
The Young Devil, The Dark Mother, And The First Woman

She asked the dark mother; 'Must I kill the little girl for me to change?' The dark mother replied; 'No, you must protect and cherish her. Love her unconditionally as children deserve.' And so she did, and the little girl became the first woman.

PoisonLily · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Arc 0 - Chapter 5

After a long flight, the plane finally landed in Country A.

Maria got up from her comfortable sofa with a bit of regret, it was her first time flying in a plane and she had the luxury of experiencing a private plane. There were beds, a television with a non-internet game console, a comfortable bathroom with a tub, and delicious food and drinks prepared by professional staff.

Maria suddenly understood why Nathan was so arrogant, it was merely 8 hours of such royal treatment and even she felt as if her head stayed up in the clouds.

As the three of them went down the plane, Maria smiled and thanked the flight attendant that sent them off, gaining 10 Charm Points from her.

Satan shook his head. That girl won't even give up on 10 measly Charm Points.

A group of tall and buff men in black suits and sunglasses greeted them with a bow, shouting in unison: "Welcome back, young master!"

Maria's eyes widened as she hid behind Nathan and her sister.

Theresa, who was used to such a display, looked back at her trembling sister. She secretly smirked to herself, how could such a squeamish girl possibly make do in such a world?

Theresa leaned her body towards Nathan which she ignored most of the flight.

The sudden action covered Maria better by a bit.

Behind the group of intimidating men were rows of expensive black cars, out of the leading car came out a short man warped in a gray suit with golden, glasses, a tie clip, and cufflinks. He held a tablet in his hand and bowed deeply to Nathan. "Welcome back, young master." He smiled at Theresa politely. "I hope you had a lovely birthday party, Miss Albert."

"It's good seeing you, Harold." Nathan carefreely smiled. "I hope as my assistant, you will make sure our guest will be comfortable with her stay here."

Harold raised his head from the schedule he was checking. "Guest?"

He and the bodyguards noticed a petite figure hiding behind the young master and his partner.

Nathan nodded and stepped aside, pushing Maria to be between him and Theresa. "This is Maria Albert, Theresa's little sister. She came for a vacation here for the holidays and will be staying with us until my birthday."

No one can see the widened eyes behind those many sunglasses, the only one who could keep up a professional face was assistant Harold.

Yet even he couldn't have imagined that such a beautiful girl came with his young master as only a sister-in-law.

The girl didn't look older than 16, she didn't have that mature look that many young girls tried to achieve nowadays. Yet she was so painfully beautiful, her innocent and ignorant look made you want to take care of her and protect her in your embrace, yet with that same pure face she had a pair of eyes charming enough that seemed as if the moon got trapped inside.

Harold cleared his throat and made way for the three of them into the car. The car doors were opened by a man in the same black suit as his peers but much younger than them.

The black car didn't look very long from the outside, but as you go inside you discover that besides the driver and passenger seat, there are 8 additional seats in the back, 4 seats are opposite to another 4 seats with a small table between them that was also a fridge.

Nathan and Theresa got inside first. The young woman decided to seat opposite to her partner which made him frown.

Assistant Harold gentlemanly let Maria come inside first and she chose to sit next to her sister and Harold sat next to his boss. The young bodyguard sat in the passenger seat.

The ride was long and all of them were exhausted from the flight. The young couple was used to it- one discussed plans with his assistant and the other played with her phone. Yet the younger girl who never experienced such exhaustion before quickly fell asleep.

The car arrived at the apartment complex near midnight, light snow began to pour down.

Everyone began to get out of the car until Nathan noticed that Maria was still sleeping peacefully, he felt bad in his heart to wake the tired girl and wanted to carry her out, yet was stopped by a shout: "Nathan!"

Nathan look outside the car where his lover was staring at him, he wanted to berate her for disrespecting him before his men but was surprised when he heard her painful whimper.

"What's wrong?!" He panicked as he quickly came to her.

Theresa bit her lips, her eyes cast downwards to the ground. "My stomach... It's uncomfortable..."

Nathan nodded and warped his arm around her cold shoulder. "Let's go upstairs quickly, I'll call Doctor Dan." He escorted his pained lover into the buildings while giving Harold a look.

Harold sighed, he wondered how many more wrinkles he'll get from this young master. "Issac," He called to the young bodyguard. "Take Miss Albert upstairs, and try not to wake her."

The young man, who no longer had his sunglasses on, nodded. His light brown eyes scanned the sleeping girl and the snow outside.

Issac took off his suit jacket and covered the sleeping beauty before he lifted her into his arms, her light-flowery scent got into his nose. He blushed as he tried not to look at her beautiful face, instead focusing on the soft feel of her body.

