembered agreeing to such a request and brushing it off vaguely, he was too busy at the time. But now he looked around in awe. He never thought he would need such a thing, but when it was in his own home- he found it beautiful.

Nathan looked at Maria in amazement. He thought to himself that sure enough- only such a nurturing person could achieve something like this.

He looked at his bandaged self, his makeshift bed, and the food beside him.

Maria... would make such a great mother.

'+1,000 Charm Points'

Maria giggled as Nathan praised her. Sure enough, even the most playboy man will see you in a new light once he thinks you'll be an amazing mother.

He starts to fantasize about the future with you.

But Maria knew from Lilith's classes that it is not that alone that is required to reach ultimate seduction. You must have balance in many things.

In people's hearts, you must appear like a nurturing mother, a charming seducer, a caring wife, a pure maiden, and be beautiful on top of that all. That is the way to appear like a goddess in their hearts.

Sounds impossible? It is.

For someone who has only one life to learn.

Luckily for Maria, she will have countless.

Lilith must be proud of this diligent student.

Time passed and it was three days before the birthday banquet. Maria didn't waste her time and made sure that Nathan sees her in a better light day by day.

She scrolled through her Belladonna shop in boredom, lying on her bed appearing like a normal teenager playing with their phone.

She didn't buy many things from the Belladonna shop as she bought in the Rose shop, so she had much more savings of Poison points.

She will spin the wheels if she could, but those things can only be activated in a proper game world.

Something finally caught her interest.

"A phone call listener"; Want to know what someone is talking about in their most private conversations? Buy the 'phone call listener' and listen to all the last 24 hours of calls from the chosen phone. (product can only be used on one phone and will expire after 24 hours). Cost: 500 Poison Points.

Maria bought the device and took it out of her system space, before her was a regular smartphone that had an opening screen of the dial screen- it was meant to put the phone number of the device you want to listen to there.

Maria glanced at the table beside her bed and looked at the two devils arguing loudly while playing poker.

She sighed and connected her headphones to this phone. She typed in the number that was memorized inside her brain- her sister's.

Maria looked at the many calls her sister makes, her girlfriends mostly, one from her teacher, a few to Nathan which when she tried to listen to she recoiled from the screams, and one to an unknown number that lasted a few minutes.

Maria frowned and clicked on that call.

The phone rang before a deep male voice sounded: "Hello?"

The line was silent before her sister's voice was sounded. "This time I remembered to call this number,"

The male sighed, a bit of frustration was evident in his voice. "You nearly put me in a lot of trouble last time."

"...Sorry," Maria never heard her sister sound so... demure.

"I am arriving at an important destination soon," The voice was commanding yet still gentle. "We need to make this quick."

"For a meeting or a fight?" What?

"A bit of both," Was this man a part of Nathan's mafia?

Her sister sighed. "Remember last time, that I told you it was late..?" Her voice became shaky. "I did a test today..."

Maria's eyes widened in shock... no way.

The male took a deep breath. "...And?:" His voice was not worried or nervous, it sounded excited.

Theresa whimpered. "It's positive,"

The man released the breath he held. "This is good news."

"How can it be good news?!" Theresa screamed, fear and anxiety evident in her voice. "Nathan and I hadn't been intimate for half a year with all the work you put on him and our arguments, this child can only be from that night with you three months ago. If he finds out..."

For a few moments, all that was heard on the line was Theresa's sobs. "I want to abort,"

"Theresa! Don't you dare!" The male voice was now fully enraged. "This can be one of the last chances I have for having an heir!"

Theresa continued to sob.

The male sighed once again. "I have your location, I'm coming to get you. Stay put, you have the future of the West Saint group in your stomach."

The call ended. This call happened only 3 hours ago.

Lilith sighed as she looked at her cards. "Couldn't she just be satisfied with opening her legs for her boyfriend? He's in his prime and looks so vigorous," The devils heard the call even though Maria put on headphones. "I wonder how handsome Uncle Jacob is for her to fuck him."

Maria dropped the phone to the ground.

The day of the banquet came.

Nathan had to be there early to organize the event, so Maria took a separate car with Issac and a driver at 6:30 pm- the event officially starts at that time, Maria took her time with her stylist team on purpose to be a bit late.

Nathan assigned Maria 5 tailors, 2 hair stylists, a makeup artist, a fragrance consultant, a specialist jewelry stylist, and 3 different fashion stylists.

