
Interlude of a Villainous Mother Part 2

On a usual night, Crystal's routine was to patrol over the skies of the community for a couple of hours at the very least.

This would help her to get a sense of things, how things were looking in terms of villain activity. Then she could take any form of action that she thought was necessary.

Tonight though?

Tonight Crystal was frustrated, and she hadn't even started yet.

Over a year ago she had made the Coventry Mob her priority target.

Three to five times every single week she would carry out attacks against the lower-level operations of the organisation.

That meant interrupting the income of new drugs coming into the community. It meant dealing with dealers and their thugs. It meant taking out their seedy places of business.

Because, while doing all of that, she could do the actually important thing. She could gather information.

Sometimes that information actually paid off.