The pretending Maria, since she couldn't open her eyes, heard the notification of + 50 Charm Points that must have come from the young man carrying her, what was more surprising was the notification that came after.

Sub-mission: Capture bodyguard Issac's heart. Reward: 50 S Points.

Lilith smiled charmingly as she leaned her head on her hand. "You are quite the studious one tonight."

Maria raised her head from the book she was coping to look outside the window, the warm sunlight made the library look inviting and carefree, and she was a bit tempted to jump from the window to the beautiful lake in her system space.

Maria looked back at her book and pen. She didn't have time to enjoy this beautiful space, from the first night she came here she never stopped studying and improving. Once she'll have the time to relax, she'll take Lilith and Satan for a stroll outside. She wondered how fun it will be to experience nature here not only from her usual walk on the bridge.

"Your body is awakening," Satan called from his place on the oversized single sofa.

Maria didn't have the chance to speak as she woke up in her new temporary room.

She stretched her arms as she looked at the boring gray modern room, although the bed was big and comfortable, it had a large closet and her own resting place with a large TV; it was poorly organized to her taste and incredibly boring.

Every color was either gray, cream-white, or black. Nothing was stylized or personal.

Maria sat at the table next to the bed that had all of her cheap skin care, makeup, jewelry, and accessories and decided on the ones she'll wear today. She went to her private bathroom and got ready for the day.

Yesterday morning was the first time she woke up in this room. A kind housekeeper informed her that the young master went to settle some business he had and her sister went to visit some friends she didn't see in a while.

The housekeeper gave her delicious meals and all that she asked for, one of them being Charm points since the elder woman liked the cute Maria that had the innocence of a child that hadn't seen the world.

Maria put on simple jeans and a long white shirt she brought, she snorted as she bent to tie her old shoes. From the sound of screaming downstairs, her dear family is back.

Maria gently closed the door, her face appearing distressed as she eavesdropped on her sister and her partner fighting. She kept that expression and appeared as if scared to greet them since she couldn't know who was watching her, or if there are any cameras in the house.

"I promised your parents I will take care of both of you! Do you purposely try to make me look bad in front of your father?!"

"You know well how those girls are! If they saw me bringing her they would laugh at me for having such bumpkins for family members!"

"Then why did you go there?! Couldn't you take her shopping with you instead?! She is your younger sister; take care of her!"

"You were the one that wanted to bring her here!"

"I only did this for you and our future! So that your parents will favor me and allow me to be with you!"

The stoic bodyguard who was placed at the entrance door, finally noticed the young girl hiding in the hallway. "Young master," He cleared his throat and signaled to the teenage girl.

Nathan took a deep breath with his eyes closed. "Maria," He called with a bit of over-left anger. "breakfast is getting cold."

Maria stayed still for a moment before making her way to the dining area of the apartment, she took a seat that was a bit far from the couple and started eating quietly.

She almost choked as she got 2 notifications.

"+ 1,000 Poison Points" From the angry woman.

"+ 1,000 Poison Points" From the angry man.

Maria chewed her toast a bit roughly, trying to not reveal her anger. Typical young adult couple, leaving the child alone and then blaming them for their failing relationship. What the hell did she even do, huh?

Lilith and Satan who sat beside her held in their laughter. Satan had to admit it was a bit cute seeing his host so childishly mad.

Nathan observed Maria's outfit. "You two should go to the shopping district today and buy her new things and necessities." His tone once again became a bit gentler to his girlfriend.

Theresa slammed her cup on the table; some of the dishes shook from the impact. "You won't be coming?"

Nathan ground his teeth as he tried to bypass her behavior. "I have a few businesses to check," His voice took a serious tone. "I can't prolong it, it's a mission from Uncle Jacob."

Theresa's shaky voice complained: "I want to come with you."

Nathan frowned. "You know it's only going to be boring meetings with no other women you can get along with, the only person you will be familiar with is Uncle Jacob and me. And we will be too busy to entertain you." He took out his wallet and threw a few credit cards on the table in spite. "Go and have a fun shopping spree with your sister, you need to relax and be with your family."

Theresa took the cards and harshly left the table, her chair nearly falling backward.

Nathan messaged his temples, he looked like a tired man almost entering his thirties, not a teen who is about to enter adulthood.

He also left the table in a bad mood, mumbling something about the way his assistant warned him that women like these can age you 20 years faster.

The young bodyguard watched his retreating young master walk like a zombie back to his bedroom, wondering to himself if loving a woman was really worth all of this.

His mind snapped back to reality as he heard a cluttering sound, a spoon dropped to the young lady near her feet.

The bodyguard quickly bent over to raise the fallen cutleries from the ground, his gaze climbing from the old small shoes into the tearful face of the young lady.

