
The World Is Stupidity: And You Are Stupidity.

If it's not wanted, why are they approaching me? Do they like me for a reason. Well, I just want to live freely and then die.... a homeless person who wants to find the truth about his life. Maybe I'm a bum, but my world is my home? Or my house is my world. That's what my life is like! Fight to defy the fate of justice.

Yoredream · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Chapter 29 - chaos and destruction.

On that path full of destruction? The four of them rode a four-wheeled vehicle casually. Passing through various continents and kingdoms and modern countries connected at one time in different eras.

Not just destruction, but on every road they pass? There were so many corpses scattered around, even torn bodies whose identities were not even known.

There is no pleasant death for them, and the peace they feel. Continuous pain and suffering.

the monsters continued to run and fly, preying on each other and prey, killing and destroying. .but they ignored the figure of the kalvhe which was below and near them, because they realized that the kalvhe was an unwanted creature, and their instincts told them not to approach it.

the tiger was preyed upon by the bird, and the bird was preyed upon by the dragon, but the dragon was killed by a group of tigers who were chasing him.

There is no top of the food chain between them, because even the strongest will be killed by the weak. and that is an absolute rule that exists in this Augorsh world, because this rule was created only to show that the primordial is the one who has the right to hold the title of the strongest and peak of everything.

From anyone, and anything. even systems, worlds and universes and the void itself. And those who know that, can only say it is madness and can only surrender to the fate that has been determined.

And on the continent? And very modern cities and dense populations, yes that's how it should be. but currently the city now only has collapsed and abandoned buildings.

"I didn't expect it, even this city too." Said the servant who was holding the steering wheel to drive the vehicle.

"Did you know that?" Asked Kalvhe who was sitting beside him.

"Yes, previously I found a little girl who interested me in this city."

"Little girl?..." Vylloret replied.

"That's right... if I'm not mistaken her name? Seliena Angell."

"Hooo... the name written with the name of an angel huh." Kalvhe brection with that name.

"Does it have anything to do with carrying the name of an angel?" Porosus asked him.

"Not really." Kalvhe answered.

"That's right! It's just that he who uses the name of an angel doesn't mean an ordinary human, but a planned 'wet nurse'." Vyllooret said beside him.

"wet nurse?.."

"You don't know that?"

"Well, I don't seem to be from this world." Porosus answered Vylloret's question.

"Is that so... wet nurse? You could also call it an incarnation or imperfect body of a figure who was killed in the past and takes a different form at every wish."

"Can that be called reincarnation?"

"You could say that, but not really. Figures in the past are immortal, they cannot be killed or die. they just disappear and the disappeared existence of an immortal figure can be called dead, but in fact they are still alive but in a different form and the memories have disappeared." Vyllooret explained that.

"I see... I understand a little, So the child named Seliena Angell is actually an immortal figure in the past who has lost the reason."

"Yes, you could say it like that."

"But no matter how immortal a figure is, they will die if they lose their reason, and it is impossible to survive in the world even if they have to take a different form themselves." Porosus muttered that, and the servant answered.

"Losing reason doesn't mean they will be killed, but reason itself doesn't apply to those who are immortal beings, like the 99 Ancient Mythologies that existed in the first creation."

"But weren't they killed in the past, and for some reason he revived?" Porousus answered him.

"That's right, even though they are not bound by reason, they can still be killed. And that cannot be denied, because the one who killed someone like that in the past was him." the waiter said.


"The meaning of the servant is.— Eo'S." Kalvhe answered in silence.

"That...." Porosus fell silent.— 'Eo'S? My master once told me about that strange existence, it was said that he was the figure who destroyed the first creation and the existence within it, and my master also said that he managed to survive it because of his surprising luck.' then they continued their journey.


"Mrs Vanma, we did it." shouted Owlen who had succeeded in subduing all the figures in that place, and now everyone was prostrating themselves in front of Vanma and them.

"True... but this is really very tiring too." she replied sitting on the ground, and the snake approached him spoiledly.

"Yes, yes, you are a great snake..." he said, then the snake's face looked very happy and surrounded Vanma even more.

"That's right! I haven't given you a name, isn't it a snake? What if your name now is 'Snaven Do you like it?" Vanma asked.

"Ohhh... snaven? That's a really nice name, isn't it." The old man was enthusiastic.

"Snaven? Master, I like that name." He answered with happiness, then flew in the dark air with his splendor.

"In that case? Snaven, can you take us away from this world?" she said, then Snaven nodded and carried Vanma and Owlen on his back.

But suddenly a strong pressure was felt, and Snaven, Owlen and Vanma fell suddenly with force, the three of them hit the ground and even made a hole with their bodies.

'what happened.' thought Owlen who couldn't even open his mouth because of the pressure, even Vanma and snaven felt the same way too.

Their helplessness and complicated thoughts that were unknown at this time, suddenly a huge and resounding sound was like the voice of the arrogant and cold world.

"Stop!!!... After killing so many of my troops? Do you think I'll just let you guys go?" The sound was so loud and loud, that it made the pressure feel even stronger.

'Who? This pressure is very strong, I feel he has the same strength as master Zyvaness? Like the absolute law of words, is it true that the words he just said were orders? Thought Vanma who was still pressed above Snaven's head.

