
The World Where Magic is Important

On the October 2021 the meteor shower called The Leonidas shows its beauty. Its name came from the meteor shower called The Leonids, the second biggest meteor shower It changes the world and causes the Living Being to mutate. Beast and Monsters attack the Cities and Town. However, The Humans also Changes. They have a System that help them grow powerful and use magic. However, in the world of magic, The, MCs, has the system Called Beast Taming System. Can our MCs survives or not I, will tell you the story of a Twins, with the help of the System, and bacame powerful enough to protect his family with his beasts. (This is basically my first Novel so plsss and english is not my native language you can also tell me if there errors tnx)

MagiciansWriter · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Ch 1 The Sons of the Matriarch

In the traning grounds of the Ice Lotus Residence, there was a boy sitting silently, Whispers can be hear anywhere in the room.

That boy is the most humiliating young generation of the Clan, because years has passed, but sadly he didn't have any progress. Thats is to say he is basically crippled

However, unbeknownst to them this boy has a special yet strange Mind System¹.

Inside his Mind System there was a beast-like clouds lurking and there was a boy observing it.

"I wonder what is my System Ability and why can't i progress, is it because of Ability System or is it because of me being crippled" doubts and questions flashed through his mind.

He open his eyes and stood up, many eyes landed on him. He immediately walk towards the exit because he is ashamed of himself, ashamed being useless as a Young Master of this clan.

His father died because of the beast parade, when we're about to be born. His mother wanted to suprised him when he came back, but she didn't know that he would never be able see him again or even tell him that she's pregnant.

He kept walking until he's in the residence.

"Mom, I am back!!!" he saw his beautiful mother in the kitchen. Her hair is silver and his eyes are blue just like his twin little brother Axel, and me however is just like my father have a blond hair and a green eyes

"Hey Lance, come here and help me"(Mom)

He went to kitchen and help his mother.

"Hey, Mom where's Axel?"

"i think he's in the library, he love to read books you know." (Mom)

"okay mom, I'll just check Axel if he needs everything"

He went to library and saw his little brother reading and writing in his notebook

"hey, lil'bro you want some water or something"

"Thanks bro, please fetch me some water i am really thirsty"(Axel)


"thanks brother, love you" he cheerfully said

He fetch some water and return to help his mother

*knock knock knock

He went to the door and there stood a man

"hello, is this where Mrs. Laura Deonifer-Maxwell²"

He hurriedly went to kitchen

"Mom, Someone would like to talk to you"

" thanks, honey" (Laura Maxwell)

She walk into the door and picked up the fish she ordered. She goes to the kitchen and cooked for their dinner with the help of Alex.

Sometime later they prepared to eat.

"Mom, i will gonna call Axel"


He called Axel for dinner in the library and come back

"*cough cough* Alex... Axel... are you guys, excited for the System Awakening³. You guys will be turning 16 the day after tomorrow"(Mom)

"Yes Mom, i was really excited i want to see what is my System Ability⁴" (Axel)

"how about you, Alex?" (Mom)

"I... don't know mom, i think its really unnecessary. I can't even cultivate since i started 6 and i am really hopeless" he wants to cry but he can't, because he didn't want to become a burden or humiliation to his lil'brother nor he want him to always protect him. Axel becomes rank Iron-1 when he turns 7 and become rank Copper-1 when he turn 10 and now he was Copper-10 peak, just last step becoming Silver-1. what about him he is just an unranked scum, he wasn't being bullied because of Axel.

"Oh, cut the crap big brother. What if its because your ability system is a bit special?. Its not like you're really crippled you can go into you're mind system right"(Axel)

"That's right sweety. Future are always unpredictable like how i met you're father. When we're in the fore... I mean in the town your father and i are enemy and here i am, gave birth to his twin little angel, Hehe. Ahhh time passed when you are baby i will change your diaper and i will... " however before she can finish, Alex cut her

"Mom!!! Stop it were not kid anymore we're turning 16 and becoming Official ADULT" he hurriedly said

"that's right, Mom, big brother is right, the day after tomorrow will be the our ADULT Ceremony" he add while blushing...

