
The World Through Her Eyes

Daimos was on the verge of giving up after losing everything to an enemy of his race. That was when a book fell into his hands and could only be wielded by someone who had a certain percentage of Cthulhu's bloodline. He thought this was his opportunity to take revenge, only to realise that he needed a minds eye to access the book. A minds eye that was severed from him. Now he needs another way to access it, and that way existed in a woman called Likyl. Now Daimos has a chance, but the books keep giving him trials that start to get harder and harder. Would he fold and give up or continue his quest for revenge. ____________________________________________________________________________ I had to pause this novel due to some issues. But you can read my other novel Welcome to the supernatural world; what power would you get?

papylion · Thành thị
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15 Chs


It took some time before Thusixla and Likyl finally stopped their harmless arguement.

Though Daimos did stop Thusixla from turning Likyl mad with her minds eye, aside from that, nothing else happened.

"So what are you going to give me?" Likyl may not have noticed it, but due to the constant interruotions caused by Thusixla, she was not as fearful as she was, though it does not mean the fear was still not there.

"That's true." Daimos thought.'I can't give her my blood, nor my saliva, my sweat is also out of it...maybe a strand of my hair will do.' The reason why Daimos decided on giving her his hair was because every fluid in his body was like a toxin to others who were not star spawns or Cthulhu descendants and that also meant his sperm and urine.

Daimos raised his hands to the top of his and plucked a strand of hair from it. He then slowly stretched his hand to Likyl who saw what he did and gave a forced smile.

'He could have given me a drop of his blood.' She thought as she gave Thusixla a side glance.'Is it because of her?'

Daimos saw the look in her eyes and the forced smile and felt he had to clear the misunderstanding.

"Don't misunderstand, every fluid in my body is dangerous to someone like you." He slowly spoke."If i where to give you a drop of my blood, you would slowly die from the inside out. Ingesting my blood is like ingesting a bottle of acid... I think my blood is more corrosive than that?... anyways, the same can be said if i kissed you, that would be even worse." He bent forward a little so that she could clearly see his face."Because of my severed minds eye, I can't control some of my abilities well, some of these abilities are also linked to the soul, since the soul lives in the mind, you have the risk of having your soul absorbed by me if we kiss."

Likyl opened her eyes wide when she heard what he said. He was basically a ticking time bomb without the connection to his minds eye. Only the gods knew what would happen if he tried to activate any ability he possesed.

Likyl did not complain anymore and collected the strand of hair from him.

"Could you help me sit up?" She asked and Thusixla instantly used a tentacle to prop her up on the bed and held her in place.

"Thanks" Likyl said.

"I just did not want Daimos to do it" Thusixla retorted.

Likyl looked at the strand of hair in her hands and looked at Daimos and Thusixla. "Before I do this, can I know why you choose me? Last I remembered I am not the only one with the hive mind ability and with your identity as prince, am sure there are a lot of surbodinates around you... am sorry if am delaying you or my question sounded a bit insulting and I should be happy helping the prince of a race, I just can't wrap my head around why you picked me." Likyl's eyes looked a bit unfocused, as she did not directly look at Daimos and Thusixla.

Daimos and Thusixla looked at each other and it seemed that they had already agreed on something.

Thusixla took some steps back from Daimos and closed her eyes, then suddenly a vertical line appeared on her forehead and opened like a normal eye, it looked like how the Cthulhu race eyes were, but the difference was in the pupils.

The eye looked like a normal eye you would see on a human, but Likyl felt like the more she looked at that eye the more she felt like she was loosing herself.

"I would advise you look away, staring at the minds eye of a star spawn with 20% of Cthulhus' blood is suicide." She heard Daimos's voice and had her vision blocked from gazing at Thusixla.

"Is that where the minds eye is located? I thought it was intangible?... no that's not it" Likyl said going into thought."Yes... I thought it like existed like an ability, like how others can't see my connections to others, but can still feel it... I thought yours was like how others can see it but can't touch it." LIkyl said looking rather confused. Daimos just chuckled. 'The fact she did not go mad from looking at Thusixla already shows she has a powerful mind' He thought.

"The minds eye can be seen and it can also be touched, how do you think the dragons destroyed mine if they could not touch it?" Daimos asked and answered himself."You see, just like how you need the DNA of others in your body to link them to your mind, the minds eye of my race also needs a medium to perform and that's where the eyes come in. We use the third eye on our foreheads to project our powers into this realm and control certain aspects of it." Daimos said as he also opened his minds eye. But unlike Thusixla's, his was hollow.

"The dragons dug out my third eye, so I can't project my powers into this realm." He said, slowly closing his hollowed out eye.

Likyl on the other hand was thinking of some keywords he said. Like, realm and projecting. Why did he use these terms?... Did the Cthulhu race exist in a different reality than others? Or was their power drawn from someplace else?

Likyl had a lot of these questions but was a little bit afraid to ask. Daimos was already showing his sincerity by telling her these words that he was obliged not to say, yet he did.'I will just ask him later.' She thiught as Thusixla finally opened her eyes and closed her third eye, showing that she was done.

"We can speak with worry, no one except those in the Fouth tier of the mind arts can spy on us." Thusixla said proudly.

In this universe, there where two forms of power. Abilities and arts.

But that is a topic for another time.

Likyl was shocked when she heard that Thusixla was actually that powerful in mind arts, then her ability might be even more absurd.

"I guess I can cancel my hallucination mist then... it was really tiring" Daimos said.

Suddenly Likyl realised. 'That was why the room smelled funny... but why hallucination mist, is that his ability?'

"I might look like am free, but am really not, every move I make, think of making, or am making, is being monitored by the staff of the academy incharge of making sure I don't do anything... what was the word?"

"Stupid?" Thusixla said.

"Yeah, thats it, stupid, so I have to make sure that I can have a bit of privacy... and sorry for the smell, usually I use my third eye to bend the people who inhale it, their sense of smell so they won't notice it, but you know."

"Anyways, back to the topic." Daimos waved his hands and the space that Likyl saw infront of him that looked bent parted and she saw a book, a very old one.

It had a strange and complicated pentagram on it's front cover and since the front part was facing her, she did not see how the pages looked like, but from the pages sticking out of it, it seemed the book had seen better days.

"I know you might have noticed the book, anyone that is in the third tier or higher in the arts of the mind can see a blurry space, I on the other hand can only see an old book and if I wanted I can choose not to make it show at all... your case is different, I don't even know how someone that has never learnt a mind art see the book." Daimos said and passed the book to Thusixla.

"You see, we the descendants of Cthulhu have grades... I know you were wondering why I said Thusixla had 20% of Cthulhu's bloodline and the reason is... I don't know either" Daimos said shrugging his shoulders.

Likyl just starred at him like an idiot but did not comment.

Thusixla suddenly opened the book and also her minds eye and starred at the pages. Likyl then saw the black hole like back cover of the book and could not help but shiver.


[Bloodline percentage...20%]

[Percentage those not meet the requirments]

Likyl looked at the book shocked and would have backed away if Thusixla's tentacle was still not holding her up.

"This is the book of the ancient ones, it will only open if the wielder can reach a certain bloodline percentage and it will only reveal it's contents to them... the only problem is that I don't have a medium to project my minds eye." Daimos then looked at Likyl."That is where you come in"

Likyl now felt that things were getting serious... but...

"Uhhh... you pluck another strand of you hair?... I think I lost the other one?"

