
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Kỳ huyễn
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The original empty night looked at Cheng Yixian, "Oh? Trying to find out? Do you mean to see what his potential is?"

Cheng smiled and said, "If he really has enough strength, maybe we can consider co-opting him to fight those bases together!"

The original empty night frown unfurled, seems to have some intention.

Cheng went on to persuade: "The whole of Tianhai City, where there are really important resources, is occupied by four shelters. Although we have a large number of people, our resources are extremely scarce."

"Although there is blood vine, it allows us to use the substitution method to get food. But it's not a long-term solution."

"Just like today, the two bases of Chaoyu and Yangsheng joined forces to invade, and our resistance was very difficult." Were it not for their scruples and refusal to fight with us to the death, they would be afraid to teach us that today's crisis would be difficult to overcome."

"So, I think we should develop a helper."

Cheng's eyes dimmed, "Especially if we need a helper like us."

The original empty night after thinking for a moment, slowly nodded.

She thought Cheng had a point.

Based on the current strength of their worship of snow, if it is a life-and-death fight, any of the three bases may be able to defeat them.

She needs to stall.

Wait long enough to make yourself stronger!

"Well, then, let the Great Decree go and test his strength!"

"If he really has the ability to fight the base, perhaps from now on, the pattern of Tianhai City will have earth-shaking changes!"


Shelter, Zhou Ke 'er's infirmary.

She was wearing a white lab coat and carefully examining the slides under a microscope.

Zhang Yi leaned on the table behind her and asked lazily: "How is it, do you know this thing?"

Zhou Ke 'er at this time in the study, is Zhang Yi before from the highland and other people's hands to get stimulants.

At that time, it let ordinary people instantly have a body comparable to inhuman, really gave Zhang Yi some shock.

So he became interested in the drug and wanted to study it.

If it works really well, he can use it later for people in the shelter.

Even if the side effects are severe, it can keep you alive in the Nick of time.

Or just knowing how it works, so you can deal with someone in possession of it in the future.

Zhou Ke Er slowly raised his head, turned to Zhang Yi and said: "This drug is a military stimulant, usually only soldiers on the battlefield will be equipped." It is very powerful, can greatly improve the human body function, and can keep people up for three days and three nights!"

"I've seen this drug before in my teacher's lab, but this is the first time I've seen it used," she lamented.

"In terms of efficacy, it's ten times stronger than the one I gave you before!"

"And, of course, the intensity of the side effects is enormous."

Zhang Yi asked curiously: "How big?"

Zhou Ke 'er smiled mysteriously, "This drug can only improve the body's use of energy and speed up human metabolism." It's actually a crazy overdraft."

"With the last time, it is very common to lose more than ten pounds." And it will make people sore all over, and people with good physique can recover for more than half a month. People with poor constitution, "she spread out her hand," may die directly."

Zhang Yi could not help smiling and sighed: "Sure enough, there is no free dinner in this world." A drug that makes you stronger without side effects really doesn't exist."

But Zhou Ke 'er heard but slightly frowns, after thinking for a while, slowly said: "Maybe, not necessarily."


Zhang Yi's eyes fixed.

"Is there really such a thing?

Zhou Ke nodded and then shook her head.

"I have heard in the past that the military has been studying this drug to improve soldiers' ability to fight and try to avoid too many side effects to keep them fighting."

"It may not be possible to completely eliminate the side effects, but it can reduce them to a very low level."

"And, of course, the drug is outrageously expensive. So far, it has not been used as a stimulant by the military.

Zhang Yi said: "That is to say, it is possible to meet in the future, but the probability is not so great?" Ok, just have a number in mind."

He folded his arms and whispered, "It seems that we must be cautious when we meet ordinary people in the future." The power of technology cannot be underestimated!"

Zhou Keer took off her white gloves and prepared to clean the lab equipment.

Zhang Yi casually chatted with her about other topics.

"Kerr, do you remember that drug I used before?"

"Uh, a drug for diarrhea?"

Zhou Ke 'er looked back at him curiously, wondering why he had suddenly brought this up.

"The last time you used it, it was in Yuelu small District! You still have that thing?"

The smile on Zhang Yi's lips is slightly mysterious.

"Maybe it'll help! It's better to be cautious, to be prepared."

He touched his nose and asked, "You said it had a lethal dose of 0.1g, what effect would it have if a small amount was used?"

Zhou Ke 'er did not know what Zhang Yi wanted, but answered truthfully: "Too much trace does not need to be considered, the detoxification function of the human body can exclude it."

"However, if you control the amount of the drug, about 5% of it, the kidney can not completely eliminate it, will form a toxic in the body."

Zhang Yi nodded: "Will it die?"

Zhou Ke 'er shook her head: "Of course not! Why else would there be a lethal dose?"

But, she added, "If you take it consistently, the effect is completely different."

"It causes the organs of the body to slowly fail and can lead to death if not treated."

At this point, Zhou Ke 'er could not help smiling.

"But in such a harsh environment today, the human body itself is very fragile, and then ingesting this drug, I am afraid it can only slowly wait for death!"

Zhang Yi nodded: "So so ah! What you say makes perfect sense."

Zhou Ke 'er glanced at him and asked with a smile, "Isn't there a mouse in the house?"

Zhang Yi's smile became more mysterious.

"Not at home. But there are out there."

Zhou Ke Er looked puzzled, "This ice and snow, where can there be rats outside?" You're afraid you're not doing something magical."

"But... It's not absolutely true, there may still be rats hiding in the sewers!"

Rats, animals accustomed to living in squalid conditions, are more resilient than humans in the face of disaster.

Zhang Yi shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe! If cats can mutate now, why can't mice? Maybe someday the rat will become the ruler of the blue star, who knows?"

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