
The beginning

"RUN"! I heard my colleague yell as the dead were trying to make their way through the glass doors. I'm frozen in fear as I never thought this would happen, I grab my car keys and run trying to find a way to get to the car.

I finally find an exit that isn't surrounded by the dead. I make my way around the building and see my car! " thank God " I say as I get quickly unlock the car and drive out of work.

I turn in the radio to hear what's going on

" if you can get home do it now be safe and do not get bit !"

As I'm driving I see innocent civilians being eaten alive by the dead, children screaming for their parents to save them, busses on fire, cars piled on top of each other.

All I could think about was if my kids and husband were safe, I make my way to my neighborhood and see that nothing is damaged " I sigh with relief "

As I see my husband's truck at the house.

I pull into the driveway and run into the house " BABE " I yell while running frantically through the kitchen

"LOVE " I hear my husband shout. I run upstairs and into his arms sobbing " I was so worried I didn't know if you were okay !" I mumble into his chest still shaking with fear.

" I'm alright my love as soon as I heard what was going on I picked up the kids and came home right away, I knew this come looking for us here "

"we've gotta pack w-we have to pack up medical s-supplies, ammo, guns, food, clothes... Anything we need to survive"

" don't worry my love I've already gotten almost everything packed up the truck is loaded up I've got everything to keep you all safe "

~ a few hours go by ~

Suddenly the lights flicker and then the power shuts off, we knew at some point this would happen. I and the kids start living candles so we can continue eating dinner, one of the last good dinners we will most like ever have for a while.

Soon after dinner I bathe the kids and get them ready for bed just like any other night. Once they are tucked into bed I make my way to me and my husband's bedroom and jump in the shower.

" may I join you, love?" I hear my husband's deep voice coming from the door. " sure baby you can help wash my back " I chuckle trying to make light of the fact that the work is coming to an end.

Finally, we are laying in bed just talking about anything other than what's going on; enjoying each other, company when we cuddled hear gunshots and screaming coming from outside.

My husband leaps up and looks out the window and what he sees is terrifying and what he says next scares me to death.

He looks at me with terrified but serious eyes "get the kids and the bags we don't go now!! They're here!