And of course Alex and Mrs Maxwell saw it.

They laugh at him making Axel even redder

"Mom, Lil'brother.... Thanks for comforting me" He removed the tears from his eyes and he didn't even notice it.

"No problem, sweety"(Mom)

"That's right, brother you're too negative"(Axel)

And then they happily chatted each other while eating, Axel and Alex go to their room.

Alex look at Axel, Who was reading, And said

"Hey Lil'bro, Goodnight"

"Hey Bro, is it possible that we can have a pet after Meteor Shower"(Axel)

"I don't know, it is possible because human once have a pet Lion, Hyena, Dog and Cat, Before Meteor Shower. Even birds like Owl, Parrot and Eagles"

"Yeah, I know.... Goodnight Bro, Imma go in the land of dream" and he turn off lamp

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah"

And then he fell unconscious.

he open his eyes.

He was surrounded by trees and bush.

"What the..."

He look around and saw an old man with a wooden staff

"ahmm, Sir where are we?"

The old man look at him and said

"we are in heaven o...." before he even finish, he was cut by Alex

" F*ck, am i dead"

"Hold your horses, young man, i am not even finish yet"

"oh... Sorry Mister"he said. 'oh god, it was embarrassing'

"You are on the Heaven of the Holy beast... And why the hell are you here, aren't you a human?"(The old Man)

"I was in the bed and woke up here"

"ohhh.... How old are you?"he said, sizing him

"I will be 16 in 2 days"he said honestly

"Did you have a beast-like clouds in you're Mind System and can't comprehend it"

"Yes... But, I can't comprehend it" he was full of frustration and guilt, he said.


"HAHAHA god, doesn't forsaken us. Giving us a new descendant" he said

"(cough cough) Young Master, this way please..." he said

However, someone suddenly said. They look at the direction where the voice is coming.

"uhmmm sir, you mean new DESCENDANTS"

"Axel, why are you here?" he said

"i don't know i can't sleep so i read till midnight and sleep..... and here i am" he said, full of confusion

"Y-you have a twin"(old man)

"yeah, we are twins" (the twin)

"this is impossible, only the founder of our sect is the twins since ten thousand years ago"(old man)

"Old man, are you joking, Ten thousand years ago don't even have a magical beast before the meteor shower"

"So he escapes his prison from that planet.... Anyways i will tell what is the reason behind of all this madness while traveling to our palace. Please allow me too carry you, young masterz and i will also explain what is our history of our sect" he said before turning into a human size White Tiger.



"Please seat, Young Masters" He look at them

"How did you do that?"(Axel)

"Oh, that one of the skill of our people... Now young masters please" (White Tiger)

They hop into white tiger and run toward toward a hill

And Jump


"Old Man, You're Crazy WAAAA" (Alex)

Just as they were about to land, a wing made of lightning appear from the back of the White Tiger, and flew to the sky.

Alex look at Axel and laugh

"hey, Axel open your eyes and take a look"


"just look, Young Master"(White Tiger)

Axel open his eyes and look around and he saw a land of trees, gigantic River and the Beast Flying with White Tiger.

"Hey, old man what is your name?"(Alex)

"Me? I am Frank"(Frank)

"Did you lived here all Alone"(Axel)

"No, I am a spiritual Guardian of this Hidden World"

"Spiritual Guardian? Hidden World? So this is hidden from the outside"(Alex)

"Yes, Young Master it is Hidden. Only the Decendant of pure Bloodline and through sleep or meditation can enter this place"(Frank)

"So we will learn this from the palace right"

"Yes, Young Masters"

1) Mind System- it is it like a spiritual mind where you can find where your spiritual space

2) Laura Deonifer-Maxwwellher maiden name is Laura Deonifer

3)System Awakening- a way to get a Sysyem Ability, There is various way to Awaken in this world.

4)System Ability- Every people has can awaken a Common Ability, Rare ability, Unique Ability or an Ancient Ability

Common- Fire Earth, Water and Wind

Rare- Lightning, Dark, Light, Me and Etc

Ancients- this is Ancient Ability it has many Vatiation

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