The tailors begin their measurement and began to work at incredible speed once Maria and the fashion stylist agreed on a dress. The dress was already there- yet had to be personalized to Maria's taste and measurements.

After Maria came out of the bath and did the necessary skincare, the two hair stylists begin to work- each on one side, while a makeup artist began to work on her face. They all worked according to Maria's wishes and kept the room at an extremely low temperature so she won't sweat.

The tailors then helped her to put on the dress carefully while the fashion stylists put on her shoes and picked her clutch.

The renowned jewelry stylist then decorated her with the complimentary colors of her dress, hair, skin tone, and makeup.

The fragrance consultant then sprayed the mixture he agreed on with Maria on key points of her body and dress, after that he put a small bottle to refresh her scent throughout the event inside her clutch.

Maria's dress was a gradient dress. It had an off-the-shoulder with a straight line of cloth that wrapped just below her collarbone, showing her graceful shoulders and delicate collarbones. The top of the dress was a cream white that started to change into pale pink around her waist which was tightened in the dress, and from there the tight dress opened into a fluttering yet not too-puffy ball gown. The pale pink became pink and a bit of hot pink- not too much so as to not appear gaudy, later a cold red. To minimize the impact of the colors the dress had a few layers of a translucent cloth that was inhaled with shimmers. On Maria's chest area were sewed a few gorgeous pink camellia flowers.

The dress made Maria look like a flower that finished blooming in the sunset.

Her heels were white and simple, not too high so as to not tire her legs. Her clutch had that same color and simplicity to it.

Maria had a silver necklace that was combined with a few tiny pearls and the Camilla flower in an expensive pink diamond - the necklace was not too big, and it rested beautifully on her long white neck. Her bracelets and rings were silver as well- the silver color matched her cool-toned skin and black hair, and her rings were decorated with diamonds as well. The earnings were two simple diamond drops.

Maria's makeup was kept simple yet enchanting. Her skin needed no foundation or concealer, and her button nose and defined jaw needed no contouring. Her full and low-set eyebrows needed no fillings in either.

The makeup artist was at a loss. What can she even do with this beautiful person? Won't her hands taint this face?

Maria was very nice and didn't push her to quicken her pace. She sat with the artist and explained to her through pictures the style she wanted.

The makeup artist that was used to change facial features and make young women into an older and sexier version of themselves was a bit at a loss at the airy and fairy-like makeup she saw from Maria's inspiration. Maria didn't blame her, it was the trend nowadays and society trained women to think that the more overtly sexual they are - the better.

Although it took some time, the makeup artist composed herself and went differently from her usual style. She was one of the best in her field and knew how to manipulate her techniques just by looking at the inspirational pictures.

The eyelids were first prepped with a base and then started to work on a pale pink matte color, she used very little and worked it up towards the upper crease. On the middle of the crease, she added a white shimmer with a purple hue to it, adding it to the inner corner as well. For under the eye, she mixed a bit of pink with a cool brown and emphasized her lower lids. A thin brown line that followed the natural extension of the eye was used as an eyeliner. To finish the eyes- she applied a lengthening mascara for both the upper and lower lashes.

The artist wanted to put on some individual lashes but there was no need, the young girl had natural long and full lashes that fluttered like butterfly wings when she blinked slowly.

On the center of the cheeks was applied a cool toned and almost invisible purple blush, the artist used a very complicated technique that people often failed at to make an ombre blush- from the purple in the center into pink on the top of the cheekbones. The prominent cheekbones were decorated with a purple shimmer on the top of the blush that drew the eye to it.

The pouty and small lips were not extended with a liner. They had a lovely and full shape that the makeup artist contemplated how to flutter it further. Instead of using a strong liner color to make them seem bigger, she spread the pink lip matte first evenly- blurring it on the edges. After that, she applied red in the center- making it a gradient lip that complimented the gradient theme.

She set the makeup with a refreshing spray and couldn't believe it was the work of her own hands. Was the makeup so beautiful because she used another technique or was it the beauty of the person before her?

Maria thanked the artist joyfully, and the artist who felt a pinch of jealousy in her heart couldn't even be mad at this lovely and polite girl.

Maria's long hair was curled at the ends in loose curls, and two small braids from the sides of her head were pinned back in a white flower brooch behind her head.

The scent that was mixed for her was sweet yet faint, It was pure in nature yet had an intoxicative hint to it.

When she was done and went down to Issac and the driver, they both felt like they were inside a famous princess movie. Their hearts flutter and beat faster than ever, the rose next to their head symbolized the large Charm points she got from both of these men.

