
The Worthy

Mark had come to spend his holidays with his grandfather, his grandmother died 12 years ago in a terrorist attack. his Grandfather felt very lonely, so in the holidays he would take all of his grandchildren, Mark, George and Jeremy on holiday outings, This time they were going to their Aunt Tesse, as the way was very long, they had stopped at a jungle, where they would spend the rest of the night. Although Mark was only 14 he was very stubborn and aggressive, George was 13 and had presence of mind with wiseness and Jeremy, also 14, a computer expert.

Mark stepped out of the mini-van holding his key which he found a few days before the journey, lying on a haystack. He considered it his lucky charm. The forest was all clear and silent except for the birds. There were trees of dozens of different types of fruits, Suddenly Mark saw some movement in the bushes, he turned towards the direction abruptly.

"Hey, What Happened, Are you alright? " asked Jeremy

"I thought I saw something in there", replied Mark

"I think we should check it out" said George

" Hey kids, let me check that

Mark, give me that stick please? " said Grandpa

Mark handed the stick over to him, he shook the bushes with a stick, and out came a squirrel.

" Well, it's just a squirrel, boys." said Grandpa

" What? No way I saw a squirrel there." exclaimed Mark

" So did you expect some big monster there?" teased Jeremy

" Oh! Shut up" said Mark angrily

By this time Grandpa had taken out all the camping equipment.

"Well, boys this area is clean for upto 100 metres except for the trees, but trees of fruits means less wild animals, so there is no need to worry and we can safely camp here." said Grandpa

It was 10 p.m. by the time, they had set up their tents and campfire.

"Oh! I almost forgot, We need to eat something too". said Grandpa