
The World Is Still Beautiful

The world we know is gone. Humans, with great display of power and hubris have challenged both Heaven and Hell using their own powers that have been harnessed into scientific marvels and horrors and made Earth their battleground. This event was then affectionately monikered as the "Ragnarok"- a series of events and catastrophes that will ultimately lead to the end of the world. Continents and tectonic plates shift as the war's effects slowly changed the world's topography. The Old Earth's countries are gone; merged into new, twisted, and warped nations that have become the result of Ragnarok. Not only humans roam this earth anymore. Accursed demons, anthropomorphic beasts, and even nature is a double-edged blade. Almost everything is hostile and life-threatening, but not impossible to traverse. One just has to be smart and resourceful.

aeillovara · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


"A goddess..." Deb subconsciously mutters. Whether it was the adrenaline leaving his body as relief sinks in or it was the light lulling him to sleep, it was taking a toll on his mind and body. The only thing left worth mentioning running through his thoughts was if Ciel was safe. Surely she was, she's a strong kid for being frail. However, what happens if she collapses on the dirt path trying to find people? Did she make sure to eat something when she was tired or weak? Is she okay? Is she safe? "Ngh..." His body would shudder trying to get out of this languid state. He should be ashamed- he left the kid out here in the forest all alone to fend for her life when she could not even save herself picking up an apple from his shoulder. What kind of guardian is he? "Ciel... I'm... sorry..."

"Sorry for what, human?" An angelic- almost choir-like cascade of voices bless the forager's ears. It causes the male to refocus his darkening vision, finding the brilliance of the perceived goddess' form to be too bright for his eyes. "I..." He was compelled to reply. Her question had to be answered. "...left a kid... all alone... in the forest..." Words trickle in as he coughs, dried blood crusting at the corners of his lips.

"Is the forest unsafe? Wrapped in danger?" The seemingly inquisitive voice of this otherworldly woman turned as humane as he was; brimming with curiosity, searching for answers. Come to think of it, does this girl's voice not sound... innocent and childish? "No... there aren't... any dangerous... wildlife here..."

"Then why worry?" What a straightforward question. Why worry indeed? "Because... a guardian... needs to keep... them protected... at all times..." Deb would continue to try speak fluently, but coughs and the lingering, uncomfortable pain from his dislocated shoulder. "Are you a guardian?" She would ask. He tilts his head with effort, trying to look for the girl's face. She was closer than he thought- inches away from their noses touching each other. "O-of Ciel... yeah..." If he could blush, he would. The goddess was youthful and held a beauty befitting her grace and wonder. Before she could speak, the male would beat her to it first.

"G-goddess... If I... may be so... presumptuous to ask..." He would muster the courage, trying to gulp saliva down his dry throat.

"Mmm? What is it?" Blinking purely, she listens intently.

"C-could you perhaps... restore my shoulder...?" He requests, locking his lilac eyes reflecting off of those shiny orbs of hers.

"Why would I do such a thing?" A valid question, but with her lack of malicious intent had struck the man deeper than he thought possible.

"Your landing... caused such an injury... I was trying to protect Ciel... and got blown back from the explosion of your entry..." Deb would explain an abbreviated version of the event.

"Oh. I see!" As if only now realizing that this was, to an extent her fault, the girl would procure light threat from her finger tips into a sheet of warm, glowing silk, wrapping it sloppily around his inflammation. Like a syringe stabbed into him and giving a dose of a cure all, it feels as if the time had rewound for his shoulder to return to its past uninjured state. "Here you go! You owe me, right?"

"I..." Even his past state of discomfort disappeared. He felt as if the accident never happened. "I guess so, yeah...?" It made sense. She saved his life, technically. However, the cheeky smile on this girl's face and those expectant eyes had him bracing for the worst. What type of somehow insane request is she going to make of him? "Then I will avail this favor right now, at this second!" She would beam. Nothing but purity in her face. "W-what is it...?" Deb found himself pressing his back and clinging onto the bark of wood against him instead of being more grateful to the figurehead of god in front of him.

"Can you also be my guardian?" And only then would they be surrounded by soldiers with carapace shields salvaged from various mutated aquatic life under the sea. Every man would look like a different version of Frankenstein's monster if the types of pieces and limbs used would be from mutated fishes and crustaceans for armor. Sharpened fins for swords and long, fortified fish bones for spears would point at them at a great distance.

