
The World Of Mana

This story is mostly on literally mocking magic in its face in every way possible. That includes applying physics which may or may not make it more realistic,sometimes including jokes and references. Anyway now that i summed it up,if you happen to want to read this,pls tell me what you think so that i can improve this story and make it more better. That's all for now,peace.

Inkthatsfamous · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Chapter16:The Destruction of Ruck and The New Beggining

The Ruck was attacked and their enemy with technology that cannot be resisted when one of the cannon of one of the ships fires it plasma bullets,countless green 'blood' flowed to the ground.

The guardian which supposed to protect them was unable to do its duty as it was killing it's creators one by one.

It was 'hacked' by their enemy as a way to destroy the Ruck from the inside.

And soon the Ruck society ceased to exist, a few lucky ones was able to hide,in a cave which they lived for the rest of their lives.

The Ruck met 'The Barbarians' and a mutual cooperation and understanding was developed as each group knew that one could benifit from the other.

The Ruck soon introduced The Radioactive biological energy or Mana to the Barbarians and something amazing happened.

Magic existed as their ancestors was able to do anything they dreamed,and power to command the sea and sky was under their control.

The Ruck learned from the newly formed 'Magicians' and it brightened the aliens eyes as countless posibilities formed into their minds.

This sparked the beginning of the Order of The Magicians which the Ruck and the Magicians cooperated and treated each other as Brother/Sisters and fought together,yet a massive suprised unfolded once again to the Ruck.

The Ruck found their 'Guardian' which betrayed them,it's eyes back to normal,creating a garden with a sign that only the Ruck can understand.

It says:I'm sorry,I should have fought harder,this is my sign of apology and a way to atone for my sins,your blood and given me life giving me sentience and understanding and emotions ,and for that i can never repay you.

The metal it was build from rusted from all sides,vines form and grew all over 'it' and countless cracks and holes riddles it's body.

The Ruck watched as their creation soon fell down to the ground,it's eyes gleaming no more,it's hands opened up to see a plant within which it tried to plant before it 'powered down'.

The Ruck of course went and saw that their blood was able to accidently form a stone which currupted and powered the 'guardian' more than it should.

The stone was then called 'order' stone as it's composition was not as chaotic and was more powerful than its producessor.

The Ruck saw a hatchling running around,it eyes innocent and filled with curiosity which soon began to water as it watch it's 'parent' die before him,'it' began to try and revive the robot to no avail,no more lights can be seen glimming from its cracked eyes.

It's tears slid down,only to fall to the order stone and as soon as it did,the guardian began to power on once more.

The Ruck watched this from afar,not believing that one of their own was still alive,and it's the leader's son at that!!!.

The Ruck took the child and begrudgingly the 'guardian' as it took the robot back home with its charge.

The Ruck 'touched' by its intention,rebuild their guardian to be a gardener,it will no longer able to use claws that took milions of alien life and will still able to continue its garden which it started.

The Gardener though one day vanished,others grew alarmed at this but was never able to find it.

The child with the gardener uttered a code,order 1120 which means to rebuild and hide.

This however made the Ruck uneased as it only made things complicated and to be put in priority.

And this is the start of a new chase,born from a careless mistake and a worried and anxious feeling that this alien race receive when they remember this incident.