
The X-Gene of Fate

A young mutant in the Marvel 6161 universe tries to master their powers in a world that hates them for being who they are. They will go through trials and tribulations from humans, demon, mutants, inhumane, and anything else that gets thrown at them. Will our young mutant join one of the many mutant groups, turn his back on mutants and join another team of heroes who might never truly understand him, or will he forge his path in the chaotic universe? Read to find out! We are back! Ready to update, take names, kick butts, and pass out swiss cake rolls. Please support me on Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/boredasura --Warnings: Just cause I want no one to be shocked and complain later-- -If you are looking for a book full of cougars going after a kid, this is the wrong story. -If you are looking for something sweet-ish like a superhero cartoon, wrong story. -Looking for me to follow everything in Marvel and not create my ideas, wrong story. -Looking for someone who will not kill a woman opponent, wrong story. -Looking for a system that talks back, wrong story -If you wish for the same events as in comics, the wrong story - Looking for me to follow the timeline exactly, I don't even know how to properly read a marvel timeline except for the big stuff. -Looking for a harem, eh this might happen but only 3 or 4 at most but it will not be every random woman falling for him.

BoredAsura · Tranh châm biếm
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63 Chs

CH 45: True Power

Jason (I'm gonna start calling him Jason when he is alone or with his Servants or those who prefer to call him by this name since I almost forgot his real name) did not want to waste any time and began to make each of the divine constructs his own.

The first he picked up was the ring in the center. Jason looked confused at what he was supposed to do so turned to Anastasia to get advice.

"Most mages spend days or even weeks pouring mana into the objects they wish to make their own or drop some essence blood on the object if they wish to permanently tie it with their life-force.

I suggest doing neither in your case. I have studied your command seals and feel that the command seals on your arm are special. I think by using some of the prana within them, you will be able to instantly make the objects yours while also linking them to you.

This will allow the objects to be linked to your soul without causing your soul damage in case they are ever injured or broken."

Jason decided to follow her advice and held the ring to the command seal on the back of his hand before a brilliant and bright red light filled the room.

Jason could feel information flood into his brain as the ring experienced physical changes.

It was no longer dull and lusterless but instead looked like a shiny silver ring with a hexagram on the exposed surface of the ring. Between each of the hexagon's tips, were ancient words or symbols that Jason could not understand.

Jason was informed of what the ring did and it's purposes. While he did not gain any of the previous owners' knowledge or experiences, it was still good to learn about the ring and its abilities. This was the Seal of Solomon.

It was a Divine Construct created by God to be given to the great Solomon who later became one of the most famous, the first, and the most powerful magus to ever exist.

The ring had several abilities. It allowed the user to be immune to the magic of humans, control up to 72 demons at once and allowed the user to speak all languages as well as with animals.

'This is a true Divine Construct. Just the fact that no human magi can use their spells against me gives me a huge advantage over them. Being able to control demons and being a universal translator are some nice bonuses.'

Jason recalled the ring into his command seals making it disappear. He then thought of bringing it out and it appeared on his right ring finger.

After he got the Seal of Solomon under his control, he was eager about the next one. He decided to pick up the earrings now and placed them on his command seals. The same flood of information and changes to the earrings occurred.

The earrings lost their rustic look and began to not only have their original red and gold color but even began to slightly glow. The earrings shrunk from their large hoop forms into two small, sphere studs.

These earrings were the earrings that belong to the great and powerful Karna of Hindu mythology and were called Kundala. Using the earrings and his armor, the Kavacha, Karna was practically invincible.

No matter the attack, whether divine or mortal, 90% of its power was reduced before it landed on Karna who could easily survive and heal from any injuries he did get with his divine body.

Without the Kavacha, the earrings only reduce attacks for 50% of their power instead of the original 90%.

'Still. Even a 50% reduction of any enemy attack is amazing. These things are truly useful.'

Jason recalled the Kundala before summoning them again and they appeared in his ears. There was a slight amount of pain due to Jason never having his ears pierced before.

Jason looked at the sword with hungry eyes. This was the Divine Construct that he wanted the most of all the ones he sent the pair to look for.

Jason picked up the blade and placed it on his command seals once again. The same bright light, flood of information, and change to the sword occurred.

The sword seemed to turn from stone and into a jade blade. The center of the blade lit up with neon lines and inscriptions.

'This weapon truly lives up to its fame and deserves to be one of the 3 Imperial Regalia of Japan!'

The sword that he had gained was the Kusanagi no Tachi. It was one of the Three Imperial Regalia of Japan alongside the Yata no Kagami and the Yasakani no Magatama.

This weapon was recovered inside the body Yamata no Orochi by Susanoo before being given to the goddess Amaterasu. The sword absorbed part of the divinity of the 3 deities who had wielded it before and has some of their authority within it.

From Susanoo, it gained the ability to control and manipulate water. From Amaterasu, it gave the user the ability to control energy from the sun itself. The sword also had the ability to summon Yamata no Orochi itself due to being in its body for so long and nearly absorbing the complete essence of the divine being.

Alongside the authority it gained from each of the 3 deities it had been in contact with, the sword can also release energy slashes of magical energy.

With the sword, Jason simply absorbed it and did not summon it out again since he did not wish to hold the blade constantly. Also, unlike the other two Divine Constructs, it did not have a passive ability.

He was about to leave the room before he collapsed on the floor. Achilles and Anastasia both ran towards Jason's body but as they were about to touch it, they were shocked by their discovery.

The pair shared a look at each other that conveyed the same thought.


Author's Note: Images have been attached to each of the Divine Constructs in the paragraph comments