
The World Through Her Eyes

Daimos was on the verge of giving up after losing everything to an enemy of his race. That was when a book fell into his hands and could only be wielded by someone who had a certain percentage of Cthulhu's bloodline. He thought this was his opportunity to take revenge, only to realise that he needed a minds eye to access the book. A minds eye that was severed from him. Now he needs another way to access it, and that way existed in a woman called Likyl. Now Daimos has a chance, but the books keep giving him trials that start to get harder and harder. Would he fold and give up or continue his quest for revenge. ____________________________________________________________________________ I had to pause this novel due to some issues. But you can read my other novel Welcome to the supernatural world; what power would you get?

papylion · Thành thị
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15 Chs

Elemental Warfare


This was the name that Lorenzo had been using for as long as he remembered entering the gaming world.

The first time he used this name was when he was ten years old and was playing a VR game that was based on a fantasy world where the players would go around conquering other kingdoms of other players and build large catles and fortresses. It was not a fully imerssive VR game, but things like having countless lovers and even having children in the game was not far fetched at all, it's just you won't see how the deed was done, nor feel it. It would just be a blank screen for some seconds and you will wake up alone in the bed as your lover had already gone.

The was really strict about touching certain parts of the NPC's and the commands you give your servants, like undress, flash or even twerk.

All in all it was good game.

Lorenzo became famous in that game for defeating a gold level player in the game, whiles still being in the iron rank. the ranks started from mud to wood, stone, iron, bronze, silver, gold, diamond and then ends in monarch. Don't know why the dev's made it like that. But that's not what we are talking about.

Lorenzo achieveing such a feat was instantly brought into the spot light and was hired by a streaming company to do streams on their platform, and that's how he rose to fame.

Today, after days of receiving pleas and alot of donations from fans to play the new game called Elemental warfare.

It was also a fantasy like game, but a bit different, due to te plot of the game. It goes like this.

Heroes are summoned to fight in a war that has been going on between races for years. In the game, players can choose who they want to appear as, either as a human, elf, beastkin and even undead.

You have four spawning locations, the temple of summoning in the human kingdom, the sacrificial tomb of the undead race, the roots of the world tree Yggdrasil and the forgotten lands of the damned.

Even if you choose a different race, you can appear at any of these locations, if you wanted.

Now how the game works. It's an open world game were the goal of the players is to be the greatest elementalist in the world of the game and stop the war between the races, and fight the the alien race that would invade, that part of the game would only unlock after someone claims the throne, so there was not much info about it, how to get there?... It all depended on the players and how they play.

How you play determines how you win.

Lorenzo had devised a plan. He was going to spawn in the temple in the human kingdom, slowly win the trust of the temple and raise up the ranks, then start implementing the plan of slowly taking over the temple, after that then the human kingdom.

He wanted to set the stage like the in the first game he played thirteen years ago. Rule and conqure slowly. He did not know how long it will take, but his first goal was to kill the next in line to be priest of the temple....Luke Helios.

But something interesting happened, due to to somehow screwed up time in the game. A day inside that world was like 3 hours. Lorenzo had already spent about five days in the game and had completed some missions and also participated in killing some players that entered as other races to maybe try and see if they could escape the temple. Tho killing them was a pain, due to a bug in the game that the dev's did not see, players could revive almost infinitely, as long as they had enough in game life span and every player had 100 years of in game life span, another bug, since the dev's posted that the life span was supposed to be just 3 years, and if it expired, the players account would be banned for some months, bad news for players who just wanted to play around.

Today would make it day six in the game and the stream was already buzzing with excitement when a notification appeared on Lorenzo's system.

[Temple priestess has issued a mission to cleanse the temple of an unclean race]

[Mission reward>>>>>15,000 xp]

[30,000 gold coins]

[Increase of temple rank]

[Current temple rank>>>> Judgement army foot soldier]

Lorenzo and the other players who had also choosen to join the temple were ecstatic about the rewards. 15,000 XP was the same as slaying the chieftan of any race, and those chieftan's were usually level 20 or higher, and the game was only released about three months ago, so the bugs were acceptable for now, as the at least made it that when killed, 5 years of in game lifespan was removed, the only way to get it back was to level up to level 10.