Especially from Issac, who felt like he survived the trial and was marrying the princess of his dreams.

Maria sat in the backseat of the car, feeling extremely nervous in her heart.

Today was her last day in country A, she needed to capture Nathan's heart before she comes back.

The beautiful princess looked outside her carriage window- it began snowing. The realization suddenly downed on her that she didn't know anything.

If she successfully captured Nathan's heart, what's next? She didn't want to be with him- that thought was absolute in her mind.

What will be between her sister and Nathan? Will they break up because of her, or because of her sister's infidelity?

What with her family? Will her sister come and raise the child with them? Will she hate Maria with so much passion she will insist on moving her out? Will their family suffer from the West Saint group because of this matter? Will Nathan even help or will he be too resentful- seeking revenge as well?

What sort of dangerous path is she stepping on? She felt like a young girl coming before a cunning Cheshire cat.

"Which road do I take?" She whispered in a trance inside her mind.

The woman dressed in red beside her grinned. "Where do you want to go?"

The young girl was lost. "I don't know."

The young boy pulled his shoulders carelessly. "Then it doesn't matter."

'Oh,' The young girl realized. 'It wasn't a cat, it was a snake.'

The banquet was arranged inside an old castle on a hill. Many prominent figures used this place for gatherings- it was a state property. For an organized crime group to be able to rent this place could only mean they have friends in the political world.

Maria never imagined she will step foot at a place like this only a month after her balloons and plastic cups-filled birthday party.

Maria was a bit late, for such a gathering filled with people living by the criminal code of honor- a man being late to this occasion showed ridicule to the celebrating family. Yet she was a woman who came alone- no such strict rules were placed on her.

Maria walked up the mighty white stairs that led to the golden doors with golden lion heads decorations. The two servant boys bowed before her and confirmed her identity.

When the servants boys and bodyguards heard the soft and angelic voice, they glanced up for a moment- yet were stunned.

In their line of work, they knew very well not to stare at the women coming here no matter their beauty- if someone did not listen to this unspoken rule they will get a bullet in their head from the men accompanying those women.

Yet this girl had no man holding her possessively like most young women that come here, she only had a young man that kept his distance behind her- the rule for those who serve.

She was simply beautiful beyond the understanding of the human eye. Just like trying to see a fast bullet clearly- the eye couldn't capture such speed. Their eyes could not capture such beauty.

The servant boy recognized her on the list and immediately accompanied her to the warm banquet hall.

Once they passed the hall and entered the main area, people started to notice that someone came a bit late.

They wanted to see the man who dared- yet only saw one young woman.

The hall almost went completely silent, only some faint murmurs could be heard.

Maria looked around, her stomach churning from nervousness. She played the part and looked around the huge hall in curiosity, not meeting anyone's eye - which added to her mystery.

The ballroom of the castle was very golden. The walls were cream white but were shadowed by the huge poles before them, they were golden brown in color, and between each one of them stood a magnificent statue of a mythical figure- heroes, gods, beauties, and monsters in extreme detail.

The ceiling was painted to be the sky of heaven, pale blue with clouds and baby angels singing and playing the golden harp.

The floor itself was shining, the white marble decorated with nostalgic patterns from the last century.

The ballroom was so large that the floor was empty in the middle, hundreds of people stood and chatted with their fancy clothing and manners without overcrowding the space. The corners were filled with brown wood tables- each person and family had their assigned seat.

The huge chandleries gave a bright light that blinded the eyes of the people that had their eyes accustomed to the darkness outside.

Maria took all of that sight in as people took the sight of her. The servant boy quickly found the seat assigned to Maria and sat her down politely.

The people around returned to their previous conversation. Yet some women started to whisper directly about that woman, and some men couldn't help but glimpse again.

Yet everyone was wondering who she was to seat directly at the most important table- the celebrating family table that celebrated the birthday of their young master.

Was she a relative? If so then why did no man accompany her?

Was she an escort? She was too young and classy to be one, and bringing an escort here will tarnish the names of the guests who brought one- not to even speak about the celebrating family!

Then what was her identity? For some people, it would not be too absurd to think she was a fairy that got lost in the human world.

Some younger guests recognized Maria and approached her for a greeting- it was the same business partners and friends she met with Nathan.

When those same people went back to their circle, others questioned them about her identity.

It was a shock to many to hear she was the young master's partner's little sister.

Many of them saw Theresa quite a few times, and although she was a pretty woman, it was clear between the two sisters who were the star who hoarded the better genes.