The young man forgot to rise up as he stared in awe at the beautiful face illuminated by the sun rays from the window, tears begging to be let out yet stubbornly being held in, small rosy lips pouting at the grievances being done to their owner as the white cheeks bloated a bit by the act.

The young man cleared his throat and stood up. "I will bring you another spoon," He rushed back to the kitchen.

The beauty waited upon him and accepted the new spoon he presented her, smiling gratefully and thanking him in a shy and soft voice.

The young man felt as if he could have built her a castle for less.

"I'm Maria," The gray-eyed beauty introduced herself in that same intoxicating voice.

The young bodyguard took on his professional pose of hands before his back and bowed. "My name is Issac, Miss Maria. I'm here to serve and protect you."

The beauty giggled, making her eyes squint and shine brighter.

Issac felt that this multi-million-worth apartment finally had some color in it.

Theresa and Maria looked around at the unusual shopping district around them. Even though it was out in the open it had shading and cooling for the shoppers, a large fountain that was surrounded by stylish coffee shops and stores with classic logos.

It was a high-end shopping district.

Theresa distracted herself with her phone while handing Maria a black credit card. "Go buy yourself whatever you desire, I will be waiting at Daisies Coffe."

Maria gulped and looked around nervously.

Theresa sighed and snatched the credit card back into her hands, walking quickly into a white clothing shop.

Maria quickly ran after her while Issac walked calmly behind the girls.

He tried to follow the both of them into the shop, yet Theresa commanded him to wait outside.

"She looks incredible," the sales lady smiled professionally. "All the young ladies adore this style lately."

On Maria's delicate body was an elegant yet preppy cool-toned brown dress with flowers knitted on it, while a rose-gold dress shirt with pearls as buttons were sewn underneath the top of the dress, making her modest yet still youthful and cute.

Theresa came behind Maria and felt the bottom of the dress. "The fabric is very soft, it's important to not scratch the delicate part of the thigh." Theresa looked up at Maria. "Do you like this one as well?"

Maria paused from the look her sister gave her, the same look she gave her after all the clothes she tried on.

Her sister keeps asking her if she liked them.

She had a memory of such a lovely question over ice cream.

Maria looked at the large mirror of this luxurious fitting room that could house 20 people, seeing a woman in seductive red in the reflection where she is supposed to be.

The woman smiled gently.

Maria smiled gently at her sister. "I love it."

Theresa chuckled and nodded, she walked to the sales lady and requested her to bring some formal - night clothes.

Maria turned to check herself in the mirror, smoothing the dress on her body. In reality, she looked at the engaged in conversation older girl who was so familiar yet strange; having a rose symbol next to her head.

'+ 30 Charm Points.'

A single tear drop fell from the confused girl's lovely eyes, her eyes downcast to the floor. In front of the mirror, where the sales lady and the older sister couldn't see, a hand shot out of the mirror and lovingly wiped the stray tear of the beautiful girl.

Theresa sat down on the white sofa in the fitting room, waiting for her sister and the sales lady to finish putting on the dress while sipping champagne.

She looked at the delicate glass in her hand in distaste, wanting to call for another sales lady to bring her water instead of this cheap alcohol that made her stomach sick.

The door was knocked on as Theresa gave approval to come in, thinking that her wish for some hydration came true.

Her hope shattered as their young bodyguard came inside. "I have a message from the young master, Miss Theresa," The bodyguard was still with a hand in his earphone. "He said that tomorrow he will have time to take both you and your sister for a fun afternoon."

Theresa frowned unhappily. "Why didn't he inform me directly?" She looked briefly at her phone.


Theresa snorted and folded her hands on her lap. "Forget it." She understood Nathan must still be angry.

Theresa often wondered if she made a mistake with him. Blinded young by the riches he showed her when she was alone and vulnerable aboard, she felt like he was the rock she could lean on and the plane that could soar her life higher.

But now, compared to other men, he was still an immature boy in her eyes.

Issac bowed and took a step to get out, yet his head turned when he heard footsteps coming.

Maria showed up with the sales lady behind her, she wore a simple and long cream satin dress that emphasized the curve of her waist, the satin fabric fell in a gentle arc on her lower back - making her buttocks stand out, and had a bit of a revealing cleavage.

Issac's eyes widened as his heart began to thump loudly. '+500 Charm Points'.

Theresa's eyes also widened, she almost cursed. "This dress is too revealing! She is only 16!" She eyed the blushing bodyguard. "Didn't I tell you to wait outside?"

"This is the shade I mostly use," Theresa held a small, round powder blush that had an outrageous price. "But you are cool toned, so orange blush will look too gaudy on you."

After the sisters bought a whole 'day & night skincare routine' from the most sought-after brand, they began to look at makeup products.