"Woah, woah woah!" Deb would jerk up and instinctively push the girl back to him. Only then would their height differences be cleared up- finding that the goddess is smaller than him by half a head. About a dozen men have them on all sides, weapons first. "Hand us the peace disruptor, forager! The head guard would bark out, showing authority unaffected by a small height difference. It causes the male to extend his arms and hands out, not wanting these weapons to get even closer to them as it is now.

"Relax, guys! She's not a disruptor, she's uhhhhh..." The man would sizzle his tongue and make idle gestures, opening and closing his hands to try and stall them while he thinks of an excuse. Looking back at the girl, she would lean forward for him and give a pretty smile, staying silent so he can work his magic; whatever it was. "She's just making sure the place was safe all around the meteorite landing, right?" He would signal the goddess with a nod to show herself and confirm this for them.

The girl would nod vigorously, clinging onto his once injured arm. The head guard cocks an eyebrow, dubious. "Was she with you? Does any of you guys know if this guy was with another person?" He would ask his fellow guards, only for one to inform that he only had the kid that was strapped on the head guard's back as an extra companion. "Then where did you come from then, lady?" What a troublesome question. Everyone could see the sheer confusion on her face as she scrunches to find a lie to get herself out.

"You guys don't remember this pretty lady as one of the foragers? I think she'd be a memorable person to see?" Deb's smile was killer- while not the most proactive with charming women, he has the looks and that smooth voice to pull it off. They would scan the woman closely within the distance, the girl giving them her pearly whites. A blush also can be seen across her face after the double compliment.

"Her outfit looks like a rich person's. Looker, too. Did she come from Bimberi?" asks one guard.

"How could someone from the north east suddenly pop up here?" brings up another.

"Do any of you keep track of our population? Or even the other four people that was the month's foragers?" The head guard would ask. Twynam is a safe haven, hence has the most amount of people that's could come from any other mountain. It has a good chance of their own hypothesis could be used for these two's plan.

"Come on, don't you see she's from Bimberi? Does the white, thick dress not do it enough for you guys? Look at her translucent scarf, it covers her neck enough but is still see through with special type of fabric! Not a lot of people would spend such gaudy clothing but rich people, right?" His tone shifts up and down, enunciating specific words to sell his point. They had no cards to play here other than bluff until the devil laughs at their faces. Sweat poured down the male's neck, but his eyes shift around for confirmation across the men. Some have lowered their weapons, but the head guard remained vigilant, if not uninformed.

"He's got a point. What's your name, lady?" The head guard would ask, pointing his sword at her. Ophelia jerks up for a moment, caught off guard. "Ophelia San Deva!" She would say without a moment's hesitation, bowing to them with a royal curtsy, complete with dainty fingers pinching her dress and flourishing them as a peacock would. Flawless, and undoubtedly not an act. Looks too natural with a flow on it.

"San Deva? What kinda name is that? Never heard of that before. Not even local Bimberi names. Pretty unique, aren't you lady?" But the knowledgeable leader would not buy her flourishing. "You a runaway princess? Looks like we can fetch you a pretty penny." The looks on the guards turn twisted; their goals shifting from apprehending them for questioning, to apprehending them- nay, her, to be sold.

"...guys? That's not- wait, hold on." At least their weapons were down, surely to not damage the goods. Deb would accidentally crush the goddess against the tree, making her squeak like a little cat. "Uhhh... if you have any life saving abilites, could probably use it now..." He whispers to the goddess. "Duck!" She would say, with him catching on. The girl procures a ball of shining light in her hand, the size of a marble, and then snapping to make it explode, blinding everyone exposed to it for a short moment.

"Now!" She would signal, as Deb scanned readily for Ciel. On the hunched head guard would she be tied to. Taking a deep breath, "Here goes nothing...!" He would dip and circle around this person, reaching for his front to untie the knot that has the little sister tied to his back, then kicks him to the ground.

"Let's go, follow me!" In one arm was Ciel cradled, while the other hand held the silvery girl, the man would sprint to the direction of the forest's entrance, confident that there was not any more guards there.
