Nothing like getting your hands dirty and getting rewarded for it.
The amount of ants and spiders during the last bout in that city was nothing like I've ever seen. Punching and kicking was fine and shooting two Heavy Cannons was even better. It weakened me, but that was an acceptable debuff. Shooting firearms was always fun, especially when they're meant to kill demons.
I've gained a lot from that battle. Rewards that weren't green or blue were present. Elite or yellow in color, they were. Excusing my inner Yoda, the difficulty of that wave was of elite level in comparison to this world's people or resistance. Which gained me blueprints. One Titan Blueprint named Draconic Dogma, two Experimental blueprints dubbed Behemoth and Atlas, and three goliath blueprints named Commando, Saber, and Hunter.
The Titan was large just based upon the schematics. This one was reaching Warlord class titan height. The given name does not fail it, the Titan itself was based on a dragon. Only replacing the wings with a fuckton of guns.
The two Experimental blueprints were gun platforms. Behemoth was a battleship on steroids. The scariest part, it came with threads. Land and sea are its domain. Atlas was a gun platform with six legs. Ranging from ballistics, rockets, missiles, and energy weapons. Compared to the Behemoth, the Atlas was closer in range and had AA capabilities compared to the Behemoth. It was also landlocked, the six legs are meant to walk not tread water. In terms of size, these guys were around Warhound titan height.
Lastly, the three are Goliath blueprints. Reaching Questoris Knights in height, these schematics suggest a more humble combat ability. They aren't as strong as the others, but their size makes up for it. A smaller target is harder to hit and some of these mechs are agile. The Hunter sports less fire power in favor of a more speedy approach. The Saber is more balanced, offering speed, durability and firepower. The Commando is the heaviest of the three, mainly because it had durability in mind over speed or power.
The Heavy Cannons were mentioned. I ended up assimilating one of them to give the bolters a unit tech path. Empowered Shots increased critical hit capabilities like headshots. Rocket Salvo launched mini rockets, giving the bolter even more firing options. Other than that, I just converted the useless items I got to Legion Points.
Speaking of tech upgrades, I ended up getting 56,970 Legion Points out of that last incursion. To save time, here are the ones I bought:
[Blessed Armor - Increases the armor scaling of the marines.]
[Blessed Gun - Increases the penetration scaling of all marine range weapons as well as their base damage.]
[Fencer Integration - Allows the power armor to be able to equip weapons meant for tanks]
[Fencer Mobility Integration- Jumpacks have increased mobility.]
[It's Personal - Increased the melee damage of all melee weapons marines can use]
[Scorpion Menace - The genetic stingers are now poisonous]
A whopping total of 42,142 Legion Points left. 14,828 was just spent giving my boys new upgrades. The timer went up but that's a small price to pay. The remaining Legion Points are when I need backup or something. Really I don't see a point in blowing it all on upgrades or summoning more. Even though I'm strong, I have to make sure I have breathing room. Assimilating the blueprints and leaving it at that, an inspiring sight caught my eye.
~Crrck~ "This is Retrieval team, come in HQ" ~Crrck~
~Crrck~ "This is HQ, we copy." ~Crrck~
~Crrck~ "Asset retrieved and Ranger Seven is ready for a full meal, and a nap." ~Crrck~
~Crrck~ "Haha, understood Retrieval team. Good to have you back. We're opening the gates for you now." ~Crrck~
Completely ignoring them talking as if I'm just a test subject, the base they had for themselves was something to admire. A hundred tons of steel, a hundred more for supports, technicals, machinery, weapons, tools, you name it. This was a living and breathing ecosystem. Jets roared above, returning for a refuel is all I can assume. Choppers sailing out with units inside. The sound of tank treads– AND JESUS– I mean– BY THE EMPEROR THE SIZE OF THAT THING! My mistake was not making 'things' plural. There were many things that were mesmerizing in size.
The E651 Titan, 82 ft. in length, and noted to have equipped a battleship-grade main gun, this tan motherfucker is this world's version of a Baneblade battle tank. A plasma ball shooting main gun called the Requiem Cannon, a fixed bow-mounted Machine Gun, two Howitzer support turrets that need piloting accompanied by two Grenade Projectors on the same turrets. When you want a direction gone, you call these guys.
The other large vehicle I saw was the lovable BMX10 Proteus. 65 ft. tall, this had two guns called Buster Cannons laid on each side. Not only that, a Missile Launcher just below the cockpit. It can also jump… let that sink in.
