
The Wrong Bride!

She had only returned to share in her sister's joy, but she found herself walking down the aisle in her sister's wedding dress! Her groom wasn't who she had ever imagined being married to. Mysterious, dark and cruel were how they described him, and she expected nothing more. With a promise to protect herself and her identity, she sets off to her new home, failing to list the other things she must protect. How does she protect her heart and body from a husband who was bent on senselessly seducing his wife? How does she tell her body not to feel when his hands kept crawling over her, setting her on heat, and teasing every inch of her? But the most important question remained; who was she even married to? The devil or an angel in disguise? ~~~Excerpt~~~ "Look at me," She heard his magnetic voice say, and like a hypnotised baby, her eyes slowly fluttered open to the hot and overwhelming gaze of his divinely looking eyes. "What do you want, Elleanor?" His sensuously hooded voice asked, causing ripples to blaze through her skin. Her mouth hung open as she tried to stop herself, but the more she watched him stare at her, the more something stirred inside of her, "I- I want you to touch me," She whispered. ........ With this union, she must unlearn all she ever knew and learn the mysterious things that existed in this world, but most importantly, she must learn her true purpose because no one was created without one.

Da_Rose · Kỳ huyễn
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136 Chs

Wrong Place

Remembering what the butler had said about the time, Nevaeh hastily got herself ready. She shouldn't be late.

Picking a dress was quite difficult as all the clothes were in Elle's preference, but after much search, she finally found a floral sundress among the racks of clothes, which was more of her style.

She quickly donned it on, combed her hair, paid herself one last look in the mirror before making her way down the grand spiral stairs to the dining room.

Anxiety slowly brooding in her heart with each step she took as she thought about appearing before Dale again. The man sent chills down her spine.

For the first time in her life, she woke up in a man's house who was and was not her husband.

How complicated could this be!

And to think, it had to be Dale's Stuart's house. She imagined how Francis would feel when he hears about this, especially when she had repeatedly declined his request of spending a night in his house in the last two years.

So much for all the principles, she had laid for herself all these years.

A defeated sigh escaped her lips as she continued her journey down the stairs. Her hand on the gold handrail grew sweaty as she arrived at the base of the stairs, slightly tightening over it.

But despite her nervousness, Nevaeh was once again Nevaeh awestruck by the grandeur of the house. It seemed daylight did more justice to its beauty than the night did.

With eyes glistening with awe and appreciation for art, she subconsciously stepped down from the stairs, her eyes roaming and scanning every nook and cranny of the beauty she was standing in.

Just who designed this house? She asked herself in awe as she slowly turned around to have a view of her surrounding.

Though she was in a delicate situation, one where she didn't have the time to gape and stall, Nevaeh couldn't help but gawk at the house, completely forgetting about her fears and worries. If there was one thing that could get her completely lost in time, it was pure art, just like the one she saw now - and food.

Her eyes roamed around till something caught her attention—a golden glow on the floor, right at the centre of the living space.

What's that? She asked, her head slowly tilting upward. Neveah was astonished by what laid before her eyes. Her jaws dropped when she saw the intricate engravings on the ceiling. What are those?


Golden wings?

And in the middle hung the beautiful chandelier she had spotted last night.

Drawn to the art, Neveah stood with her head lifted, completely forgetting about her destination, her hands subconsciously raising as though she could reach for the wings.

What pure art! She whispered in her mind—excitement glistening in her eyes.

Only a monster could make this. The details of the wings were so accurate, Neveah felt her heart dance with admiration.

How did she miss seeing this last night? The golden colour of the wings reflected so brightly on the white marble floor. It was hard to miss.

But why does he have such a design here?

What does it even mean?

She believed no one kept such works close to themselves without having a significant reason for it.

While the remarkable engravings on the ceiling enthralled Nevaeh, she was oblivious to the pair of eyes that had been staring at her since her little adventure began.

"I believe you're at the wrong place, wife." A voice suddenly spoke, making Nevaeh stiffen. Every form of awe in her disappeared, and her once steady heart slowly began to pound heavily.

She didn't need anyone to tell who that voice belonged to. Though she had only heard it for the first time yesterday, it was now encoded in her head and had somehow even made its way into her dream.

Slightly gripping the side of her gown, she swallowed inaudibly as she slowly turned around till her eyes fell on him. Her heart even thumping harder than before.

Though she was shocked to see him standing few feet away from her with his hand buried in his pocket, his eyes solely fixed on her, she was more shocked to see how he looked.

He was wearing black pants and a black shirt, his hair was quite tousled, but he looked like some demi-god on a stroll on this small planet called earth. His appearance and aura were somewhat enchanting yet stifling.

Her wildly thumping heart increased its pace when he started walking towards her, his eyes locked on her, and she could feel her breath seize. His gait was as if he was gliding against the floor and not walking.

She stiffened a bit more when he stopped a foot away from her, towering over her with his huge form. His devilish eyes were boring a hole into her before slowly sizing her from head to toes.

Nevaeh felt the hair of her stand when his eyes crawled over her, and his intimidating shadow that loomed over her made the air stiff and dry. Her lips trembled in her attempt to say something, but she quickly bit them shut.

Should she say something?

Why wasn't he saying anything?

Peeking at him from under her long lashes, she pursed her lips for a moment before saying, "I'm sorry." Her voice breezed out as a whisper.

Dale's brow shut up when he heard her apology, "For what?" He asked.

"F–or..." She paused and pinched her lips with her teeth, her hand still firmly rooted to her side.

"For making you wait. I'm sorry." She apologised and lowered her head before pursing her lips again.

He watched her as she bit her lips, and he couldn't help but notice how firm she gripped the side of her dress. He took a step forward, crossing the space between them, but she instinctively took a step backwards, making Dale paused and a frown formed on his face.

Nevaeh felt her sink into her stomach when she realised what she had done, and the gloomy look on his face was an indicator that she had truly angered him.

She didn't mean to take a retreating step. She had done that out of reflex. Oh, God!

"I-I" Her lips trembled in an attempt to apologise, but her words got stuck in her throat.

An eery and awkward moment of silence reigned between them before his voice finally came up. "Let's go." He said before turning around and walking away.

'Go? Go where?'

Nevaeh looked at his retreating back without taking a step, but when he suddenly paused and looked over his shoulder, her brain juggled up, and she suddenly realised where he was talking about. The dining room!

Nevaeh nervously followed behind him with her head lowered till she heard the creaking sound of an opening door.

Looking upward, she realised they were currently standing before the dining room. A house staff held the door open for them with her head bowed.

"Good morning, madam," The staff greeted who happened to be a girl.

"Good morning." She greeted back before following Dale into the room.

Stepping into the room, her eyes lit up when she saw the sight that greeted her. The room was intricately well designed. What's with him and the colour, gold?

Though Nevaeh had seen exquisite materials and designs, she hadn't seen one put so much of it in one place. His staffs sure work efficiently in making this place neat and clean.

Dale took his seat at the head of the table while he waited on her to fill her gaze. His lips curved up when he saw the way her eyes glistened with awe. It was good to know she liked his arrangement. It would have been disappointing had she not liked it. But would he have complained? Absolutely not!

Nevaeh stiffly and awkwardly took her seat when she realised Dale was waiting for her.

"Sorry." She apologised, making Dale glance at her.

"Are you that scared you apologise for everything, or do you have a thing for the word sorry?"


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