

Stepping out of the massive shower "food" in tow, returning to the living room to find a slightly flushed Clary who is still devoid of her black jeans as she sits there looking at me nervously, in just her tan panties and multicolored top.

I smile at her and then walk over to the door where my clothes were discarded picking up my pants I put them back on.

While enjoying the way my food slowly dresses itself and then slinks out of my room the Asian milf in a kitchen staff style uniform.

"I'll be back in a few hours to retrieve the cart, Miss Hilton." The milf says to me with a pleasant smile and a light laugh in her voice.

"It was pleasant to make your acquaintance Miss Akira." I reply back to her and shut the door once she's fully out of the doorway.

Walking back into the living room, I sit down across from Clary and watch as she nervously fidgets.

"Wh-what are you, why did you do that to those guys?" Clary asks me in an accusatory tone.

"I am a Vampire, and I killed them…they were going to brutally rape and possibly kill you." I answer Clary's questions calmly and precisely, even though her scent is making me hungrier by the second.

'I am a warrior, not just some mindless animal driven by instinct…how can 50 years undo hundreds of years of training?' I growl in my mind as I feel disgusted with myself for what I've become.

'Unless…Lagertha was the one that kept me disciplined…' A traitorous thought enters my mind unbidden by me.

"V-vampires-aren-" Clary starts to protest that vampires aren't real so I let the change wash over me as I jump through air and tackle Clary down onto the couch and pin her hands above her head.

"Do you see me, do you see what I am, a Vampire has you at his Mercy! I could ravish you, I could rip your throat out and bathe in your intoxicating blood or gorge myself on it…Vampires, Werewolves, Demons…are REAL CLARY AND YOU NEED TO SEE THAT!!!" by the time I finish speaking I'm yelling at Clary who whimpers as I tighten my grip on her wrists and she writhes underneath me maybe in a bain pointless attempt to throw me off of her.

"Why, why are you doing this to me? I'm just a normal girl who likes to draw and paint…please stop, I don't want to see!" Clary sobs underneath me and I realize I've gone too far as I release her wrists and take my weight off of her before sitting down on the couch a cushion down from Clary as she curls into a ball and sobs.

"You don't have a choice Clary…I can smell it in your blood you are a part of the supernatural world…you are the child of the Shadow Hunters…the supernatural police force of the world and protectors of normal humans." I say to Clary softly as I lift her up with telekinesis and set her down in my lap and feel her twist and press her face against my abdomen as she hugs me around my middle and sobs against me.

'Why am I doing this?' I ask myself internally only to find that I am without answer as I start petting Clary's head and stroking out her beautiful red hair.

Every minute ticks by my throat becomes more and more parched, but I force myself to resist entering a sorta meditative state, and years of harsh training…towards a singular goal rush forward to the surface underneath all of that pain and heartache…the blind bloodlust, and I feel something heavy and hot settle into my stomach once more…

"We should probably get you home…" I start to say as I pull out of my trance to hear Clary softly snoring against my abdomen… "I guess it can wait till morning." I mutter softly not even realizing that a small smile has developed on my face as I snake my arms underneath Clary and pick her up as I stand up and walk to the master bedroom.

Laying Clary down on the bed and removing her arms from around my waist, Clary's eyes crack open.

"Stay…please." Clary says with a sleepy softness…and I find myself pushing off my pants and slipping into bed with her, Clary in her panties and top, she quickly shimmies closer to me and rests her head on my chest while her arms squeeze my arm.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

I wake up to the sounds of a woman whimpering and the sensations of warm wetness being stretched by my cock and the taste of sweet hot blood running down my throat that makes my mind explode into white hot pleasure.

When it clears I look down to see Clary pinned underneath me, my fangs buried in her neck as my hips pump my cock in and out of her slit, her eyes are glassy, distant and slowly growing dim.

Her fists are fisted into a pillow, her teeth are biting into said pillow, I can tell that her jaw is locked, I pull away from her, releasing a curse as I do so, as I feel drunk on pleasure.

Suddenly I wake up again to feel the weight of a woman sitting on my thighs and sliding back and forth spotting Clary now devoid of her tan panties, and grinding her wet pink tight little pussy against my hard cock as her hands rest against my chest.

Clary's sweet muffled moans fill the air and I look up to see that her eyes are closed, her head is tilted back and that she's struggling to keep her lips clamped shut as she grinds herself against my hard cock.

I bring my hands up and rest them on Clary's thighs which just makes her gasp and grind herself against me even faster. Clary's mouth falls open as I slide one hand to her ass and slide the other up underneath her shirt as I sit upright.

Sliding my hand underneath Clary's bra I cup her small and soft left breast, Clary's hands transition from using my chest as support to wrapping around my neck.

Clary keeps her eyes shut tight... though even as I deliver a sharp spank to her ass that makes her cry out and when I pinch her nipple lightly between my thumb and forefinger.

Should mc go all the way with Clary, should he lose control and hurt her which will make him pull away from Izzy for her own safety or should he stop Clary put her in her place and kick her out?

Shane_Towncreators' thoughts