Two vehicles that were powerful when piloted in the games, right here in front of me. I must've had a stupid face, the others chuckled leaving me to believe so. I can't blame them, seeing something that large up close is… metal as fuck. Is that saying still relevant?
A chained gate made way for us.
" –And that's the situation."
Bastion leader Dezmond Zyde was an interesting man. He has with him complete autonomy of this Bastion in Wisconsin. Each state within the U.S. has one Bastion, the rest being outposts or firebases. Yet his tone suggests an unwilling expression to hold such a responsible position.
He greeted me along with two others. Chief Scientist and Engineer Esmeralda Zyde and Field Operative specialist Chris Madden. Dezmond, Esmeralda, and Chris welcomed me with clear suspicions yet held room for negotiations.
Simply put, they were decent folks. To go so far as to say I got lucky, I told them no lie. I told them who I was, what I am, and my goal– to liberate this Earth from the aliens and the mutants.
They took it with heavy resistance. They never showed it though, but I smelt it from them– their body language and mental suggestions gave them away. Another thing I found out about myself; easy to read into the intents within others and sense things for miles if I really focused. The mental suggestion being a unique built in feature, guessing the mood of a person never felt so easy. Factor in the armor of my marines and their given Legion name… I finally put the pisces together– that being that I'm a Primarch of a Dragon Legion.
This mental ability was a downgrade version of what some or most dragons could do. That which is mind control.
This gave me a read on the three. Dezmond was like Caiphas Cain, just less cooler. More parallel in thought between the two, it's just Dezmond here isn't a cool ass commissar. Toned and disciplined, he looked as if a crossbreed between a male supermodel and a rough and gruff old strategist that had years of combat underneath his belt. Straight up from a Manhwa, a striking steady masculine aura that could pull off crossdressing– and he ain't even asian.
His kin, Esmeralda, was eccentric. A sort of personality that everyone knows is crazy but is too amusing to completely ignore. I say bullshit. Her brown eyes told of a different story, almost like a snake in tall grass. No, an unfair assessment. She just has a hidden fang both her brother and Chris don't know off. The type of person to keep non threatening secrets simply because you didn't ask. Like her brother, she was a striking specimen. Subtle hourglass in figure, light makeup to keep appearances, and a guarded stance. If a normal combative would mistake her for easy pickings, they'll be met with broken bones and a future of great difficulty to usher a new generation within their bloodline.
Interestingly enough, under the multilayer existence of Esmeralda, I sensed a connection between her and Chris. Chris was built for stamina; one glance was all that was needed to determine that. Unlike Desmond, underneath his black skin was an ecology of min-maxed muscles. Scars aligned his face, giving him a certain charm and respect. Despite that, he was of a greater acceptance than the other two. Dezmond held an air of caution while Esmeralda was concocting multiple failsafes in her head. What can I say except that their brown and curious windows were wide open. Chris… was… well, Chris.
Didn't see me as a threat, a potential enemy, just a man. Had this open challenge in his eyes; the saying 'fuck around and find out' written all over his very being. It wasn't because he was suspicious of me, simply because he trusted in himself to take me down if ever necessary. Comical, to be sure– considering myself, but one worthy in respect. It's hard to find a man that has complete trust in themselves even under the presence of something such as I.
Introductions aside, they had me go through a procedure, which was the previously hinted questionnaire of who I was and my intent. Honestly, it was all too lenient, but to a world such as this… quite fitting. All the soldiers I passed greeted me with no hostile intent. Ranger 7 was friendlier than most when we passed by the medical center of the base. Speaking of, the base itself was 50/50 on the base layout being above ground and underground. Trust me, with how far they are underground, I'm surprised they haven't been chanting "ROCK AND STONE!" as their battle cry.
The surface level consisted of those ready for deployment. That meant fully geared Rangers, Wing Divers, Air Raider, and Fencers were on the move to intercept enemies. With the world at a constant war, above ground was usually jam packed. Same goes for support vehicles; if it didn't need repairs, it would be re-armed and refueled and sent back into the fields of battle. Below ground consisted of research facilities, engineering facilities, storage, medical centers and an absurd amount of AI turrets. All the logistical magic happened below ground. Of course they hid some areas off limits and I'm cool with that. I practically know their universe; besides, I like surprises.