"Say? Who ordered you to come to this world?" The figure ordered.

Vanma saw him, he was an unknown figure, only looked like a big shadow and six arms on his big body. and the body alone seemed as big as the world, while the figure's head and feet were completely invisible.

"Aaa....aaa.—" because the order was so strong, and wanted everything to be revealed, Owlen couldn't resist the order, and was she without any basis for her desire? Owlen was just about to say the name 'Zyvaness', but Vanma immediately silenced her mouth with the tip of the scythe he was holding, even though he was a little forceful.

"Say..." the voice grew louder and the pressure stronger, as if the sky itself was falling on the two of them.

".... do not expect." Vanma shouted back breathlessly.

"Hoooh... you dare to yell at me with that little mouth of yours?" At that time the pressure was getting stronger, the figure was getting bigger and bigger, then one of the shadow's arms was seen moving.

'What? Impossible...' Vanma and Owlen are getting more and more pressured underground and even Snaven is no longer visible because he is buried in the ground due to the pressure.

Seeing that, Vanma realized that it wasn't just his imagination, but the hand was actually moving, and she felt strong pressure from the hand. even now his body felt thinner and would break if the hand moved any closer to him.

'no.. no.. no..' Vanma said that many times.

And it happened? The hand got closer and closer, and made blood come out of their eyes, nose, ears and mouth. but the hand still continued to move, even the plain itself trembled due to lack of strength, and cracks occurred, black mountains erupted, all the laws and orders in the world rebelled because of the pressure that was impossible to withstand.

and once again the timeline was destroyed, but suddenly the shadow of the circle appeared and turned the gears of the world and resisted all the pressure caused by that absolute power.

"Hmm... who are you?" asked the huge shadow when he saw the swirling purple mist shadow under the cracked moon.

But what the big shadow figure was waiting for was now meaningless, because the circular shadow was just silent and didn't answer him.

"Can you answer my question." the sound grew heavier and the world shook once more.

But as it happened before, the circular shadow now moved the gears of the world again and made it able to withstand the pressure from that huge figure.

But not only there? The huge figure moved one hand again and attacked the circular shadow very hard, but it was bounced away before it touched the shadow directly.

"Hoooh... You actually ignored my attack and made it bounce back?... that's really great." he admired it, and clapped his hands, the clapping of the six hands ravaged the world with its shock waves, and more than 90% of life in that world was killed instantly and Vanma, Owlen and Snaven were no exception.

and not only destroying, but the shock wave is able to flatten the world so that it is flat and has no holes or bumps, as pure as space that has no evil.

"Look at my greatness, just a clap of my hands can destroy this world..." he said and he laughed.

but at that time? Swizeee... can you hear a fast swirling sound? The circular shadow suddenly spun very quickly, and it was not known what it was doing, but suddenly everything returned to normal, and it was as if nothing had happened before.

even Vanma and the other two felt that there was something strange about just now, because she knew that previously he was actually killed by that absolute power.

"Not fun! What a nuisance..." Said the figure in a slightly annoyed voice..

The circular shadow continued to spin rapidly and ignored all attacks in front of it.

"Tch... you have truly terrifying self-confidence! But, can you take this attack?" then at that time the six arms were directed simultaneously right at the shadow of the circle.

because of the strong pressure that was many times that of one arm before, and with all six arms now? The world was destroyed once again leaving not even the slightest dust behind.

"Die..." he said with the weight of the six fists aimed at him.

But surprisingly, the circular shadow just stayed in place and received the attack without the slightest resistance.— Swezzzz... only the sound of the vortex was heard.

"Tch..." the figure looked annoyed? He realized that the circle shadow did not receive the slightest effect, and the huge figure was now angry again and attacked the circle shadow figure in succession. to the point where the attack turned back on himself and seriously injured every surface of his hand, and the wounds continued to be produced when he made a strong attack on the circular shadow.

There was no blood or flesh, only dimensional fragments were visible in the hand wound, as if the huge figure itself was the embodiment of the universe which contained many worlds within it, and he was moving to dominate other worlds and the afterlife.

He ignored the wound, and continued to attack the circular shadow continuously, even making it all but zero percent possible to recreate the world in that place, because the attacks released by the figure and the abandonment of the circular shadow made the system in That place became destroyed and the void that was formed over countless millions of years became an empty void that could not be filled with anything.

"More...more...more." The huge figure continued to hit the circular shadow without stopping, even to the point that nothing remained in that place and even everything disappeared, such as darkness, emptiness and color to show the elements that existed. And instantly at that moment.

"it's better to stop doing that pointless thing." A loud voice sounded, and a figure resembling a human form appeared in front of the circular shadow, with its body covered by loose black cloth, and twenty pairs of wings spread wide on its back.

"What..." the huge figure was shocked, not only did he not notice his arrival, but his arrival alone was impossible because everything had become an empty void, but the figure could appear in that place without anything happening to him, even the figure The little thing was able to with stand attacks from his six arms directly and even grasping all six at once.

"Who are you..." shouted the large figure... but suddenly the large figure bounced and disappeared before he heard his name.

"Again? Even if I told you my name, you wouldn't know it." Zyvaness said in a cold voice and the phenomenon occurred.