"It seems this one is those other summoned heroes that aren't players". A player named King_child said already getting ready as he started equiping his items to his second set of gear, so that he could quickly change when the temples robes that gave a 5% buff in all stats and a 3% buff to all magic power.

"I thought they said it was a 1 in a thousand odds to get that." A lady said as she also did the same as King_child, she was called ravenous.

Lorenzo did not join their talk as he summoned his system screen that monitors his live stream and saw the comments of the audience.

"@St3e4l_y0ur_H4r3m, if you land the final blow I will donate 500 stream coins to you."

"The one above is too stingy, I will gift a car"

"Yes, mine is a bottle of bear since am not that rich,*shy emoji*"

"@St34l_y0ur_H4r3m, are you still taking harem members,*gif of proposing cat*"

Seeing their comments, Lorezo felt hyped about this mission and also got ready. Then the leader of the judgement army, an NPC came and briefed them about their opponent.

"According to priestess, there are actually three unclean race in our temple and are said to be using dispicable methods to fight, and the people of the cleansing hall fell into it." The commander looked at the players with a tinge of fear, as he had seen how these men never seemed to die, and how they could easily learn elemental magic spells by just holding the book in their hands. "They are said to be one man and woman of an unknown race and another woman who is an elf who seems to be crippled."

Lorenzo and the other players grew even more excited. 'No wonder the reward was that juicy.' He was already imagining the number of levels he would cover and the equipment he was going to buy, with the gold coins.

"Also according to intel, the unknown of the man and woman are not known as their powers don't seem elemental" The commander continued."And also, for this mission we only need light, fire, earth, and water mages for this mission."

Then instantly the players received another round of notifications.

[You have been chosen]

[Element: light]

Lorenzo grew even more excited as he felt he made the right choice by choosing light as his element, since he wanted the temple to know that he was the best candidate than Luke, by choosing the same ability as his.

[Choosen: 37/100]

[Light mages: 3




[Fire mages: 19

fires are your friends,




The remaining were those who took variations of the elements, like ice, mud, healing and the likes.

"Okay let's move out, the maze system of the temple has been activated and the targets are inside one of the maze passages, so we need to hurry it up."

After sometime of almost dying of boredom, the first thing that caught Lorenzo's eyes was a blue light shining a head in the passage way of the maze. He knew that those aliens were coming and when he saw their appearance and their attire, he instantly knew that they came from a technologically advanced race.

Lorenzo then opened his eyes wide in shock as something crossed his mind, and from how ravenous and some of the other players had the same thought.

'What if this race was what they would face in the future where one of them would be a monarch.'

The commander called out the light mages to step forward and cast a spell to take care of the blue light that was emitting of what seemed like tentacles surrounding the man and the crippled elf, the other was not included. 'Is that elf in the wheelchair the man's lover.' Was what Lorenzo thought as he lit up the passage and was followed by with the fire mages whose fireball spell had not even reached the first tier and so the speed was very laughable.

But then, the girl outside the circle summoned some balls of water and fired them, Lorenzo did not know what happened at first, but the timer and the yes or no button was familliar.



[Life span>>>80]

Lorenzo of course clicked yes and quickly changed his attire to his second set, and so did the others. Now there was fear.

They had not even taken sometime to adapt to the situation and saw what looked like formless spears attack them, some dodged some died. Lorenzo was able live this time but the next thing he saw on the system made him almost die out of anger.

[Boss level fighter detected]

[Possibility of survival: 1.1%]

[Race: Unknown]

The viewers of the live stream also went quite.

That very next day a very shocking piece of news appared. The summoning temple in the human kingdom in the game had been destroyed, only three summoning places existed now. The alien race that was going to invade the world of the game were finally revealed in a grand manner by killing 100 players and destroying a summoning point.

Lorenzo on the other hand looked at his black system window lost.

[Account has been suspended]