Maria stole a glance at the heavy bag Issac was holding, noticing how the veins in his hands were more defined due to the use of force.

She thought to herself that no matter the ingredients or the price of these lotions and creams, they will not be able to compare with her system items.

But at least, the pretty packaging will look good on her nightstand.

Theresa picked a more cool-toned pink blush and added it to the cart of the assistant the store gave them. Not looking to match the shade to her sister's skin, since these kinds of stores did not have testers, she got 4 more shades.

Theresa observed Maria's face and sighed. "You do not need a foundation and concealer, let's go look at lip creams."

The two bought more shoes and accessories before they began to tire their legs.

The sisters sat at a nicely decorated cafe with lots of plants and flowers and sat outside when the sun showed itself from the grey clouds.

Theresa finished her order of quite a few baked goods and drinks, even though Issac called the car driver to come back a few moments beforehand.

Theresa took out her phone as she noticed a call. "I'm going to answer that." She quickly exited the cafe.

When Maria turned her head back to the seats in front of her, she noticed two figures arguing. She mentally sighed and thanked the waitress who brought the food.

Maria gave a subtle look to the arguing devils, immediately after changing her expression to a sweet one as she gestured to the chair next to her. "Care to sit with me? It feels strange to watch you standing there in the sun."

Issac blushed slightly yet sat down, moving the chair a bit farther than Maria's chair gracefully as he sat.

Maria's gaze remained innocently naive as if she didn't notice the slight trick the man did to get away from her.

The pair sat in silence, Maria sipping her drink and Issac glancing every few seconds to the entrance.

Maria observed Issac as he looked to see when her sister will be back, when he turned his head back, Maria was pretending to play with her phone.

In reality, she was checking his Status.

Name: Issac Green

Occupation: Bodyguard

Age: 21

Danger Level: A

Danger Level To Host: C

Titles: NR

Powers: NR

Skills: Martial Arts (high), Weaponry (high), Driving (high).

Likes: "West Saint" group, antique weapons, history, working out, Movie: "Princess's poor lover", ???, ???

Dislikes: sweet food, shrill sounds, strong perfumes, ???, ???, ???

Role: NR

Maria closed the status window, took a chocolate pastry, and bit into it, some of the chocolate spilled on her lips- which she licked with her tongue.

Issac blushed and gulped, his gaze turned towards the floor in shame. '+ 20 Charm Points'

After a few minutes, Theresa came back looking pale. "Has the ride arrived yet?"

Issac nodded and escorted the two girls to the black car.

Maria glanced at her sister, she was staring out of the window with an abstained look in her eyes.

"Sister," Maria smiled cutely. "I had lots of fun today, thank you for bringing me out."

Theresa looked at her lap for a tense second, which made Maria sweat a bit. Yet as she looked back up, a small smile graced her face.

"No problem," She patted Maria's head. '+30 Charn Points'

Maria was silent all the way home.

As they arrived at the apartment, they each went to wash in their respective bathroom.

Maria went to her sister's room, knocked gently, and opened the door with her permission.

She wished her sister, who had her gaze stuck on her phone, goodnight. Her sister wished back the same for her.

Maria fell asleep with noises inside her head.

In the system space, Maria didn't go to study or practice her skills at the library as she usually does, she didn't take a nap in her lovely bedroom, not even going to the lounge room with the small kitchen to talk and laugh with Satan and Lilith.

She soaked herself inside the tab at the bathroom cabinet.

Maria looked outside the window, the steam was thick in the room but she could tell it was raining heavily.

The girl didn't bother to take a breath and plunged her head underwater. She knew she couldn't die here, but it was so suffocating.

Maria rose up and breathe, her throat not really aching or burning yet it felt as if that was the case.

Why couldn't she do it easily? She felt like a mermaid who couldn't breathe underwater or a siren who had a shrill singing voice.

"What's on your mind?" a charming voice spoke behind her.

Maria turned around and looked at Lilith's smiling face.

"Am I really suited for this?" Maria questioned, her wet hair floating around her.

Lilith's face lost all expression, a rare thing to happen, she dipped her slender legs in the warm water and signaled Maria to come.

Maria swam towards her teacher and leaned her head on her leg, giving Lilith an easy excess to brush her fingers through her hair.

"My darling," Lilith's face was still void of any feeling, yet her eyes seemed a bit melancholic. "This world will be your easiest and hardest ."

"What must I do to make it easier from here on to our journey?"

"You must shed the old you, she is but a hurt child and must be carefully protected- like all children, she is not suited to the cruelty and challenges we'll face."

The girl sighed and closed her eyes. "Then if I'm not Maria, who am I?"


Small Theatre:

Confused Maria: "Who am I?"

Lilith: "My lovely student."

Satan: "My cute host."

Male Lead: "My beautiful wife."