
Beastly Beasty

Slamming himself to the side Krage was able to narrowly avoid colliding with the charging attacker, dodging the clawed hand they swiped at him by a hair, causing the wood behind him to shriek as it was ripped apart

Sadly however he was unable to dodge the arches of electricity that jumped off of the attacker, slamming into his chest and launching him across the small space they occupied, slamming him against the wall. He nearly shouted out in pain but a combination of factors such as the wind being knocked out of him and the fact that he was technically a stowaway stopped him from doing so.

However, despite his now blurry vision, he was finally able to make out the outline of his attacker. It was a woman, large and deadly looking, the mana within her providing a glow that showed her features. They were large, their muscular form taking up a large portion of the anchor room, their massive arms and clawed hands looking large enough to rip him to shreds. It was easy to identify her species, during his exploration of the slave market Krage got the relative description of each of the main species of his world

Humans, nothing particularly special about them, he'd already met plenty

Elves, the ones who were the main prizes of the slavers, were slender and beautiful as well as blessed by nature.

Orcs are strong and durable

Eaglites, no slaver had one but they were supposedly well paid for

And finally, the species group to which this woman clearly belonged, the sea folk, a species as diverse as the creatures in the ocean they lived in.

The woman was an odd specimen, albeit an intimidating one. Her skin on the stomach and front side was a sleek white, while the rest was black and orange stripes dotted across her body. Two tails extended from her body, one from her hind quarters and the other from the back of her head, each large and powerful looking as they swung side to side. Fins branched off parts of her body, her legs, arms, and tails looking like blades in the dark as blue electricity glowed off them. She was extremely muscular, her stomach and shoulders bustling with muscle and he couldn't help but notice her larger than average… Assets. Held in by little more than a sash of cloth

However her face was drawing most of his attention was her face, she was surprisingly beautiful, competing with even Alice in looks despite the snarl she was facing him with, her sharp teeth glaring in the dark.

"Grrrrrrrrr" she snarled at him as she pulled her claws from their place in the wooden walls of the ship, yanking out chunks of wood as she did so. Roaring she lunged at him again as he tried to force his body to move, despite the lack of air in his lungs, but he was unable to dodge as she grabbed him by the shirt, yanking him up to her height, leaving his small legs dangling in the air

"FOOD!!!" the enraged Beast roared in his face, her teeth only inches from his face. Her red eyes glared into his. "GIVE FOOD!"

"I don't have any food!" Krage yelled back, panicking slightly despite himself.


The large shark woman stared at him, clearly shocked by this news and looking like someone who had just seen a baby get butchered before suddenly she did something that left him shocked

She dropped him and began to cry

As she let him go, tears began to form in her eyes and she began to sniffle, and by the time Krage had risen to his feet the was fully bawling her eyes

"Waaaahhhh!" began to wail, big fat tears running down her sleek face, traveling down her body in rivers ``Want fooood!" she began to blubber "haven't eaten in days!"

Confused and stuck on what to do, Krage watched the girl awkwardly, unsure of himself. After watching her cry for a few more seconds he sighed and raised a small hand to her shoulder

"There… there" he comforted awkwardly, rubbing his hand along the skin of her shoulder, this proved to be the wrong thing to do, as before he could react she had wrapped him in a hug that was akin to a death grip and shocked him hard enough to cause the all the hair on his body to rise

"Waahhhhh!" the giant woman sobbed soaking his shirt as she cried "So Hungry!"

"Can't breath" Krage tried to let out but it was mainly snuffed out by her cries, he tried again and then again and again but it wasn't until he began to pass out from lack of oxygen that he yelled out, loud as possible "Alright! I'll get you some food!"

That worked

Within a second he was released from the hug and once more held up as the woman once more stared into his eyes, now deadly serious once more

"Food?" she growled gently

"Food" he nodded

And then he was swept into another hug

Lots of cursing later and a few mumbled apologies on the behalf of "Beasty" as she was called, he was freed from the "hug" and set to the task of finding some food, to avoid pissing off the 7-foot killing machine

Inspecting the room properly Krage quickly found a way out, the anchor room was large and rectangular, around two of his length wide and four wide {author note: he is still a newborn and doesn't yet know about meters and feet}. The walls were all the same, wooden with steel reinforcements and blank, the only two exceptions were the anchor hole, which was small enough to fit a small person through and had a steel ring encompassing its inner diameter, likely to stop Beasty from tearing it wider and simply escaping

That was another thing of note, Beasty, like himself was also a slave! A large chain was attached to her ankle, keeping her away from the entrance and others. And that was the other exception to the blank walls, the entrance. It was a wall of jail bars and a single metal door.

"Beasty?" he asked, gaining the attention of the large woman "can you bend steel?"