The tour led to where we are now. Dezmond and co. and I were able to consolidate a deal– a contract. Essentially, me and my so-called legion were mercenaries. I was… heavily against joining EDF. I almost painted the room red. They didn't believe the existence of my legion, didn't see a point in correcting their ignorance.
In point, Dezmond has initiated an operation to invade the insect tunnels, specifically the ones back in Milwaukee. That explains the massive military organizations forming just in their backwards. My task, provide support. Dezmond and the others already made it clear they weren't going to probe for anything. They have a good head on their shoulders. Rare for people to have common sense. I'm mainly speaking of those that think trying to control something that can kill giant bugs as easily as drinking coffee is an easy endeavor. Like I mentioned, decent human beings.
With my observed ability to take down swarms of bugs, I'm tasked as a failsafe. Essentially an escort mission. I'm not complaining, this mission has high ranking items written all over it.
"So, do you agree?"
I don't see a reason to decline, "My legion will be at your disposal."
"Riiiight~ well if they do show up– this legion of yours– make sure to keep them in line," Dezmond, not so much as to order me, but asked with a respectful yet in a no leeway tone.
"Don't worry, any of our guys should give you no trouble. They've already been informed of your deeds and accomplishments," Chris chimed in, "as long as you break shell and rend these insects asunder, our men and women will see you as they see themselves: brothers in arms."
"We're already doing you a favor. We don't need a deep inside to know who you are. You kill bugs and stay out of our way, we'll be just fine," Esmeralda added, albeit ominously.
She doesn't need to tell me twice.
"I'll need mission specifics."
Esmeralda tosses me a data pad. With it was my mission directive. A lot of fluff I didn't read about, just know that I'll be in the vanguard. I'll be solo diving in one of the tunnels in search of the heart: the Queen herself. Once found, Rangers equipped with Flame Cannons and Fencers equipped with Flame Revolvers will then see to it that the entire nest is burnt into a crisps.
"Any questions?" Esmeralda asked.
"Good, You'll be leaving in ten minutes. Do what you will within that time and meet with everyone topside."
She left the room with a silent huff.
"She doesn't really like me, that lass?" I commented.
"That… but it's more on us." Chris sighed.
"Chris and I were against my sister's initial idea of… lets say force," Dezmond clarified, "she's just as angry about us as she is with you."
The friendly nature of the soldiers here, the quite harmless welcome they greeted me, not to mention no talks of experimentation and getting rid of my human rights. Dez and Chris were behind that, "But why?" I asked.
"If something out there was capable of killing giant insects, why be hostile to it," Chris answered off-handedly.
"Besides, if you were really an enemy we'd be dead," Dezmond added on, "I've seen the clip. A lone giant man taking on hordes by himself. You bet your ass I ain't ordering my men to confine something stronger than them."
I see they're reason, yet I find it forced. Something else is at work here. My guess would be my Primarch aura, but they haven't met them since now so that's out. Oh well, not really an issue.
"I'm heading out."
Ending the conversation, I set off. If I'm to be heading inside the jaws of death, I'll need my boys with me.
I wandered topside, seeing the tanks, the helos, the mechs, the troops. I joined up with the vanguard team. They were business orientated– the Ranger squad at least. Their answers were short and to the point. The Fencers were the same minds as well. The Wing Divers though were chatty. It's like seeing and hearing Ruby's talk to you and others. Mingling with future teammates is good practice, gives you the chance to see their habits, character, and form a mental counter to potential falling out within the group. Even though I'm diving solo, there's a chance I'll meet a team or two down there.
Speaking of people, I brought out the character panel. Aze, Xarvass, Frymrorth, and Dembit were about to get their class change. As level ones, they were entitled to a class change only I can grant them. Them being named characters by me, granting them first stage character classes is the least I could do.
Dembit the first Bladeguard.
Frymrorth the first Terminator.
Aze the first Sternguard.
Xarvass the first Vanguard.
They won't be captains, they will be my Praetors. These four will be my sons, my future… Keepers. They will keep the peace, the pride, the honor, the wrath, the vengeance, as well as their freedom. They shall wear it like a second skin. They shall fire molds of glory. They shall be the Keepers of the Draconian Revenants, undying and undaunting.
A title they shall earn thoroughly through fires of war.
Just finished the latest chapter, so you guys get another chapter. Lets just say Chapter 10 was really fun to visualize.