The real question was how blind must the young master be to make that choice?

Perhaps it was an old tale of a man working 7 years to marry the woman of his heart, only to be tricked by her father to marry her older sister. Now there were 7 more years of hard work.

As for the woman who forced her way into his life just because she didn't want to marry lower? He started to resent her for separating him from the woman of his dreams, resenting even the sons she gave him.

Maria waited patiently at the banquet and chatted with a few familiar faces. She excused herself to the bathroom and wandered around the empty side halls.

Maria went inside the women's restroom- where cameras were not installed and bought a small radar device from the Belladonna shop.

That device was extremely expensive- yet it told her where the people she was familiar with were located.

Maria's quietly rushed to a specific room once she saw two familiar people in it.

She maintained her innocent persona all the way there, if a servant were to bump into her or someone were to watch the cameras later- they will not suspect this lost girl that seemed to be scared and searching for someone.

"Where is sister and brother-in-law..?" She mumbled to herself, with a clear and a bit strong voice so the cameras will catch it, with a worried look.

She pretend to check a few empty doors until she stumbled on a slightly opened door and looked inside, she seemed happy to finally find her family until a feminine sob came out.

Maria concealed herself and listened, looking like a curious child spying on her parents' conversation.

Theresa was crying on Nathan's chest, her long black dress and makeup were a mess.

Nathan hushed her and petted her hair, yet the look on his face was empty- as if he regretted many life choices. "It will be okay,"

Theresa shook her head. "But you haven't asserted your control on the business the elders gave you, what will they do if they knew you have a child on the way?"

Maria's eyes widened.

Nathan sighed and continued to comfort the crying girl. "They will not mind, it happens a lot to my cousins and other male members of the family. As long as I work hard- they will see the good side of it as well."

Theresa nodded and wiped her smudged mascara. Her smile was shaky and her eyes were full of fear. "I-I love you... I want to be your girlfriend and marry you now," She pulled her nose, her tone was shaky and her frame unstable.

Nathan looked down, his eyes sad and melancholic- he looked like a bird in a cage that accepted his fate. "Yes, we'll get married like I promised you and your parents."

Some relief finally filled Theresa, her facial features started to relax. "You love me... right?"

Nathan looked at her, "Yes," He whispered, his gaze as if looking at another person. "I love you."

Maria walked back to the bathroom and locked herself inside.

She couldn't understand. How did Nathan think that child was his? Didn't Theresa tell that man they weren't intimate for half a year?

Was she lying? Was that a plan of hers and one of them to trick the other? Whose child was it?

If it was Nathan's child, Maria couldn't complete this mission. Nathan was a horrible man in many aspects- but he held a sense of duty. If he really got Theresa pregnant, Maria believed he will cut his growing feelings for Maria in the bud- and she was not sure that she was skillful enough in the meantime to reignite them.

But why did Theresa tell that man she was pregnant by him? Was it a ploy by Nathan and her to take some sort of control of the business? Perhaps even bring that man down to be the best successor of the group?

Then why did Nathan look genuinely surprised now? Was the true ploy between Theresa and Nathan's uncle?

Then why did Nathan think the child was his if they weren't intimate for the last 6 months?!

Maria's breath was too fast, her head was spinning. She felt as if she lost the reigns of control over the whole situation, and those two will realize she did not have that great of a potential after all.

They will abandon her. She will go back to being a resentful little girl that smashes her old keyboard.

Maria snapped back from her trance as warm arms surrounded her waist, a head with a rose fragrance and a hint of apple pies laid on her shoulder. "What shall we do in this situation~?"

Satan appeared as well, typing in his holographic computer. "Don't worry, I'm looking for a solution in one of the stores."

Lilith giggled. "Such a great team we are!"

Maria had a sudden urge. She turned her head sideways and gave Lilith's cheek a kiss.

Lilith's brown eyes blinked in surprise.

Maria crouched and gave Satan a kiss on his forehead.

He frowned, making a dismissive noise from being treated like a child, yet his cheeks flushed slightly.

Maria's road was unknown, confusing, and scary. Yet her family was with her, so the destination didn't matter as much.


Small Theatre:

Angry Readers: "I can't believe Lilith will shame other women like this! Isn't she supposed to support all women since she is the Dark Mother?!"

Satan: "Heh~"

Maria: "Heh~"

Lilith: "Heh~"

The millions of women who angered Lillith and suffered her wrath: " Heh~"